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 Do we need guns in America (139)

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FrankieHall(5) pic

Do we need guns in America

Guns are a huge topic in the USA and we want to find out what you guys think
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We do need guns in America. Violent crime is a matter of heart. If you take away guns, you simply take away the great equalizer in a violent situation and have made the victims defenseless.

amaura(3) Disputed
1 point

yes, violence is a matter of the heart. but if you add guns to the mix, people die. your argument is that because there are naturally violent situations without guns, we should leave them in the hands of said violent people. that, brontoraptor, is stupid and i hope you are joking

FemaleHeart(24) Disputed
4 points

But people would get killed anyway, but only in an even less humane way, like with a knife, sword, or chainsaw. And on Chronicles of Riddick, a man was killed with a teacup.

cownbueno(407) Disputed
0 points

"We need guns because we're an inherently violent and barbaric society that preys on each other."

Though, in reality how much crime is made easier by the ease of access to weapons

End of the day, two people with guns doesn't result in no bodies, it just guarantees one. Even police in the U.S. can't even relax because every second citizen could be strapped, which might be why they're so quick to unload the trigger in tense situations.

Your point is just incomprehensible.

Trolling is supposed to annoy people. You're just making yourself look silly.

AtheistChimp(18) Disputed
1 point

No. We need guns to protect ourselves from the violent foreigners that the liberals keep demanding we bring in.

1 point

"We need guns because we're an inherently violent and barbaric society that preys on each other."

No. We, the innocent, don't need our guns taken away because foreigners come in and are armed and uncivil. Most gun deaths in America are gang related, and the gangs are never composed of "the innocent", and rarely if almost never have traditional white Americans in them. Why would you disarm us because of what they do, knowing full well they'll have guns anyway? All you've done is disarmed the innocent and made them vulnerable. So tell us what that would logically accomplishes. You can't because it isn't logical and accomplishes nothing.

Arsenal(220) Disputed
-5 points
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
5 points

So what you got to say about France ? How do those terrorist get their hands on guns ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
4 points

Twice this year, Parisians have witnessed attackers armed with high-powered assault weapons—the kind outlawed in France—run down Paris’s grand boulevards and unleash a bloodbath upon the City of Light. “How do these people arrive here?” asked Florent Vigneux, 26, a physiotherapist, standing stunned in the Place de la République, two days after the Nov. 13 attack. “What can our government do?”

The fear and confusion after January’s Charlie Hebdo attacks over how military-grade weapons made their way into the French capital has only worsened since the massacre on Nov. 13 carried out by ISIS supporters, which left 130 dead and injured some 350 more. In the wake of the latest attacks, fear only intensified—speaking to the French Parliament on Nov.19, Prime Minister Manuel Valls also warned that ISIS could use biological or chemical weapons to attack France. “We must not rule anything out.”

Yet it was not bombs or chemical or radioactive weapons that caused so much death and destruction, but comparatively simple rifles and assault weapons, tools of war that have already left their mark on France, and the rest of Europe.

So how well are the strict gun laws working in France Wanker !

GrittyWorm(14) Disputed
4 points

Social science and psychology show us that people speak to others in the manner that they talk to themselves inside of their heads.

3 points

Actually, the places without guns have more violence, and are more apt to have mass attacks.

Amarel(5669) Disputed
2 points

1- The US also has more crime in general, including crime that is unrelated to guns. That's a cultural and institutional issue.

2- with the countless number of guns already in the US, plus our relatively pourus border, it isn't feasible to disarm the population.

3- I'm sure it varies, but I've never met a cop who takes issue with legal gun owner, even those carrying concealed. Often times they applaud it and thank the law abiding gun owner for following proper procedure.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker in America there is the 2nd Amendment ! You ever heard of it ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker are all guns in America used for crimes ? Or can you grasp that Wanker ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker do stricter guns laws keep guns out of the terrorist hands in the UK ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker you said you had dual citizenship's so with that said you don't believe American's have to right to arm themselves to protect themselves , their family and their property ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker can you tell me that stricter guns laws keep guns out of criminals hands ? What criminal abides by the law ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker you are out of your league when it comes to firearms but what you will do is call someone that carries a gun when you need them. You Progressives are totally confused in your thinking.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Wanker you have been completely destroyed here because you Progressives want to disarm the law abiding citizen but never addressing the criminal element of society that gets their hands on guns. Avoiding what is reality is what make you people very dangerous

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Wanker here is the view you Progressives have don't own a gun just call someone with a gun when you need them. Why is it you would call someone with a gun to protect you ? Are you afraid to protect yourself ?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker "You're gonna have to step up your game many notches if you wish to hang with the likes of me, mate."

