
ViceMaga's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ViceMaga's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

No. They should build walls near the ocean to prevent the other from swimming over.

2 points

AOC is Excon's twin sister. Both can scream about cages for years and then go silent for years as soon as a Democrat created or uses the cages.

3 points

Probably an 11. He can say eleven things that all contradict each other, and I believe he is the only human being ever born who is capable of doing this and still believing all eleven contradictory points afterwards.

1 point

Do you suffer from paranoid delusions? This has nothing to do with democrats.

1) Only the left does sexual orientation flags.

2) Here's a book written by a leftist, specifically supporting pedophiles, and said author uses they/them pronouns.

2 points

This is a website where anybody can say anything about anybody. And he's it's a cesspool of hate lol

And you nor any other leftist has died even once contrary to the left's narrative.

2 points

If you started a website where ANYBODY could say ANYTHING about ANYBODY?

It would be called what used to be America.

Would it be a bastion of free speech, OR, would it quickly devolve into a cesspool of hate?

What is "hate" is different depending on whether you're Democrat or Republican. The right could say anything anti God, anti Jesus, anti Christian, anti white, anti straight, calling someone racist, mocking thoughts and prayers, or even yelling itself was hate speech, and the left wouldn't be able to speak. I'll assume you don't want that, so I assume you're for free speech over authoritarian censorship that can censor all of the things leftists love to say because they are now deemed as "hate speech".

1 point

I love how leftists try to compare America to other countries when those countries don't have a political religion where people are encouraged to chop off their dicks and/or identify as an animal. As for this debate, Switzerland has lots of guns but low gun violence. It's the same in America if you don't count the libs and minority gangs killing each other. I looked up West Virginia, which is perhaps the reddest state in America. It has almost no real gun homicide problem except in one area. You guessed it. The leftist part of the state. For some reason being left wing makes you way more likely to kill people with guns. If America was just the right wingers, there'd be no mentionable gun homicide problem.

1 point

That's because very few people are deranged enough to start chopping off body parts. Now the left celebrates the castration of male children.

1 point

London made guns illegal, and then knife killings skyrocketed. Total deaths went up, not down. Why do you think that is?

1 point

Those dozen words describe the conservative governing philosophy in a way that might otherwise require a doctoral dissertation

I'd like to see a video compilation of someone going around asking Democrats to explain what a budget is, how one works and why we have them. That'd be a laugh.

1 point

Democrats: you can't have gas stoves.

Democrats: you can't have guns

Democrats: you can't have pop

Democrats: you can't have plastic straws

Democrats: you can't have gas powered vehicles

Democrats: you can't have zoos

Democrats: you can't eat meat

Democrats: you can't have desegregated graduations or dorms.

Democrats: you can't have two people closer than 6 feet from each other

Democrats: you can't have maskless moms at sporting events

Democrats: you can't have prayer in schools

Democrats: you can't have police

Democrats: you can't have guards at schools

Democrats: you can't have safe cities

Democrats: you can't have chic-fil-a

Democrats: you can't have anything white

Democrats: you can't have anything where we don't insert skin color.

Democrats: you can't have non woke movies.

Democrats: you can't have state's rights

Democrats: you can't have low taxes

Democrats: you can't have a media that covers bad things Democrats do.

Democrats: you can't have border towns that send illegals to our areas.

2 points

The Republican platform is "hey mother fucker, you're out of god damned money, are $30 trillion in debt, and the only place left for you to find any money to pay for your bullshit is out of my pocket, and I'm not fucking interested in subsidizing a bunch of children in adult bodies who hate me and my country." Get it? I'm all for paying anyone all of the money that is in your wallet. Aren't I a generous person? Heck, I'll even give them your fucking house and car. That's how fucking generous and liberal I am. I will gladly give them every dime that the Democrats have in their bank accounts to prove just how fucking spectacular I am. Worship my ass because I have a temporary liberal badge of fake honor.

1 point

They doxxed him by reporting the whereabouts of his private plane with information that can be gathered for free at this public website

You left out the part where the guy created code to hack who was on planes and who planes belong to that had an alternate PIA on them. In other words, he illegally hacked private information and let the world in on that private information. Your side banned a President directly after he tweeted," If you go to the capitol, be peaceful. Treat the cops with respect. Remember, we are the party of law and order". Their reason given was that he incited violence. Behind the scenes they communicate that there is nothing bad about his tweets and he hasn't violated their TOS. They banned him anyway for life. Musk banned the media personalities that retweeted the doxed material for a week. See the difference?

Here is Snopes account of the incident:

"My plane is actually not trackable without using non-public data," Musk tweeted. He tweeted that Sweeney "was not posting public information" when he published the location of Musk's private jet. "Elon had a 'PIA' which seeks to protect the privacy of entities using private aircraft."

