
TyTheTiger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TyTheTiger's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

There is. And women can change which level they're on in a heart beat!

1 point

As someone who has been here less than a month (well, less than a week thanks to some internet problems >=O) could you explain further what you mean?

2 points

If god requires belief, then it is false and needs to be rejected.

1 point

Morals and ethics are stupid. What sort of rational person decides how to react to a situation before it even presents itself?

This goes for all things, not just science.

1 point

It's not a scapegoat if it's true. But then again, when you look at where government comes from the whole situation looks like one yelling at a mirror =/

Why do the government education camps suck in the first place? =/

Government, religion. Potato, potato. =/

Government is necessary? Prove it.

1 point

The "United States" part of America is by definition a constitutional republic and not a democracy.

just sayin' =/

0 points

Maybe muslims would stop hating Americans if.....

They stopped being muslim. Hate comes from within. If you don't take responsibility for your own emotions then you will just continue to find outside sources to blame them on forever.

Others can't bring out in you what isn't already there =/

1 point

he was a politician =/



1 point

They would be like .... "whoa."



1 point

Atypican, define justice - in your own words.


2 points

Just look at the other arguments. They justify abstinence because they fear std's and pregnancy. Sure, you want to see these kids healthy and happy, but these are your fears, your insecurities. Let these teenagers decide how to run their own lives; after all it is THEIR lives.

Its like saying kids shouldn't be let to ride bikes because they could fall off and we can't trust them to always wear a helmet. They need to wait until they are much older to learn how to do it right so they can be trusted.

This is stupid; to expect kids to fear what you fear, to stop them from doing things that make them happy just to satisfy your insecurities.

2 points

To act as though European-Americans should "compensate" Native Americans isn't justice, it's revenge.

And it's revenge on people just because of the colour of skin they were born with.

I'm not going to give away my money, property and surrender my happiness about who I am just to satisfy the egos of people stuck in the past.

How can you say a child is born guilty of anything? How can someone be in debt for being born with the wrong skin colour?

Sure, long dead Europeans settled and violently took from the (also long dead) natives, but is doing the same thing in reverse going to fix that? Do two wrongs make a right?

How can one be born in-tittled to what others have?

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