Step up Progressive defend yourself !

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Mate you can't defend your position on guns if you could you would !

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Wanker how is Moonbeam Land ? Do the illegals in the sanctuary state not have the ability to get their hands on guns ? (CNN)The family of a woman allegedly killed by an undocumented immigrant who'd recently been released from jail can't sue San Francisco over its sanctuary policy, according to a recent court ruling.

Kate Steinle's shooting death in 2015 sparked national debate over so-called sanctuary cities and became a rallying cry for Donald Trump on the campaign trail.

Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an undocumented immigrant and repeat felon from Mexico who'd been deported five times, is accused of shooting Steinle, a 32-year-old medical device sales rep, as she walked on a San Francisco pier.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey Arsenal did you run away ? Why run away Arsenal ? Are you afraid ?

5 points

We need guns because if we do not have them, then only the nasty criminals will have weapons. Law abiding people would obey the laws and be unarmed. The nasties would disobey the laws and shoot their unarmed victims.

3 points

If we illegalize guns, the Mexican cartels would flood the underground market with weapons.

2 points

How else would the military do its job. ?

2 points

There is a Bill of Rights ! Progressives whine and complain about their 1st Amendment Right so Gun Owners have the right to own guns under the 2nd Amendment then that gives Progressives more reasons to complain ! LMMFAO!

The Mentality of the Left is the Constitution should only work in their favor and no one else's !

2 points

Hello Frankie:

Need??? Do you NEED seatbelts??? You ONLY need seatbelts if you're gonna CRASH, and you only NEED a gun if somebody is crashing through your door.


2 points

Can you tell me a better way to open my beer? ............................................................................

0 points

Katana. OH or broadsword.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Those are for wine. You wouldn't use a cork screw on a Bud would you? Same with weaponry. ..............................................

"Guns are a huge topic in the USA and we want to find out what you guys think"-----

Who is "we"?

"Guns are a huge topic in the USA and we want to find out what you guys think"-----

Who is "we"?

1 point

It is simple logic. if there is a gun present in a violent situation, it will most likely end in death or at least injury. this is not the same for any other portable weapons, not even bombs. taking away the guns wont remove violence, but it will absolutely reduce it. So why are Americans so fucking gun happy when it is literally killing them? take them away and if that doesn't work, we can rule out guns as the cause. Otherwise, you cannot complain about the rates of homicides, suicides and just plain crazy shoot outs if you are for guns. that is stupid

AtheistChimp(18) Disputed
4 points

Didn't Cain kill Abel without a gun? Did't violent crime happen before guns?*

Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

Over the long run, the rate of violent crime has declined while the rate of gun ownership has increased. This is national as well as world wide. The people who encounter the most violence daily are police officers, but they usually don't shoot people. Your point is illegitimate.

1 point

People were murdered and slaughtered before the gun was invented. Where there is a will there is a way.

1 point

You might add that they were murdered and slaughtered at higher rates. We live in the most peaceful time in human history. National crime is down as well. All while more people in more places have access to more guns than ever before.

1 point

Yes. I think we do, but I also think we need to have some form of gun control that works better than what we have now. Loopholes need to be fixed, backgrounds need to be checked 100% of the time and, honestly I think those that buy one should be required to take a gun/safety course.

2 points

It accomplishes nothing. Over 90% of gun homicides are by gang members, and those guns aren't legally posessed. And many of them come from a across the border illegally and are obtained illegally.

1 point

Yes. a rape victim might need a gun to feel safe..........................................................................................

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Which makes me wonder if she is a victim well then the gun was not very effective was it ?

1 point

Do Americans need guns if the answer is yes ,why ?

Is America more violent as a society than other so called civilised societies and if not why the need for guns ?

Are guns beneficial for society or necessary , if yes why don't we in European societies follow the American model ?

Normally any debate on guns with Americans is impossible as they foam and froth at the mouth at anyone daring to suggest that guns have no part in a society that deems itself civilised