According to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website, "PIA" referred to Privacy ICAO Address programs, which "enable interested aircraft owners to request an alternate, temporary ICAO aircraft address, which will not be assigned to the owner in the Civil Aviation Registry (CAR)." ICAO is an acronym for the International Civil Aviation Organization.

1 point

A cop approaches you gun drawn, putting you in fear for your life, can you outdraw him?

No telling, but I'd like to have the chance to outdraw a criminal who's planning on raping my wife. You wouldn't? Then give up your man card right now you nutless dick. By the way, you think the cops are shit but want to disarm me? Just ask if you want me to be more specific on how big a piece of shit you are. God damn dude.

2 points

Who you standing against? Elon Musk for doing exactly what the left was doing while I warned that you'd be on here bitching and whining once the tide started censoring leftists? Yep, that's what you are doing. You can't say Elon Musk by name because you know we're all watching closely to see if you dare to go off about what you said was a "private company" and defended just weeks ago. So instead, you're gonna act like a war started without saying the name of who you're thinking of. That about sum it up you shit guzzling shit guzzler??

1 point

FBI did have agents dressed as Trump supporters at Jan 6th riot

It's hardly a surprise. How many times do we have to watch these dickheads plead the fifth on whether they infiltrated the crowd when they could clearly just say no if they hadn't. The power of a perjury sentence can apparently make you forget the answers to simple questions like "did you dress up in MAGA shirts and infiltrate the crowd as though you were Trump supporters?"

1 point

The FIRST lie out of Jon Voights mouth is that Trump knows EVERYBODY, by NAME, who works for him in ALL of his facilities, all over the world.

How on Earth could you possibly know if this is true? I know several people that never seem to forget a face or a name. Let me guess, you heard another story that contradicts what you want to believe about Trump, and your fucking brain went into meltdown. What, you can't admit to yourself that even a bombastic guy like Trump does things that no Democrat politician would dream of doing? His being an outsider who seems to get into the crawl of the billionaires, the corporations and the media owned by them, never penetrates your mind because corporatists told you to oppose the guy who was not letting them pull down wages and offshore jobs, driving down wages. That about sum it up?

1 point

Nevermind. I went and looked up multiple left wing outlets' stories about the midterms, and not one of them mentioned abortion, uteruses or vaginas. What they did mention was that Republicans had many more seats to defend among other things. As dishonest as they are, they apparently aren't as dishonest as you are. You just made it up.

1 point

Right wing women didn't vote with their uteruses. Mail in voting was up, and the youth vote was way up in blue and purple areas. That means Democrat parents got their kids' ballots in the mail and sent them back in. The right would call that a sin, but the left doesn't believe in objective morals, so they happily turned in ballots that weren't theirs. When polled, the youth overwhelmingly have no interest in politics. Secondly, the right had more votes nationally, and red states got even more red. WTF are you even talking about? Did CNN tell you some bullshit again assuming you wouldn't look anything up?

1 point

On Tuesday, Trump appointed U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman declared the policy unlawful.

You knew that, right?

Someone doesn't understand what the establishment is or how it works. Biden, McConnel, the Bushes, the Clinton's, the Cheyneys, Graham, Pelosi, Schumer, all of them are the same entity. Donald Trump isn't of that entity and hasn't been in politics for 500 years. So he comes in not knowing how they work, they request him get a few people on that are a part of their establishment. McConnel was pulling money from MAGA candidates prior to the midterms to get Democrats elected. The establishment wants Biden or anyone in their club to win. The establishment knew promising debt forgiveness would Garner votes never having planned to give it in the first place. The only reason any of them put a D or an R next to their name is so that the one that needs a scapegoat has one built into the system at all times. Schumer can blame McConnel, and McConnel can blame Schumer. And then they go to each others' parties and drink wine together in the meantime. You're the guy they make fun of for helping them stay rich and in power rather than voting for any candidate that actually does something for the people. And then, if anyone dares to expose them or unseat them from their authority, they have a compliant media that tells you exactly what they need you to hear. Finally, the rest of us then come on here and have to watch you belch out the crap the rich programmed into your mind this week to disempower the few candidates who actually want to work for you or get anything done. You and many others are their "useful idiot". They can't lord over your life without a media to keep the masses thinking just as they need and want them to think. They want you voting against YOUR interests and in favor of THEIR interests. You happily comply, so no meaningful change ever really happens. MAGA and the far left are a threat to the rich. Therefore the establishment attacks those two entities and gives you the old order's guy again as President. You voted for high prices, inflation etc that helps the rich. You deserve to watch them get richer while you get poorer by being too lazy to study who and what these people are.

