
Blizzardbird's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blizzardbird's arguments, looking across every debate.

It is way more fun to lie. Telling the truth is no fun.

What about people who claim to be agnostics that mock other people who are either agnostics or atheists vs the other two previously mentioned?

You're response is predictable.

Ok I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you ....the e=mc2 is bullshit science designed to trip you people that's why it's so popular it's the cheese whiz of what the fuck causes this shift against impact when you impact son thing it moves with impact...second no way to calculate the speed of a proton in those days ...and if they moved that fast guy why did the world build a several hundred billion dollar excellarator to speed up to the speed of light particles smaller than a proton .....junk fucking science and math and your just smart enough to memorize it but to stupid to see the smoke and mirrors this sight is useless ....Google the LHC then come back and try to explain the epic failure of every single math equation they presented in the last hundred years people are fucking goofy

e=mc2 squared was just an approximation. Einstein came up with many excellent mathematical formulas and equations to calculate speed, time and mass.

A bit of research will do.

Anybody who thinks that Einstein's e=mc2 was his greatest work is badly mistaken. Einstein used e=mc2 as just a way to shut up the ignorant masses that would end up believed e=mc2, the mathematics Einstein really used was far more complicated than that, but the ignorant masses that absorbed the e=mc2 formula like it was the end all of all facts are ignorant regarding mathematics.

e=mc2 was just Einsteins ways of deliberately trying to satisfy the general population of idiots.

I am sorry. I saw another bit of mental retardation. Cuoroc is not FromWithin or his clone. FromWithin is a crybaby who comes here to complain and bans people. Cuoroc is someone who has been banned from those debates for disagreeing with him, so he copies the debates and doesn't ban anyone. That way the giant list of people that FromWithin bans get to discuss how wrong FromWithin is. You are again demonstrating you don't know shit.

Then how come Cuoroc gets attacked by others as if those beliefs are his own then?

Are you trying to imply that others that attack him fail to see that Cuoroc is not on the same side as FromWithin?

You can't expect me to buy such stupid tales.

You're nose is growing for sure.

Why the fuck would I have to address all of that bullshit when I am responding to a guy who doesn't even know the group of people he is attacking?

How the hell was I attacking any group by saying that you should try to actually start debating the issue properly as well as laying out the overall criteria that both sides need to address?

You are such a fucking idiot that I can't even read your post. I stopped after you wrote:


I only ever brought up locker rooms in the nutjob fucking debates that FromWithin created. It is fucking stupid to accuse me of bringing up locker rooms, being proven wrong, then pretending like I think FromWithin represents all conservatives. Fuck off.

You outwardly stated that conservatives have a problem with locker rooms. You just love losing.

You really need to stop.

You never say anything, do you?

You idiot.

I said that I believed that you failed to prove IamSparticus wrong, it doesn't mean that he was necessarily wrong or right until you had proven him wrong or right.

Why don't you run yourself over?

Nope. You have no reading comprehension.

You're just trying to draw attention away from your comment to IamSparticus in the hope that people will forget.

This is your comment you made to IamSparticus:

"What part of winning the shitty choice award did you not understand? Hillary shouldn't be polling better than anyone. She is as despicable as the Republicans claim, and they can't even poll better than her? WTF".

Hhahahahahahhahahah! I've got you again, runt!

is always funny when someone with the intellect of a small child tells someone else to grow up.

What is your problem? Is all you ever do just post on this shitty site?

How about trying to contribute to something, try engaging in some sort of contest, go to a gym or some sort of club, enter a tournament or something, try study or something?

Why not go explore?

All you seem to do is post on this stupid site, it's not worth it.

I occasionally post on this site, but honestly, you shouldn't spend your whole life on it.

Get off your backside and actually do something worthwhile, or at least say something worthwhile.

No. I am saying you are a liar for claiming I said I disagreed with him.


You said to IamSparticus:

""What part of winning the shitty choice award did you not understand? Hillary shouldn't be polling better than anyone. She is as despicable as the Republicans claim, and they can't even poll better than her? WTF".

You can't backpedal.

No. Thick is where someone tells you something in plane English and you still get it backwards.

I know a lot more about the English language than you do.

Well, yeah, he described exactly what I was talking about.

