
Debate Info

It IS Nah. They wanna SPREAD freedom
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 It IS (3)
 Nah. They wanna SPREAD freedom (2)

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excon(18262) pic

Is the Republican platform just a list of things they don’t want others to have?


Those dozen words describe the conservative governing philosophy in a way that might otherwise require a doctoral dissertation.



Side Score: 4

Nah. They wanna SPREAD freedom

Side Score: 2
2 points

The Republican platform is "hey mother fucker, you're out of god damned money, are $30 trillion in debt, and the only place left for you to find any money to pay for your bullshit is out of my pocket, and I'm not fucking interested in subsidizing a bunch of children in adult bodies who hate me and my country." Get it? I'm all for paying anyone all of the money that is in your wallet. Aren't I a generous person? Heck, I'll even give them your fucking house and car. That's how fucking generous and liberal I am. I will gladly give them every dime that the Democrats have in their bank accounts to prove just how fucking spectacular I am. Worship my ass because I have a temporary liberal badge of fake honor.

Side: It IS
1 point

Isn't your platform we don't want you to have guns, we don't want you to have free speech, we don't want you to have the ability to question the WHO or the CDC or big pharma, we don't want you to have the right to not be force injected or force masked, we don't want you to be able to protect your borders, we don't want you to be able to run for President, we don't want you to speak on campus, we don't want you to have streets without human feces everywhere, we don't want you to have the ability to not let men win women's sports? Yeah, that's right. You're the party of don't want you to have. Glad we cleared that nonsensical bullshit up.

Side: It IS
1 point

Democrats: you can't have gas stoves.

Democrats: you can't have guns

Democrats: you can't have pop

Democrats: you can't have plastic straws

Democrats: you can't have gas powered vehicles

Democrats: you can't have zoos

Democrats: you can't eat meat

Democrats: you can't have desegregated graduations or dorms.

Democrats: you can't have two people closer than 6 feet from each other

Democrats: you can't have maskless moms at sporting events

Democrats: you can't have prayer in schools

Democrats: you can't have police

Democrats: you can't have guards at schools

Democrats: you can't have safe cities

Democrats: you can't have chic-fil-a

Democrats: you can't have anything white

Democrats: you can't have anything where we don't insert skin color.

Democrats: you can't have non woke movies.

Democrats: you can't have state's rights

Democrats: you can't have low taxes

Democrats: you can't have a media that covers bad things Democrats do.

Democrats: you can't have border towns that send illegals to our areas.

Side: It IS
1 point

You've got it all wrong Con. I'll gladly give you what's in my pocket. Put your hand out and come just a little closer. You know you want to.

Pssst Con. Can you afford to pay for your neighbor's bills? If yes, then why don't you? If no, how can you afford anyone else's? And if you can't and/or won't, what makes you think I can or will? The government would get it from a bunch of people like you and me, so just asking questions. Do tell Con. Do tell.

Side: Nah. They wanna SPREAD freedom
1 point

Those dozen words describe the conservative governing philosophy in a way that might otherwise require a doctoral dissertation

I'd like to see a video compilation of someone going around asking Democrats to explain what a budget is, how one works and why we have them. That'd be a laugh.

Side: Nah. They wanna SPREAD freedom