1 point

Maybe that's a claim to make after his writing has been studied as part of the standard university

Bro. We don't give a flying shit what conclusion leftist temples masking as universities while piling up student debt on their young victims conclude. It's hysterical to see you promoting the biggest capitalist scam on Earth: the universities that just keep getting richer off of the little guys' kids. You're a useful idiot promoting the ultra rich. You're a disgrace and a fraud.

1 point

I love how you think giving us the opinion of another Marxist is going to change our view of reading what Marx said for ourselves. Dude, we can read what he said, and so can you. He hated Jews. What you are trying to do is the equivalent of trying to tell us Richard Spencer didn't really mean he hated Jews when he said he hated Jews.

1 point

Do we look at his efforts to unify Germany under nationalism?

Many Communist countries are nationalist. Russia calls itself "Mother Russia".

Do we look at his thirst for military expansion?

Communist countries have pushed into military expansion many times and are as we speak. I love how left vs right has to do with fiscal positions like Socialism vs capitalism, and yet you try to prove something is or isn't right wing by pointing out things that have nothing to do with fiscal policy like race or nationalism, all while completely leaving out that Communist countries are racist on steroids and are heavy into their militaries and military expansion. There are two countries as we speak engaging in war or threatening to engage in wars against their neighbors. Russia is attacking Ukraine, and China is threatening Taiwan and their other neighbors with military force.

China’s military expansion is reaching a dangerous tipping point xi-aquilino/

1 point

Do we look at Hitler's policy of murdering all the politicians on the left?

Funny how when you look it up, even left wing sites never say "Hitler killed all of the leftists". It's nowhere in anything. They always say that he "killed 700-1,000 of his critics".

But I did find one that said he killed his conservative critics and priests.

1 point

Do we look at his total rejection of the Marxist class struggle?

ROFLMAO. You just glazed right over the fact that his target was an ultra religious group and that his claim was that Capitalism was evil and had been created by the Jews and "sick brains". Was it because that contradicted your bullshit narrative?

1 point

I don't know whether you actually believe the stupid shit you write my friend, or if you're just dishonest, but either way it demonstrates an astonishing ignorance of both history and political science to believe the Nazis were in any way on the left.

And yet you only quote the left as a source on the issue and never any writings that were actually from the time period of the events because they contradict your claims. Claiming something 40 to 80 years after the fact is a tactic, and is not "political science" or "history". Books from the 1940s say you and the left are completely full of shit. Pardon me while I believe writers from the time period over leftists 80 years later.

1 point

Oh, do we? Do we look at how private capital boomed under the Nazis, outperforming private capital in America during the same time period? Do we look at the huge successes of German manufacturing firms?

Through simple deductive logic, this is you either lying and leaving out that businesses and rich men get rich in Communist countries, or it's you admitting Capitalism is a "huge success". Not sure if your intent was to lie by omission of how things work in Communist countries or to prove how great and successful capitalism was, but either way, you look like a raging moron.

0 points

They literally claimed they wouldn't annex Czechoslovakia. They literally claimed they'd won the battle of Stalingrad. They literally claimed the SS were there to protect people from violence. They literally claimed they'd give all Germans a voice in government. They literally claimed they believed in democracy. They literally claimed they wanted peace. They literally claimed Communists had burned down the Reichstag

And were Socialists who ran Germany under the banner of Socialism..

1 point

Even taking on board genuine left wing politicians into their ranks

So you admit the NAZIs had leftists in their ranks. Welp, that seals up that argument.

1 point

Snopes is left wing, and was created by two leftists running the operation out of their basement in Canada. It was originally used to attempt to debunk "urban legends" and only got into politics in recent history. Many of its own claims have been debunked. It's owners have also been in court multiple times for plagiarism. Britannica is an authoritative source that is recognized as such by both American parties. It is the same Britannica that creates the Encyclopedia Britannica.

1 point

The right doesn't throw people into ovens and never has. The Socialists on the other hand, have not only done that, but have also committed 5,000 other crimes against humanity including their own people and political allies.

1 point

Native Americans and African tribes took scalps, held human sacrifices, had slaves, and in some cases still have slaves to this day. You don't seem very concerned about it, so I assume you don't really care about any of those things on any substantive level.

1 point

You left out the other three sources which are current. Are you going to address those sources? That'd be a big, fat nope.

1 point

1) The claim was there was no "coup". Not there was no "insurrection". Big difference because no "coup" means Trump wasn't involved.

2) Your article never once says any one pleaded guilty to "insurrection" or was even charged with insurrection. It lists their charges, and insurrection is in none of them. Insurrection is a word used by the media and never used by the courts.

