
Verukter's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Verukter's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

By all means, feel free to point it out so that I can clarify.

1 point

Well I'm not looking for opinions that consist of 3 words. I joined this website after leaving another debate website because I was looking for intelligent conversion. Not just random 3 word answers followed by insults (cunt? seriously? Who the fuck still uses that word?) and why did you even get so angry in the first place? All I did was say you didn't post an argument on a DEBATE website, therefor it should have been deleted (hence the 50 character or more rule). And you got so angry.

I usually debate

Bullshit. What I'm responding to is the longest post in your last 10 most recent post. So fuck you.

1 point

Oh why thats VERY mature.


1 point

the rest of the universe.

Mars, the next planet furthest from the sun in our solar system, is hardly "the rest of the Universe".

1 point

This argument was no formulated by myself. It was first created by a youtube user who was debunking a video made my 2 creationist attacking Bill Nye. I put it on this website so I could have more than myself asset it.

2 points

Such as?


1 point

What the fuck are you talking about? YOU ARE ON A FUCKING DEBATING WEBSITE. Thats what people COME ON HERE TO DO. If you don't like debating people then you don't belong on this website you. Why don't you go to where you can express your opinion without intelligent conversion.

1 point

Without the obvious: world peace, world hunger, ect. I would make it so people were more interested in the Cosmos and space travel. I think there is much to learn about the space outside of Earth.

Verukter(44) Clarified
1 point

I have not, but I will definitely check it out. Anything having to do with astronomy is of great interest to me.

1 point

I disagree but why do you end every single comment with ";)" ?

1 point

And we should take the responsibility away from the parents of those children and put it onto the government? Wow. Your ignorance is incredible.

1 point

You know theres this great thing they make now called "parents" who can determine what there kids do and don't see on the internet. For fuck sake, google chrome gives you an option where you can filter search results and only show select pages! What do you think High Schools do? I don't want MY freedom obstructed because parents don't want to be bothered to make sure there kids are seeing dicks on the internet.

1 point

Precisely. If any nation is responsible for the FIRST humans -- in the entire existence of our species -- living on a different celestial body I'd want it to be the U.S.A.

I would love it if generations from know people could read about the United States of America being the first to colonize another Planet. And I would love to able to tell my children and grandchildren I was alive to see it happen.

Of course, I don't really care who does it. I just want to see it happen. Being from the U.S. though I of course would love it if it were us.

1 point

Okay. Just to give you an example of how presidential candidates promises work (because I'm not entirely convinced that you know), Here is a website that tracks politicians by their promises to the nation: promises/obameter/

There is a reason that politicians make promises when they are running for office. Because THAT is what gets them elected, and what any intelligent person bases their vote off of (not if that candidate happens to belong to the political party that they are affiliated with).

So, if a Presidents 1 and only promise was to land on Mars (something that is EASILY doable given NASA has the budget) and colonize, would you vote for them knowing that they WOULD be able to do so.

1 point

I'm sorry, but I assumed that BEFORE you cast your vote you would perhaps maybe learn anything about celestial objects other than Earth.

fuck nasa....they have pissed enough tax dollars away...

Oh, really? When have they wasted tax dollars in the past? And also, (assuming you by "pissed" you mean "waste") how are you defining your use of the word, "waste"? You see, I happen to think that 680 BILLION dollars for our military (410% of the country with the next largest military budget by the way -- just over 4x more) is wasteful! What was NASAs budget in the same year? about 18 billion. So roughly 2% of our military budget.

youd have to be a stupid fuck to believe a promise given by the puppetdent of the united states.

Then why would you even bother to vote?! And if you say, "I don't vote", then you have no business answering this question.

1 point

11 years would make me right. The president wouldn't be in office when we start colonizing Mars.

I'm saying if it took us 11 years to launch a man into space, land on the moon, and return, all less technology than the average teenager is walking around with in there pocket, then there is literally no reason that we should not be able to set up a sufficient colony on Mars.

We don't have extensive knowledge about Mars. We have never colonized anything that didn't already have life on it.

Yes we do! We have 3 rovers on it! I could tell you EXACTLY what the soil is made up of, the warmest it gets, the coldest it gets, ect. We know A LOT about Mars for humans never being there. I also am forced to assume if a President spent all 8 years of there term trying to colonize Mars, then his successor would probably pick up where he left off (Like how John F. Kennedy continued the space race where Dwight D. Eisenhower left off.). Also, my question was "Would you vote for a presidential candidate if they promised to colonize Mars?", not IF ahead of time you knew they would or would not be able to during there term.

1 point


In 11 years, we went from 0 space travel experience to landing and returning a man from the Moon with a machine that had LESS computing power than a fucking iPhone!

We have/had rovers and probes on Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Titan, and 3 separate asteroids and comets.

A HUMAN-MADE object has just recently entered interstellar space! In just 56 years we have gone from never leaving the Earth, to achieving all of this!

Maybe not by 2014, but in OUR life time, we could not only put a person on Mars, but colonize it!

Does anybody understand the gravity of that?

1 point

Well imagine millions of people living in concrete boxes miles (granted that its smaller) from nature? That's New York City. I think colonizing Mars is definitely worthwhile. Humans have made Earth our bitch. Can you imagine, being apart of the generation that was responsible for the first humans who was NOT born on Earth?

Every human being, in history of the existence of our species, was born here on Earth. The first person to be born on Mars? Just think about that for a second. There has been about 108 Billion humans who have ever existed -- all born on planet Earth. The exact number of EVERY organism who has EVER been born on Earth is just not calculable. Now, imagine, the first person, the first ORGANISM, to be born on a different planet.

If there was anything that defined the intelligence our species, that would be it. I think that Mars is worth colonizing simply for the reason that it is the very nature of humans to forever want to expand, explore, and learn.

1 point

Well to put that into perspective. NASA was created in 1958 in direct response to the Soviets space program. It only took until 1969, 11 years, for NASA to be able to land man on the moon and return to Earth. Now, think about it like this. Up until 1958, the U.S. had never once attempted to launch man into space. But nevertheless, it took little over a decade for them to be able to travel to the moon and back.

Now, here we are in 2014. We currently have 3 rovers on the surface of Mars, and have successfully landed probes on Venus, Jupiter (with no soft landing), Saturn's moon Titan, and on 3 different asteroids and comets. If you ask me, thats amazing!

If it took us 11 years to get from 0 space experience, to traveling to the moon and back, think about what we can do now that we have all of that figured out. If we left tomorrow we could be at Mars anywhere from 150 to 300 days. So no time would have to be spent just figuring out HOW to get there, and all 8 years could be dedicating to figuring out how to set up a sustainable colony. 8 years, with the extensive knowledge we have about Mars, space travel, and space in general?

No. fucking. problem.

1 point

Shakyamuni Buddha told every one of his followers: "Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, no matter who has said it. Not even if said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

1 point

I hope you know that this is considered to be very disrespectful to a Buddhist.

1 point

The 5th Precept I took when becoming Buddhist was:

"I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drugs."

1 point

Based on what? If there could be one all powerful being, why is there being multiple unlikely?

1 point

So you spend all your life for personal gain, what good is that to society?

Where does he say that he's spending his life for personal gain? Looks like your misinterpreting his argument in order to make it easier to refute (strawman fallacy)

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