
Rusticus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rusticus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Hey Joe, why not do the world a favor and reduce the carbon foot print.

1 point

Damn, I can't make my mind up. Now I don't think I want the GOP to go away completely. They could stick around and be a punching bag for a few decades. Probably better to have a GOP in a greatly diminished form to give the impression that by belonging to it, the GOP would have relevancy - but in reality it wouldn't. It would just serve as a decoy to dissuade the hillbillies from forming a real political party.

One things for sure, this is gonna be interesting.

2 points

I hope this means an end to the Republican party. I'm watching Texas like a hawk. If Texas goes blue the GOP is fucked. Actually, that was already going to happen in a few more election cycles but I'm hoping that Trump will make it happen tomorrow. Trump has made Republican a dirty word. After they burry the corpse they'll regroup under a new name. I wonder if they'll cut the pretense and just call the next incarnation the Nazi party.

With a little luck the Democrats will take all three branches, stack the court and run the fucking game for the next 50 years.

1 point

The man who said that people parading around with Nazi flags were good people is a Nazi.

If you think that man should be President of the United States, you're a Nazi, AND you hate America.

So fuck you, you anti-American Nazi scum bag.

2 points

but I want to be a Christian, and a centrist.

Trump isn't a Christian or a centrist or a Republican for that matter. Trump is a grifter, crook, liar, and his greatest achievement - CULT LEADER.

Rusticus(809) Clarified
2 points

This is all about the power of propaganda. Very few people realize the power propaganda has. The right wing has used propaganda very deftly. The left can't get it's shit together and do anything about it. You have right wing radio talk show hosts getting idiots so worked up that they grab their guns and drive to NYC to run into a pizza shop with no basement to save nonexistent children in the nonexistant basement from a satanic pedophile ring led by Hillary Clinton.

The right wing has tapped into a ragging river of idiocy and stolen tens of millions of weak minds.

2 points

Ask me after the smoke clears.

We're on the verge of a civil war or probably more likely, violent uprisings in a lot of places around the country.

Hillbilly empowerment is dangerous.

I have a hunch this might be good for the country in the long run. Not the the half million dead Americans, that's never going to be good. But there are aspects that could become much better such as the death of the current poisonous right wing ideology. The old expression: "Give them enough rope to hang themselves" comes to mind. But there are a lot of examples of right wing delusional thinking such as that the vast majority of climate scientists are wrong but the tiny number of climate scientists who work for large fossil fuel companies are right. Or that voting for Republicans is good for the working class. Then there's racism, another cornerstone of right wing ideology.

Call me Pollyanna, but I wonder if this disaster might very seriously damage or even kill the conservative movement. I usually call it the conservative bowel movement but I wanted to be polite. Pollyanna was polite.

3 points

No. He's just taken the old standard Hitler used and modified it for Twitter.

That is an absolutely brilliant statement.

Rusticus(809) Clarified
2 points

That's because many of those outside the womb have proven themselves to be ass holes ;)

Assholes who vote republican and think they have the right to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

2 points

This shit where you just argue the complete opposite of reality only works on stupid people.

Sometimes it seems that stupid people outnumber us, and they usually have a bunch of stupid kids.

2 points

Forbes List of World's 20 Happiest Countries








8.New Zealand





13.United Kingdom


15.Costa Rica



18.United States

19.Czech Republic


Supporting Evidence: Forbes List of happiest countries (
3 points

When Trump was standing on the balcony, when he peeled off his mask and stood there defiantly, that was Mussolini incarnate.

2 points

I think the foundational problem here is that American society is sick. We worship celebrities and money. Trump is (or so we thought) a rich celebrity and he has a very quick devious mind and has been able to capitalize on his celebrity in such a way that he was able to become President of the United States.

We Americans have very little depth of character anymore. We are shallow, TV addicted, phone addicted, sports addicted nothingheads.

Rusticus(809) Clarified
1 point

Trump does exactly what Putin tells him. Putin owns Trump.

1 point

I'm starting to get it Joe, you're a bit of a psychopath yourself aren't you? I guess that explains how you fell into the Trump cult.

2 points

"If you think EITHER candidate walked away looking good then you must have fallen asleep through the whole thing."

