
Amaura's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amaura's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Simple. he didn't. God is just coincidence with individual context. it is not rejection if the relationship was oppressive from the start. it is freedom

1 point

yes, violence is a matter of the heart. but if you add guns to the mix, people die. your argument is that because there are naturally violent situations without guns, we should leave them in the hands of said violent people. that, brontoraptor, is stupid and i hope you are joking

1 point

It is simple logic. if there is a gun present in a violent situation, it will most likely end in death or at least injury. this is not the same for any other portable weapons, not even bombs. taking away the guns wont remove violence, but it will absolutely reduce it. So why are Americans so fucking gun happy when it is literally killing them? take them away and if that doesn't work, we can rule out guns as the cause. Otherwise, you cannot complain about the rates of homicides, suicides and just plain crazy shoot outs if you are for guns. that is stupid

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