IamSparticus said something slightly different to you and you reacted to it.

No, you didn't react because he had said the same thing as you, because he didn't say quite the same thing as you.

It appears more like you reacted because he said something slightly different and so you threw one of your stupid tempers.

Are you so obnoxious that you don't know how you appear?

Well, I can't really argue with that. You are a child, so you would know.

Yes, I was once. Even then I didn't reduce myself to that behaviour.

I can recognise this behaviour of yours, but I don't know why you do it.

How would you know? You have absolutely no reading comprehension.

This to me sounds more like a childish excuse.

You are very childish.

It's you're final resort.

So, you admit you were wrong, and you are still going to attack me. Excellent.

I will continue to attack you because you are right now lying about what I had said.

I had said that you claimed that Hillary was the worst democratic candidate originally.

I had also said that IamSparticus had claimed that he didn't think that she was the worst, just that she was a bad candidate.

When did I claim that either of you believed she was the best?

You complained that she was the worst so we obviously knew what you were saying.

Just because IamSparticus claimed that she wasn't the worst, doesn't mean that she isn't necessarily bad.

It didn't matter what other people's opinions on other candidates are either, so grow up. Get over it.

Sure thing backward boy.

Trust me, you're a snivelling fool.

Because I said that the Republicans are putting up a candidate that is worse than Hillary, and he responded with disagreement and proof that the Republicans are putting up a worse candidate than Hillary. I don't take kindly to people disagreeing with me then saying the exact same thing as me.

When did he ever claimed to disagree that Donald is worse than Hillary?

You both admitted to believing that Donald was worse than Hillary.

I don't think this had anything to do with Donald being worse than Hillary.

If you could read properly, you would have understand that IamSparticus disagreed with you when you claimed that Hillary was the worst democratic candidate. You said she was the worst DEMOCRATIC candidate and he disagreed, you liar.

Yes. It's true. You really don't have any sense of humor. You laugh when no one else laughs, and you don't laugh when everyone else does.

This sounds like the sort of thing a spoilt teenage brat would say to his parents. Are you really this immature? You would definitely go home with a bloody nose in front of your girlfriend if you continued acting this way.

Why do you continue with such an attitude to life?

Back to not being able to read. It is amazing that someone who can't read keeps coming back to a debate website. If I lost, why can't you put 2 of my contradictory/hypocritical statements side by side?


I just did.

All of them. You seem to use every single word wrong.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you?

There is no such thing as a "useless forest." When biodiversity is destroyed ten the whole ecosystem goes down with it..

How do you know that there is no such thing as a "useless forest"?

You just ignored what I had said. Just because some forests are useless doesn't mean that biodiversity would be reduced if we got rid of a useless forest.

Scientific modeling predicts bees may go extinct in 2036.


You said "opposite" which necessitates a binary by definition.

When we say "opposite sex" it is just a figure of speech, you pedantic idiot.

We don't literally mean that women are the opposite of men.

also defined a crossdresser as having one of two motivations, so you did say otherwise.

I said that a crossdresser was someone who dressed in the opposite sexes clothes do so because they either felt comfortable in the clothes belonging to the opposite sex or because they thought they were the opposite sex.

All the reasons one could provide for why people dress in the clothes of the opposite sex would suggest that they felt comfortable doing so.

People do whatever they feel comfortable doing, which includes conforming.

And honestly, why did you including "conforming" as a reason to dress in clothes that belong to the opposite sex? Why on earth would one be conforming be dressing in clothes that belong to the opposite sex? One would probably do it in order to not conform, which is still just a way of trying to feel more comfortable.

And when you added for "performance" as a reason, that was a complete fallacy too. Dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex as performance is not a lifestyle choice that dictates what clothes you would wear when you aren't performing, dimwit, so "performance" as a reason shouldn't count, unless you're insane, nutbag.

Nice backward scramble into denial, though.

You're good at losing.

And I was just pointing out to you that you had failed to address the above criteria.

No, you failed to provide adequate criteria.

No interest interest engaging with someone who can't even come up with an original ad hominem.

Being an idiot is not something unheard of nor original.

Why would you expect me to try to come up with some nonsensical insult in order to sound original?