I'm afraid you've bought into the false equivalency non-sense. That debate (if you want to call it that) was all about Trump violating the rules of the debate that he and his staff agreed to. It wasn't really even a debate, it was a vicious assault by Trump. Trump was clearly the aggressor. Joe Biden didn't wreck that debate, he was only trying to defend himself rather than just take Trumps assault without a challenge which would have made him look weak.

I'm surprised you didn't see it for what it was.

2 points

"We're not going to end up in a nuclear war ;)"

You don't know that, in fact it's become obvious that you don't know anything.

You want to put a clearly deranged maniac back in the White House, a man who doesn't give a damn about the country or it's people. Because he's a psychopath, all he cares about is himself.

Why do you hate America so much that you want to keep an obviously deranged maniac in the White House?

Rusticus(809) Clarified
3 points

I still think this is all a hoax ....

You're statement is 21 hours old as I write this. I'm wondering if you're changed your mind. I'm convinced that it isn't a hoax because in order for that to be true you would have to have a hospital (Walter Reed) full of doctors playing along.

I'm convinced he does have the "KUNG FLU". (Trumps own hilarious name for COVID)

1 point

I'm pretty sure the meds are calling the shots. She's really something.

2 points

Prepare yourself for an onslaught of gun worshipers demanding that you understand that there should be ZERO restrictions on gun ownership.

2 points

I want some. I'm tired of having idiots in jacked up compensator pick-up trucks behind me with a bunch of headlights on bright blinding me.

No matter how high they jack that truck up it won't make them any taller. I always get a kick out of the short guys that crawl out of those monstrosities. A lot of the time they're shorter than their driver doors rear view mirror. Hilarious.

By the way, I'm not anti-truck, I own one, but I can get in and out of it without a ladder.

2 points

America is a melting pot. Immigrants built this country and while they were building it miscreants continually bitched about them speaking a foreign language. Over a generation or two they assimilate and melt into society. That's the way it's always been and there's no good reason to change it. Some of them never even attempt to assimilate and that really pisses off the dullards. Some Chinese people move here and move into a Chinese neighborhood and never learn English, but quite a few of them are really good cooks. Then you have the Chinese that come here and pack themselves into a tiny apartment. They do jobs that no one else wants to do. They pool their money, they know the value of a good education so the kids all go to college and they become doctors or lawyers or become highly skilled tradesmen or they start their own business and it seems like in no time at all they're living in a mansion and driving an expensive luxury car. They work hard and spend their money wisely.

That drives the numb-nuts ape shit.

2 points

I've had several paranormal experiences during my life so I know there is something there but I don't know what it is. I'm just an observer. I don't think ghosts are alive therefore I don't consider being a ghost being alive after death. There is a presence there but not a life. On the other hand, what the hell do I know anyway? I just have my opinion.

3 points

You poor sick miserable bastard. You are really stuck in a rut.

When you die you're going to make one super creepy miserable ghost. You're gonna be a pain in the ass forever.

As miserable as you obviously are, you are truly an example of one who should be pitied rather than condemned.

1 point

Hey that was a pretty cool link. I didn't know that was available. I had my Y DNA test done through FTDNA and I had my mitochondrial DNA done through 23 and me but I don't think they have anything like what you have there. My results were pretty bland, UK and northern European which was pretty much what I expected but I was hoping to learn I was a Genghis Kahn descendant but no such luck. There are quite a few Kahn descendants in the UK so I has some reason to hope but it was a no show.

1 point

I care what race Jesus was because most Christians I know are racists and I love to point out to them that Jesus wasn't the light skinned blonde haired blue eyed European he's almost always depicted to be.

I know it will take about 10 seconds for the first racist so called Christians to attack me for what I've said here. The first question they're going to ask is this: "How do you know Jesus wasn't white? He could have been!"

They really hate to think even for a second that Jesus wasn't white.

Not all Christians are racists, but I sure have met a lot that are.

Then of course there's the question of whether or not Jesus even existed but that's a question for a different thread.

1 point

There once was a pedo from London, who lived with his father and mum mum. A job he had none, his poor parents undone, crying what in the world have we done done?

