
Vorac's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vorac's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes. If a person is gravely injured because they weren't wearing a seatbelt, it costs the state money on healing them, so they should be able to make people wear seatbelts.

1 point

No. That's ridiculous, the customer should be able to decide what they want.

1 point

Yes. Chrome is so much faster and more convenient than any other browser out there, though I can understand why some might prefer Firefox for its addons and such.

1 point

Are you kidding me? Of course he's a liberal. His entire show is a satire of a punditry show such as the O'Reilly Factor, as is extraordinarily obvious by his idiotic character and intentionally clear logical flaws. Wikipedia has separate articles for Colbert's character and his actual person.

1 point

While it's a good idea for businesses to be able to understand other languages, if the customer can't effectively communicate, they should not be forced to accommodate them.

2 points

Yes. Smoking pot may not be a good idea, but it's no more harmful than alcohol or cigarettes, and does not harm anyone who doesn't choose to take it up. Especially with our current budget restrictions, we can't afford to save people from their own stupid decisions.

3 points

If God does exist, he's kind of an asshole. Killing all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians? Sticking you in eternal hellfire if you don't manage to repent before you die? Some of this stuff is pretty damn mean.

1 point

We're not really there yet. The fact that we have a black president doesn't mean that most blacks or any other minority have the same opportunities as whites. In reality, a large percentage of the population still holds prejudices, whether conscious or subconscious, about other races.

2 points

Absolutely. Torture is against the law, and if Bush and his associates ordered or encouraged it, regardless of reason, they should definitely be held to the same standards as anyone else.

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