
ViceMaga's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ViceMaga's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

No. They should build walls near the ocean to prevent the other from swimming over.

2 points

AOC is Excon's twin sister. Both can scream about cages for years and then go silent for years as soon as a Democrat created or uses the cages.

3 points

Probably an 11. He can say eleven things that all contradict each other, and I believe he is the only human being ever born who is capable of doing this and still believing all eleven contradictory points afterwards.

1 point

Do you suffer from paranoid delusions? This has nothing to do with democrats.

1) Only the left does sexual orientation flags.

2) Here's a book written by a leftist, specifically supporting pedophiles, and said author uses they/them pronouns.

2 points

This is a website where anybody can say anything about anybody. And he's it's a cesspool of hate lol

And you nor any other leftist has died even once contrary to the left's narrative.

2 points

If you started a website where ANYBODY could say ANYTHING about ANYBODY?

It would be called what used to be America.

Would it be a bastion of free speech, OR, would it quickly devolve into a cesspool of hate?

What is "hate" is different depending on whether you're Democrat or Republican. The right could say anything anti God, anti Jesus, anti Christian, anti white, anti straight, calling someone racist, mocking thoughts and prayers, or even yelling itself was hate speech, and the left wouldn't be able to speak. I'll assume you don't want that, so I assume you're for free speech over authoritarian censorship that can censor all of the things leftists love to say because they are now deemed as "hate speech".

1 point

I love how leftists try to compare America to other countries when those countries don't have a political religion where people are encouraged to chop off their dicks and/or identify as an animal. As for this debate, Switzerland has lots of guns but low gun violence. It's the same in America if you don't count the libs and minority gangs killing each other. I looked up West Virginia, which is perhaps the reddest state in America. It has almost no real gun homicide problem except in one area. You guessed it. The leftist part of the state. For some reason being left wing makes you way more likely to kill people with guns. If America was just the right wingers, there'd be no mentionable gun homicide problem.

1 point

That's because very few people are deranged enough to start chopping off body parts. Now the left celebrates the castration of male children.

1 point

London made guns illegal, and then knife killings skyrocketed. Total deaths went up, not down. Why do you think that is?

1 point

Those dozen words describe the conservative governing philosophy in a way that might otherwise require a doctoral dissertation

I'd like to see a video compilation of someone going around asking Democrats to explain what a budget is, how one works and why we have them. That'd be a laugh.

1 point

Democrats: you can't have gas stoves.

Democrats: you can't have guns

Democrats: you can't have pop

Democrats: you can't have plastic straws

Democrats: you can't have gas powered vehicles

Democrats: you can't have zoos

Democrats: you can't eat meat

Democrats: you can't have desegregated graduations or dorms.

Democrats: you can't have two people closer than 6 feet from each other

Democrats: you can't have maskless moms at sporting events

Democrats: you can't have prayer in schools

Democrats: you can't have police

Democrats: you can't have guards at schools

Democrats: you can't have safe cities

Democrats: you can't have chic-fil-a

Democrats: you can't have anything white

Democrats: you can't have anything where we don't insert skin color.

Democrats: you can't have non woke movies.

Democrats: you can't have state's rights

Democrats: you can't have low taxes

Democrats: you can't have a media that covers bad things Democrats do.

Democrats: you can't have border towns that send illegals to our areas.

2 points

The Republican platform is "hey mother fucker, you're out of god damned money, are $30 trillion in debt, and the only place left for you to find any money to pay for your bullshit is out of my pocket, and I'm not fucking interested in subsidizing a bunch of children in adult bodies who hate me and my country." Get it? I'm all for paying anyone all of the money that is in your wallet. Aren't I a generous person? Heck, I'll even give them your fucking house and car. That's how fucking generous and liberal I am. I will gladly give them every dime that the Democrats have in their bank accounts to prove just how fucking spectacular I am. Worship my ass because I have a temporary liberal badge of fake honor.

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