2 points

I'm hitting too close to home eh? All you can do it repeat yourself. A broken record.

Stay away from the kiddies.

1 point

Oh my God, you're a virgin. Wow. What went wrong with you? Obviously a very sad story there. How old are you?

Are you still living with your parents?

I'm beginning to get the picture with you. The reason you have so much hostility towards women. Is there any truth to the claim you're a pedo? I don't expect you to admit it, but I have to wonder.

Obviously there's something deeply twisted going on with you.

Just tell me what it is. This tread is so deeply buried nobody will ever see it. I've known a couple of pedophiles in my life and both times I was surprised to find that they wanted to talk about their infatuation with children. In fact, they wanted to talk a lot more than I wanted to listen. I didn't want to hear it yet somehow they gave me plenty of clues to get a picture. One time I had a watch partner who was a fantastic sailor. He was very highly skilled, it was a real pleasure to work with him. But then the dark side emerged. He never came right out and said it, he told me stories about things that had happened to him. I didn't figure it out until I was back home and had some time to reflect on comments he had made. I finally put it all together. While we were at sea I didn't want to believe it. I was in denial. I don't think he could help himself.

You do know what I'm talking about don't you?

Come on now Dermot, now's your chance to unburden yourself.

2 points

Stop dodging the question Dermot. Are you still a virgin?

2 points

In absolute fairness that's American English. British English is different. We spell verbs ending "ized" with an s instead of a z.

Point taken, my bad. I'd completely forgotten about the differences between the two countries. Why do we have a different version of English here? I don't like it, if that keeps up eventually we'll be speaking different languages. We Americans should do away with that nonsense.

Dermot, I'm so sorry I accused you of that misspell. I'm really deeply sorry!

Ok, I know that even you aren't stupid enough to buy that apology.

1 point

In other words you can't say anything. You've never married, you have no kids. Are you still a virgin?

2 points

Say buddy how does it feel that you brutalised and bullied your own wife and kids?

That's spelled 'brutalized' dummy.

Nobody was brutalized you sad sad little man. I'm the one that demanded the divorce. My x wife wants me back. She's invited me for dinner several times. Not going. Even at my worst I was never abusive.

Tell me now, how is it that you know so much about marriage? Ever been? Ever had the responsibility of supporting a family?

Let's hear about Dermot the marriage expert hmmm? How many children do you have Dermot?

This should be interesting.

You know this isn't going to go well for you.

2 points

I'm done wasting my time on you. You're a pathetic over aged child craving attention. You're less than a bug to me.

I'm not going to play with you anymore. Go play with yourself.

2 points

Wow, you've taken pathetic to a whole new level. I know how this is supposed to go. You want me to beat you up and because you're so twisted you'll get off on that. But I'm not into it. You're gonna have to go find someone else to get you off.

Get your hand out of your pants.

I didn't cheat anybody. A jury heard all of the facts and awarded me a sizable amount of money for an accident that they determined was in no way my fault and in addition they also awarded me a whole lot of extra money in punitive damages for the way my employer treated me after I was injured. One juror said it was shameful. When it was all said and done I won on every count. That's how it works here in the USA. We have a jury decide who was wrong and who was right and they decided I was right.

You're opinion is just like you, it doesn't count.

2 points

Dermot - Gotta suck to be you. What does it feel like to be meaningless? To not count?

Wait a minute, I've just had an epiphany! I think I get you now! You're a freak for a beating aren't you? You want to be scorned and ridiculed! You're one of those guys who pays a hooker to show up and give you a spanking while you're wearing a diaper aren't you? I have you now!

Holy crap you're a lot more messed up than I'd ever imagined!

