
Spoonerism's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Spoonerism's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You can't go and blame the recession on Obama! It was during Bush's term when it began.

If it weren't for Obama's stimulus package, it would have been far worse!

1 point

"Enforcement, in and of itself, will not end illegal immigration as we know it," said Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). "But this administration has been about enforcement, enforcement, enforcement, enforcement."

"In fact, the federal government under President Obama has steadily increased the deportation of illegal immigrants. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency says it's on track to expel some 400,000 people this year, 8 percent more than 2008 — the last year of the Bush administration. "

8 percent is more than "a little bit".

Supporting Evidence: Crackdown (
1 point

Some of them are. But I find it interesting that the question targets small colleges. Small colleges have a higher likelihood of being focused on education and to challenge students than large ones. Large colleges are, by and large, crap. They exist to churn out degrees, but don't worry much about the education that's supposed to accompany it. Students don't have to try very hard to do well, professors are expected to worry more about research than teaching, and grading is supposed to be done with retention in mind, not standards.

1 point

I'm not so sure it will be the Democrats. Obama has been cracking down on illegal immigrants, deporting more Hispanics in 2009 than Bush in 2008.

He says he's mainly focused on deporting criminals, but there is fear that non-criminals will be deported as well.

From the link: "Some say the continued rise in deportations may be Obama’s way of trying to win over critics and make his version of comprehensive immigration reform more palatable to opponents. "

Republicans have a longstanding history of appealing to Hispanics on things such as small business exemptions and social conservativism (family values).

At this point, I'd say that both parties have a chance at securing the vote, it could go either way depending on how big of an issue immigration reform becomes.

Supporting Evidence: Deportation Statistics (
1 point

Because they understand that the Democrats' economic policies are most beneficial to them, being that very few of them are millionaires.

If only more white Americans could figure that out!

1 point

Yeah! We sure gave those terrorists what they wanted that day!

1 point

I think he's a twisted man who gets off on putting inmates through hell. Nobody should enjoy that!

Serving inmates spoiled and rotten food is WAY over the line.

They needn't have televisions and be served lobster each night, but the extremes to which Joe goes are inexcusable. There IS such a thing as middle ground.

3 points

If they're mean/rude to employees at a store/restaurant/wherever, or just the public in general without damn good cause.

If they hate documentaries/books.

If they think Bud, Coors, Miller, or some other domestically mass produced and marketed beer is the best.

If they only order chicken fingers, burgers, or pizza when we go out (kid's menu stuff).

If they are mean to any animal unless that animal is launching an attack or is a nasty cockroach (who by its very nature is attacking my sense of sight).

If any part of their house looks like it hasn't be cleaned in months.

If they're a social conservative.

1 point

I like a man with a big heart. Someone with moral convictions. And sex appeal, of course. Also someone who can make me laugh is important. Someone who cares a lot about the world. And typically tall guys. Finally, someone who is intelligent.

1 point

It certainly is whatever you define it to be. Happiness? Wealth? Stability?

You decide.

1 point

The only time that really comes to mind is when I was in college and on my way to work during an ice storm. I walked a different way that day than usual, and as I crossed the street, at the corner where I would have been had I crossed the side street first as I normally did, a giant branch fell smack down on the sidewalk.

No telling if it could have been me or not, but it scared me a lot.

Oh, and one other time, my house was hit by lightning and I was about ten feet away.

I don't really qualify either of these, because to have almost died from them I would have had to been struck and survived. But still, scary sh*t.

2 points

No. If you do, you need to relax. Take some meditation/breathing/yoga classes. Have a beer. Smoke a fat one. Because you're wound up waaaaaaaaaaay too tightly.

1 point

You've taken communism to an extreme.

And while capitalism has some serious pitfalls, so does communism.

For one, human nature has made us all self-serving beings. Every action, no matter how selfless it may seem on the surface, is in the end self-serving. Capitalism uses this as a motivator to succeed. In communism, no such motive exists. If everyone gets everything for free, what's the incentive to do a job, or to do it well?

For another, communism overprioritizes the good of the community and ignores the development of citizens as individuals.

As I said, capitalism has some serious downfalls too. The solution isn't to take either to an extreme.