I'll call you stupid because it's a simple fact.

You may not want to accept that some people are stupid, but it's a fact you've got to admit, stupid.

You have already admitted to not being able to remember things on multiple occasions. There is no reason to think you have remembered anything correctly.

No, I remembered the important details, just not the unimportant bits.

That's because FromWithin brought up locker rooms you stupid fuck

Just because one conservative nut like FromWithin brings something up doesn't mean all conservative nuts do.

Just because the West Borough Baptist church preaches that gays should be burned doesn't imply that all conservatives happen to believe in killing gay people.

I personally believe the whole "gay/anti-gay" argument is just a massive distraction and people on both sides just need to grow up and forget about all the nonsense. If one side was to ignore the other, then the other side would probably just stop talking, since the other side isn't listening.

At least it would be a bit of a change.

First, you aren't even smart enough to know what is going on between Cuoroc and FromWithin, so there is absolutely no reason to trust your judgement on anything else. Second, if FromWithin made up the locker issue that proves I didn't bring it up you stupid contradictory douche.

Actually by applying it to situations when you didn't need to, you are bringing the locker-room issue up.

This locker room problem doesn't have anything to do with being a conservative so by implying it does, you were actually bringing it up again.

And Cuoroc is either FromWithin, or his clone, so yes I do know about him.

I am talking about the comment I made. You are talking about the bullshit conversations that go on in your own head.

No, I was talking about how you're comment failed to address the following points.

I repeat:

If you had both the brains and the willingness to debate then you really should ask yourself the following questions:

a; should people who think they are the opposite sex be allowed in your bathroom just because they think they are the opposite sex

b; should bathrooms be gender segregated

c; does wearing clothes from the opposite because they make you feel more comfortable stop you from going to the bathroom.

d; are people who have a physical "sex change" actually validly called the sex that their bodies sex was changed into?

That's not what I was saying at all.

Where did you get your mouth from?

You came here to harass me. Since you like being wrong so much, you should get used to people telling you how wrong you are.

How come it's only you that I need to get used to?

I am starting to understand you better. For us normal people shit is actually supposed to come out of our anus. You have shit coming out of your mouth whenever you speak and you think that it coming out of an anus is weird. Thanks for helping us understand.


You've been watching too much comedy!

Him disagreeing with a small part of my post doesn't mean he thought everything was wrong.

I never said that he believed everything you said was wrong, delusional one.

However, you definitely reacted very aggressively towards him because he simply disagreed with a small part of your post.

Grow up, kid.

False. He said he disagreed with me. I never said anything about disagreeing with him.

So you're now calling IamSparticus a liar for saying he disagreed with you, since you didn't disagree with him?

Are you this thick?!?

What are you talking about?

No, I told off the Republican party.

You said something along the lines of "can't you see that..." and acted all bewildered as if IamSparticus failed to see something really obvious.

You're excuses are like a childs.

I'm not interested in whether or not you told the Republicans off, you also told off IamSparticus.

IamSparticus never said she was the best candidate, you stupid forgetful fucko.

Of course neither of you had ever said that she was the best candidate, either.

You just over-reacted to him because he simply disagreed when you implied that she was the worst.

Pay attention, fucker.

It doesn't matter whether or not somebody things that Hillary is the worst democratic candidate, so why did you reacte to him in the way you had done, stupid fucker?

Yes, you have no sense of humor. You really have no idea when you should be laughing.


punches cartman in the face

You're so stupid it's frustrating.

Another one of your awesome claims that could very easily be shown if it were true. How come all of these easy to prove things never get any evidence included with them? How hard could it be to show that I am a hypocrite, or that I contradict myself. Every single time you make these claims it never has examples of what I said that would fit your claim.

Lol, this post is the most loaded drivel ever, you just wrote a big paragraph summing up the fact that you have just lost.

Ok dictionary boy. Sounds like you are redefining words again.


Some females love winging and whining. I don't know a single female on this earth that has found a formula that can be applied to find the exact value of any square root.

Are women inferior or equal to men? To be honest I just don't give a shit, people just need to stop whining and winging and complaining. The only thing that can cause do success is intellect and practice, not emancipation.