The most common charge is "Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building", which are charges leftists get all of the time. One guy pled guilty to having a weapon, but the weapon is pepper spray.

1 point

Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and the Squad are not on this site. Looks like you're wrong.

1 point

So, as unfair as holding who you are against yourself

It's hardly surprising that you have no concept of the fact that a post by you on Facebook as a 13 year old might in no way represent "yourself" 20 years down the road as a 33 year old. In fact, as I recall, you (AKA His Dickheadness) were perfectly comfortable with using a highschool yearbook to attempt to slime a man in his 50's who was trying to become a Supreme Court Justice. You are. You're the guy who is that stupid and hypocritical and un-self aware. That one stupid mother fucker out of a thousand. That's you.

1 point

So, if you believe this video

Do I believe a city council video had a Leftist dressed as a mouse spouting nonsense on it? Yeah, I just watched it. So did you there Genius. Are you going to pretend this is the first video of a leftist teacher acting insane on tape? It's not. They're everywhere. Would you let this dickhead watch over and teach your child? If you would, you should go to the cattle barn and have them band your nuts immediately.

1 point

I do not recall excon supporting Biden THE IMBECILE'S ''COME ALL YE'' border policy, but if he did

He did and does. Ask him. He's on the right hand side of the debate over there an inch or less from your comment.

without being subjected to not so veiled accusations that he is willing to accept such horrors as a natural and justifiable consequence of unregulated immigration.

If you let a dog into someone's yard and it kills someone, guess who's guilty? You. Let that sink in.

1 point

So you equate living in this country illegally, with the rape of a 10 year old????

In other words you have no comment on you letting someone into the country knowing nothing about them, and then them raping a ten year old because it made you feel good to let him in regardless of whether he raped a child or not because it's all about you and how things make you feel rather than how they turn out in real life. I didn't cause this. People who think like me didn't cause this. You did. We had nothing to do with your self centered, childish position. It was all you.

1 point

In the US we now have censorship, the taking over of cities, arresting people for no mask, forced vaccines to work and an FBI that acts like the KGB, so what's the difference at this point? We're them.

1 point

if charges are levied, and Trump BEATS them, what's next?

You lose another few million voters. No worse voting buzz kill for a moderate or independent than a party raiding the home of a former President of which they have attacked many times just to get shot down and be wrong again after a raid. The left already looked crazy and was leaking registered voters prior to the latest act of totalitarianism and Fascism. Imagine how you would have thought if Trump had Obama's house raided. That's what you look like to the rest of us.

0 points

Hell, why not. I'll take it on just to prove I know their arguments and am a better debater than you. And I didn't need 50,000 words to do it


This has been debunked on this site probably 30 times in the last 7 years. The argument always starts with Horus, showing the debater has never read both stories and doesn't even actually know the Horus story. It means they plagiarized an argument from an Atheist site. They aren't even similar stories. Horus isn't of a virgin birth. His father was Osiris and his mother is Isis.


If you try this logic on a Christian, they'll double down seeing their holy book says the world will be filled with "Christian scam artists" in the end. There, I did their work for them seeing it was coming anyway.

Greek Mythology characters can transmute substances into wine. I can't find the exact quote/page number now, frustrating.

That probably won't win any of them over. And for all they know, even if your claim were true, Jesus did it to mock their myths. Next time don't admit that you can't find anything to support your claim. Once you look like a fool in the debate, your opponents will triple down on thinking they are right.

1 point

Phase 2 is like this. We've seen modern civil wars, so we have examples. The obvious one is Ukraine. US states would just split off with or without permission and dare the US government to try and fight on 40+ fronts. Most of the soldiers would be conservatives and defect, and the US military would become a shell of itself lost in 40+ fronts with 1/3 of the manpower. They couldn't hold 45 states. They don't have enough men. And with a weakened military, the blue part of America probably gets taken by a foreign military. Alaska gets taken by Russia and Hawaii by China almost assuredly.

1 point

It's already in phase 1. People fighting at school board meetings about what books are allowed, how the kids should be taught, making CRT illegal to teach, etc. Raids on multiple politicians' homes.

1 point

Is there any part of Orwell's "1984", Brave New World or V for Vendetta that the Democrats' have not yet fulfilled? I'd be interested to know.

1 point

It appears you are once again unable to defend your position. I can defend conservative positions. You can't defend liberal positions. That's why I'm not a Democrat.

2 points

I'm a lib because it's the CORRECT way to think

I'm a conservative because it's the correct way to think. I wouldn't explain why if I were you either. No sane person can defend grooming kids, defend making desired pronoun usage mandatory by law, or making people show their medical card in a direction violation of HIPPA laws.

Being correct makes me happy.

Democrats appear to be the most miserable people on Earth. Studies prove they are.

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