Rusticus(809) Clarified
2 points

Oh I get it. I never thought I'd be in that situation. I'd been badly injured on the job and the injury was clearly the fault of my employer but even then I didn't want to sue, all I was asking for was a month in rehab which they refused. I needed the rehab because I had intense shooting pains going down my legs. It would be on one side one day and the other side the next. I couldn't walk properly, I had to sort of drag my leg around. It was terrible. I had a couple of different doctors tell me that I needed rehab and my thinking was of course I need it with all the injuries I'd had. Also, my symptoms were getting worse instead of better. It was one leg or the other but one day it was both. Shooting pains going down both legs at the same time. I could barely stand up. That's when I realized that if I didn't get fixed I was probably headed for a wheel chair. I'll never understand it, I broke four vertebrae and had several other serious injuries but they were treating me like I was trying to scam them or something. Of course the broken back was my main concern but even without that I still would have been seriously injured, I had a list of injuries. Still they refused to pay for rehab. Finally I paid for the rehab myself. That just infuriated me and made me want to punish them and I think the desire for revenge distorted my reasoning which was already all but gone. Also, I had lawyers chasing me. The circumstances of the injuries were a sure win for them. One lawyer told me he was disappointed I was able to walk because the best money would be for a wheel chair client. Sharks. For a while I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to work again. By the time it was all over I wished I hadn't sued, the agony of going through that just wasn't worth it.

After I won in court they did two things. They appealed the verdict and they fired me. Oh and get this - I was a model employee. I hate to think of how they might treat someone they didn't like. (snark) I didn't have a single dime of the jury award and the appeal process would take several more years. I had a wife and two kids to support and no job. I did eventually find another job for less pay but it took some time. Then I sued again to get my original job back. Spending money I didn't have, living on credit cards. I was in a mess, the stress was incredible and because I was under so much stress I was terrible to live with. I had the kids to think of, they didn't need a maniac for a father and my wife didn't need a lunatic living with her either. It was a horrible situation so it didn't take much convincing to get me to take the antidepressants. I was truly at wits end. Nobody knew then how hard the drug would hit me.

2 points

@ Mint_tea - You are very welcome. I hope this new testing can help a lot of people. I think we all know that misprescribing is a huge issue. Who knows how many people are living tortured lives that could become normal with the right medication. I see no down side to the testing and the potential upside is huge. We've all heard the stories of people on antidepressants killing themselves or on rare occasions killing someone else. Hopefully someday the DNA testing could put an end to that.

I was on antidepressants for a while and they turned me into a zombie. I was injured at work (broke my back in a fall) and my employers decided to treat me like crap so I sued them. (I broke my back in four places, they refused to pay for rehab) I had no idea how much stress that would involve. I developed shingles on my legs. It was incredible. It created huge marital problems, did a lot of damage to our marriage.

The stress was unbearable so I needed something to ease the stress and I started taking the antidepressant, but before I knew what was going on I'd lost two years of my life. I'm overly sensitive to a lot of medications and that particular antidepressant just about did me in. After I took the first tablet I was out for at least two days. Two days in bed barely moving. I wonder if I almost died. When I woke up I took a tablet and cut it in half and took a half. Still way too strong. Took another tablet and cut it into fourths, still too strong. Finally I got out some ice cube trays and took one pill, ground it up and diluted it in water and then filled two ice cube trays with the solution. Each tray made twelve cubes so I had cut that pill into twenty fourths. I was taking an ice cube and letting it melt and drinking the solution. Even that one twenty forth of a tablet turned me into a zombie. I was on that crap for two years before I finally had a moment of clarity and realized I had to stop taking it. I asked my (X) wife why she let me live like a zombie for two years and she said she did it because I was easy to get along with. When I was a zombie I didn't argue with her, I was totally compliant. She thought it was fantastic. I have no idea how I got to work and did my job and I have no memory of it either. Once I'd finally quit taking the drug I realized that I could never take anything like that again because I couldn't trust my wife to look out for me.

Since she's been gone my stress level has fallen off a cliff.

I have a nephew who I'm nearly certain has been harmed by taking the wrong medications so when I heard a mention of the DNA testing I followed up on it. I've think I like the Genomind company but there could be a DNA testing company that would do just as well. I'm not about to say that Genomind is the best because I don't know for a fact that it is, however, if you do decide to go with Genomind I suggest that before you do, you talk with a local psychiatrist and ask him to give you a prescription for the Genomind test. I'm not sure how the rest works because I haven't gotten that far yet but I think it's possible that the results would be sent to that psychiatrist. I'm not sure about that, I just have a suspicion that's how it works. I should have called Genomind by now and asked them but I haven't gotten to it yet. I have taken a couple of DNA tests for genealogy research and it's easy. You'll get the kit in the mail, you'll probably get a little doll sized tooth brush in the kit and you'll use that to scrub some skin cells off of the inside wall of your cheek and then immediately drop it into a little tube which you will then seal up and put in the mail. It's totally painless.