Poor people haven't became extremely accomplished scientists due to any effort to emancipate them, they learnt the hard way and studied and observed things closely throughout their lives. Alan Turing, Albert Einstein and Steve Hawking had nobody to emancipate them.

Not all transgender people are binary and not all binary trans people desire or pursue transition.

I never suggested that this wasn't true, stupid cretin.

Cross-dressers may cross-dress for as many reasons as other people conformist-dress. It can be for gender identity, subversion of gender norms, comfort, performance art, etc.

I had never said otherwise, you stupid bore. Learn to read properly.

If you had the brains and willingness to use them, you might ask why this is an even an issue.

I just had requested that this question ought to be asked, you stupid idiot. I was pointing out to Cartman that he had failed to address any of the above criteria.

Try to understand what other people are saying, you stupid knob.

Why the fuck did YOU bring up locker rooms?

No, you brought it up, you fucking idiot. You seem to think that nobody else remembers any of the comments that you have made on any other thread, moron.

You seem to think that conservatives care about locker rooms, a good look at your comment history within the last few days will prove this.

You really need to understand the bathroom/locker thing (i.e. cuoroc and FromWithin made up the locker issue, not the conservatives).

I am doing a perfectly fine job debating.

Look at the original comment that you had made on this debate before I got here. We are talking about the time you entered this thread, not when I entered this thread, go suck donkey balls.

You entering a debate has no bearing on whether any debating will happen.

It is really stupid. Right now you are trying to tell me that there is nothing I can do to help a stupid moron like you to debate. Is this how you try to insult other people? Shut up then.

You have never helped out a debate.

I've tried to help you and yet you refuse to let anyone help you, so fuck off.

You have only shown people how to debate in that you have demonstrated every possible thing not to do in a debate.

It's pathetically comical when you say that, shit dribbles from your anus every time you say that, idiot.

Iamsparticus helps prove that I am right.

You think of yourself so highly that you think that if somebody disagrees with you then by essence you are somehow proven right.

Why the fuck would I prove him wrong?

You have said that you disagreed with IamSparticus and you told him off as well. You have no evidence that Hillary is the WORST democratic candidate, so you can't disprove IamSparticus, stupid liar.

That's why you lose every fucking debate you enter into. You attack what the other person says no matter what your position is.


I'm laughing my fucking ass off, you're the biggest hypocrite on this site.

Never mind the idiocy of Saintnow and FromWithin, we've got you to replace them both!

There wasn't a shred of intelligence in your response. I can't respond to your completely unintelligent posts any more. You should have been nicer to me. I have you the opportunity to bullshit add much as you wanted.

You're a very weak person. You have no talent for anything whatsoever.

You are getting really good at adding absolutely nothing to the conversation. Did you receive formal education in brain dead responses, it is it just natural talent

Everything you say is empty bullshit. Go on and try to prove IamSparticus wrong, worthless snob.

Are you unemployed or something?

In North Carolina a law was passed by Republicans to prevent men in the women's restroom/locker room. It has become a big deal lately because it was targeted at transgenders.

No, a law was not passed by the republicans in North Carolina, because the law was already there hundreds of years before.

Cuoroc is posting the copied debate of FromWithin. It is amazing how oblivious to what goes on around you that you can be.

Cuoroc agrees with FromWithin and feels the same inclination to post that comment about men in women's locker rooms. He's just as stupid as you. Try to figure your brain out, dumbshit.

You are always the other person who is not debating in the "it takes 2" scenario. Stop lying to yourself.

You had your chance to debate long before I entered this debate. I was pointing out how you can't even be bothered to debate, which was something which had occurred before I came here.

I am showing you how to debate, but first it seems that you need to dislike yourself first, since your full of bad qualities which causes you not to debate.

He is definitely a progressive. Everything he says boosts the liberal agenda.

In what way does what he say boost the liberal agenda? The only way that his posts end up boosting the liberal agenda is that his shitty arguments end up making his own posts end up making the conservatives look bad.

Doesn't mean he ain't a conservative though, many conservatives end up making themselves look bad.

The conservatives are the ones making the laws. You are the most ignorant person on the website. Just because you pretend to have answers doesn't mean you are knowledgeable. You have to actually have the real answers to not be ignorant.

