
Debate Info

He'll get sympathy votes He'll lose votes
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 He'll get sympathy votes (7)
 He'll lose votes (4)

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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

How will Trumps diagnosis affect the election?

Personally, Im afraid he'll gain a lot of sympathy votes. On the other hands, most experts/media seem to agree that this will hurt Trumps campaign, since he's been very ignorant on the seriousness of the pandemic - and of course the fact that he will be forced to quarantine himself at the start of the last month of the race.

He'll get sympathy votes

Side Score: 12

He'll lose votes

Side Score: 4
3 points

First of all, you don't force Trump to do ANYTHING! You could put him in a hammerlock and you couldn't make him tell the truth!

I still think this is all a hoax .... the Trumpian infection, I mean. But then, my luck COULD be changing and we just MIGHT get our country back! Let us pray ........ or at least cross our fingers. ;-)

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
3 points

The sad thing is, a hoax from him would not be unexpected or surprising. That's how utterly untrustworthy he has been. His need to feel mighty and do whatever it takes to remain in position makes it so we can't put anything past him.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
0 points

His need to feel mighty

His need to feel mighty. Ahahaha! Are you even listening to yourself?

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
Rusticus(809) Clarified
3 points

I still think this is all a hoax ....

You're statement is 21 hours old as I write this. I'm wondering if you're changed your mind. I'm convinced that it isn't a hoax because in order for that to be true you would have to have a hospital (Walter Reed) full of doctors playing along.

I'm convinced he does have the "KUNG FLU". (Trumps own hilarious name for COVID)

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

As I said: "My luck COULD be changing". You have to win one now and then. ;-)

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

It's a few days old now and I STILL say there is something strange about this whole scharade! Ever since Covid19 got Trump it hasn't been the same!

I said Trump was after the "Superman Syndrome" with his act and that it would give his base a tingle in the thighs .... similar to the "Sarah Palin tingle" conservatives got every time she showed up in jeans! Trump in jeans ain't gonna do it ... even with THOSE idiots! But, cruising around like a strong man in a bullet-proof vehicle with (likely) infected SS troopers DID IT! (The SS designation for what is normally Secret Service in this country IS intentional ... since nothing has been normal in this country even BEFORE Covid19 got Trump)! :-(

By the way. I compared Trump to Moussolini over a year ago, you are exactly rig .... um, .... correct! They are cut from the same mold!

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
1 point

I agree. Although, if all of Congress agrees on something, it goes.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
2 points

I sincerely doubt he'll get votes out of sympathy from people who were planning on voting against him before this. But I do think his supporters will make extra effort to go out and vote because of it, so I suppose that counts as sympathy votes.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
1 point

How will Trumps diagnosis affect the election?

Hello s:

I don't wish it on any man, but this virus is a KILLER.. Especially if you're obese, old, have heart problems, and an orange face..

Therefore, in my considered opinion, he's gonna DIE! You DON'T vote for a dead guy.

Long live President Biden..


Side: He'll lose votes
1 point

It is estimated that there is about 10-20% chance that the president will die from this virus - the factors you considered included.

That means that there is 80-90% chance that he's going to survive.

However... let's say he does die from the virus. That would mean Pence would take over his presidency for the remainder part of his terms - including the term he wins (if he does win)

So I don't think Trump dying from the virus at all ensures Bidens presidency. Probably ensures Pence's presidency, if anything.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

there is about 10-20% chance that the president will die from this virus

Is that a figure based on just his age group? Because I'd argue his chances of dying are much lower. He's the president of the US so he'll have access to the very best doctors and medical treatment available.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

That would mean Pence would take over his presidency for the remainder part of his terms - including the term he wins (if he does win)

Hello again, s:

Nahhh.. That's not the way it works.. There IS a line of succession to the presidency, but there's NO line of succession for candidates.


Side: He'll lose votes
1 point

While he may pick up some sympathy votes his misjudging of the severity of covid-19 will almost certainly cost him the election.

Not only did he recklessly play down the gravity of this global pandemic crisis but he scoffed at those who were sufficiently responsible to follow the advice from the medical professionals.

When the dust settles, if it does settle, people will ask themselves, how many of us did he infect directly with his devil may care attitude and how many U.S., citizens contracted the virus and died as a result of a lack of preventative measures being employed earlier.

Whilst Trump's sentiments may be genuine and sincere he is unfit for public office and absolutely should stand down.

He literally has blood on his hands.

Side: He'll lose votes
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

While he may pick up some sympathy votes his misjudging of the severity of covid-19 will almost certainly cost him the election.

Not only did he recklessly play down the gravity of this global pandemic crisis but he scoffed at those who were sufficiently responsible to follow the advice from the medical professionals.

Well you certainly seem to have changed your tune, or am I just remembering wrong? I seem to recall you were one of those diehards who fell for his blameshift onto China, liberal governors and the CDC.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes
Miocene(707) Clarified
1 point

By keeping an open mind we can judge dispassionately situations and people as circumstances and attitudes unravel unpredictably and change.

The Chinese communist government covered up the devastating nature of the disease initially and this deadly deceit was exacerbated in the United States by Trump's blase attitude.

Trump will suffer at the polls for his unacceptable conduct but not the Chinese communist dictatorship.

Side: He'll get sympathy votes