I favor making capitalism sustainable by penalizing companies doing harm to the environment, taxing the wealthy more heavily, and regulating companies more seriously, to keep the people's interests in mind. Capitalism would work REALLY well if we were better consumers. If we only supported businesses that we thought deserved our business, we'd only have companies that were beneficial in providing services/goods and doing right by the rest of the world.

1 point

Lakes weird me out. Always something trying to get your feet, and murky water.

Oceans are okay if they're not too wavy. Also, no jellyfish or sharks.

I like pools. They're generally shark free.

Salt-water pools are the best.

1 point

Although this question makes me have my doubts.

I thought for sure it might mean "elsewhere" as in, not on Earth.

Of course intelligent life exists.

Humans are self-serving in every capacity. Sometimes that means taking drugs to achieve a desired response (this includes all medications). Doesn't negate the fact that we're intelligent.

2 points

Obviously I would swish it around and sing songs like:





And whip it around to smack JoeCavalry when he's being an idiot. Which means it would get a LOT of use.

1 point


I voted for him because of his reasoned, compromised opinions on social domestic issues, his willingness to approach and speak with leaders of countries we disagree with, his plan to roll back Bush's tax cuts (which the Republicans prevented), and his plan to open healthcare coverage for all Americans.

Beyond that, the fact that people voted for a president you so clearly oppose on what is supposedly the basis of nothing should be a warning to yourself to not support a candidate on that same basis.

2 points

What makes you think he knows how to handle money?

He's filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in four businesses!

2 points

Impresses everyone?

Like, I don't know...shooting Osama Bin Laden in the face?

Because I don't know what America you live in, but the one I live in was pretty impressed across the board.

3 points

If Trump runs and is given the nomination, I will be amazed. If he wins against Obama, I'll move to Finland and open a candy store. Because I'll know that life is clearly a big joke at that point.

In spite of the fact that America elected Bush twice, I'm still holding out hope that they're way too smart to elect Trump.

I mean, come on! The man is a real estate tycoon, sure. This makes him pretty removed from the everyman's woes and problems. He's also a host to a reality show. What's next? Snooki's campaign for the Senate? Fame is not a qualification for the presidency.

I want a president who understands the political system, foreign policy issues, and the economy. Not a man who understands being rich but has never learned how to be eloquent.

And I certainly don't want a man who is so stupid as to jump on the birther bandwagon and question our president's legitimacy over the lack of a "long-form birth certificate".

2 points

Obviously the demonstrators who are reacting violently are the ones centrally at fault. But the idiot in Florida certainly instigated it, and unapologetically at that.

I'm opposed to book burning in general, and doing so to incite violence and instigate a reaction is beyond wicked. The fact that a preacher knowingly did so makes it even worse. Especially considering that Islam and Christianity are so intertwined and overlapped. It's like he burned part of the Bible too!

It would be like a man saying, "If you give me the middle finger, I'll have no choice but to open fire" and the other giving him the middle finger anyway. Of course the man with the gun is AT FAULT, but the other one isn't completely innocent either.

2 points

Taboo, Scattergories, and Apples to Apples

All 3 are fun and clever, but Taboo is my favorite.

2 points





Congratulations, JoeCavalry

1 point

This is tough. Nike is terrible. Phillip Morris is terrible. Wal Mart is terrible. Shell is terrible. They're almost all pretty terrible. But Monsanto has to be the worst. They prohibit seed saving and sell "terminator" seeds (designed to kill themselves within a set number of generations), grow with GMO's and don't label as such, and many of their pesticides (including Roundup) have been shown to produce kidney and liver damage in lab rats. Also, they were responsible for creating rBGH, aka bovine growth hormone, sold as Posilac to farmers to increase milk production. This product made the cows less healthy and made the people who consumed the products less healthy. To make matters worse, when two Fox News journalists dared to investigate and expose the dangers of rBGH, Monsanto used their strong arm to attempt to distort the story (the reporters refused and were fired). They're also accused of supporting child labor, forcing farmers into such debt that over 4,500 have committed suicide, dumping toxic waste, and encouraging residents to use contaminated soil. In 2008, the company spent $8,831,120 on lobbying. Oh, and they patented life.

What's worse, Monsanto doesn't have a strong brand that people react against when they hear about these evils. You hear that Kathie Lee Gifford's clothing line supports sweatshops, and it's a big deal. You hear that Nike supports sweatshops, and there are protests against Nike. Monsanto doesn't inspire the same rage, because they don't have the same brand recognition.

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