Genomind offers two tests, one which is less comprehensive but is available without a prescription and the other is the more comprehensive test which does require a prescription. I've already told my sister that if it were me I'd go for the most comprehensive test available but that's a personal choice thing.

If you decide to do the DNA testing please let me know what you think of it because I'm really curious about what the results look like. Whatever you do decide, good luck.

2 points

@ Dermot - I think your main problem is paranoia. You mistakenly believe that Buritolunch and I are the same person. We're not. That's the point at which your crazy train leaves the tracks. You need to accept the fact that we are two different people. If you had anything close to a normal cognitive ability you could easily differentiate between the two of us. Unfortunately you just don't have enough cognitive ability and that along with the paranoia has to suck. I've got to be careful now because I'm starting to feel sorry for you and I hate myself for that.

Tell you what I can do for you though, I don't think you live in the US but I'm going to make you an honorary Trump voter just because you certainly meet all the other qualifications, insanity being the most important of those.

1 point

My pick is Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad was good all the way through, right down to the last second. I can't think of any other TV series that got better as it went along. Some people think it glorified drug use but it was actually the exact opposite of that, it was a powerful anti drug message. It depicted Walter White as a normal decent high school science teacher with a wife and family who started manufacturing meth and it destroyed his life and turned him into a monster.

The message was this: "This is the nightmare your life can become if you choose to get involved with drugs."

1 point

First of all I have no idea what you're talking about. A video game? What if I did buy a 40 year old video game, who cares? Is that your big deal? Is that your major shocker? That's your case for............whatever? That's it, I bought or someone else bought a 40 year old video game? What would that be, Packman? Space Invaders? Pong? I have no idea what you're babbling about or why you think buying a video game is a big deal. You do seem stuck on that subject.

What exactly is it about your life that's so pathetic that you go out of your way to obsess about someone buying an old video game?

2 points

@ BurritoLunch - My post was poorly written. I didn't mean to imply that I agreed with anything he was asserting. Obviously he's a paranoid delusional mess.

You know projection when you see it and of course that's all that was.

2 points

"You mean end up like you as in spunking myself at a charity shop ‘find ‘ of a 40 year old video game"

Hey if that's what blows your skirt up who am I to judge? It sounds to me like something likely to get you put on a sex offender list but hey, that's up to you. Then again, judging by what you're thinking about all the time you're probably on a few sex offender lists already so no big deal for you anyway.

1 point

@ Dermot -"if one looks at the postings most are Nom agreeing with Nom as in his Alt accounts the guy is seriously mentally unwell"

But when Bronto does that exact same thing all day long every day, day in day out month after month and year after year you don't mind a bit. Isn't that interesting.

2 points

@ Dermot - Tell you what, you've made me rethink this. So, you're completely fucked up and you've never smoked pot. Here's a suggestion; Since not smoking pot has left you completely fucked up, go get some super weed and hit it hard for a couple of weeks. This is asking a whole lot of the weed but there's an outside chance it could un-fuck you.

You're welcome.

2 points

Cowardly little punk bitches need assault weapons with high capacity magazines. They need lots and lots of them and thousands of rounds of ammunition in order to even begin to feel safe, because otherwise they're just defenseless little punk bitches.

One more thing; any cowardly little punk bitch who needs more than six rounds to hit what they're aiming at shouldn't be allowed to own any firearm at all, not even a pellet gun. These cowardly little gun happy clowns are a joke.

3 points

Put the bong down, it's not helping you. You don't even know what thread you're on.

2 points

What are you, 12? I need to talk to your mother and ask her why she's allowing her little snot nosed brat to use the computer unsupervised. Little tykes like you can get into all kinds of trouble on the wild wild web. I'm thinking child protective services should get involved.

Was that too harsh for your delicate little sensibilities? Maybe it's time for another one of your pathetic cries for help from Andy.

"Andy Andy they've been mean to me again!!! Whaaaaaa!!!!!!!!"

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