Neither the conservatives nor the liberals are making laws to do with locker rooms. Laws regarding locker rooms were in place long before the conservatives or liberals came to existence.

You're an idiot. And you just like feeding FromWithin's little nonsense to make yourself look clever. Next time he goes on about locker rooms, ignore him, little prick.

I rather enjoy the cyclical nature of it all. Conservatives and Liberals do their funny little dance, replete with role reversal and copious foot stomping

Real conservatives at most tend to obsess over bedrooms and bathrooms, not locker rooms. FromWithin has never been a republican politician, so he is unaware of what conservatives are like.

It's the conservatives who are more concerned with bathrooms than with reality you jackass.

Conservatives are often concerned with bathrooms, but not locker rooms! You once made a post recently where conservatives are somehow concerned with locker rooms!

Ignorant you are, you bastard snob.

If that were true you wouldn't have posted on the no side.

He said that he didn't like Hitler. You're so stupid that you think that if a non progressive was claiming to not like Hitler would suddenly mean that not only progressives like killers.

I am sorry, but the biggest deflector on the website shouldn't be criticizing anyone else.

Since you're the biggest deflector, don't criticize anyone, worthless pile of shite.

You have still never debated a single person on this website.

I have occasionally. And when I haven't, it's the other persons fault for not following the "it takes 2 to debate" rule.

I do my bit to debate even if it evens proving to you that you are a worthless pile of shit.

She gets paid $250k to speak in front of the corporations that she is supposed to be regulating once she is president. She gets plenty of personal gain.

What does she spend that money on? What is more important to ask is whether she KEEPS the money locked away just for her own sense of personal gain or whether she spends the money on things that are worthwhile.

If she didn't do any speeches then she would end up not having $250K.

Hillary's speeches are worthless anyway and she is not intelligent, so even if she was able to spend that $250K on worthy causes, then she shouldn't have to do public speeches just to get $250K, she should end up having that extra $250K regardless.

That's if Hillary spends that $250K on worthwhile causes.

What part of winning the shitty choice award did you not understand? Hillary shouldn't be polling better than anyone. She is as despicable as the Republicans claim, and they can't even poll better than her? WTF

IamSparticus seems to believe that Hillary is not the worst democratic candidate, just that she is a bad one.

Well, are you going to try to convince him that Hillary isn't just a bad candidate but is the worst one?

Well, Hillary is pretty bad and I don't like her very much and Donald Trump seems a bit strange too.

Whether Hillary or Donald are the worst candidates, that's a tough one. There are some pretty batshit candidates that we don't hear about.

Um, that's the Republicans. Only the Republicans are worrying about men going into the women's locker room.

I'm not sure whether republicans or democrats worry about men entering women's locker rooms. I don't exactly know why you think that republicans worry about men going in women's locker rooms.

But I am equally confused about Cuoroc as well, why on earth did he even mention that democrats worry about men going in women's locker rooms? I've never exactly heard about locker rooms being a controversial political topic that arose in politics.

Well, I've heard all sorts of stuff about feminists and about sexism against men and sexism against women and "gender issues" and all this and that but I've never ever heard about gender ruminations regarding locker rooms.

Well, I've heard stuff about keeping ensuring paedophiles don't enter child's locker rooms but that's about it.

Does anybody think about that kind of stuff except from the pro-exhbitionists?

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

That sounds almost like chessboard notation to me.

This side is for people who don't want crossdressers in their bathroom.

A transgender is a person who tries to turn their body into the opposite of their opposite sex.

A crossdresser is someone who either ways the clothes of the opposite sex because it makes them feel more comfortable, or because they think they are a member of the opposite sex.

If you had both the brains and the willingness to debate then you really should ask yourself the following questions:

a; should people who think they are the opposite sex be allowed in your bathroom just because they think they are the opposite sex

b; should bathrooms be gender segregated

c; does wearing clothes from the opposite because they make you feel more comfortable stop you from going to the bathroom.

d; are people who have a physical "sex change" actually validly called the sex that their bodies sex was changed into?

You don't seem interested at all. You're boring and stupid.

Your potty mouth is a disappointment, you can't expect me to read junk like this......when I see this kind of stuff, I ignore whatever it is they are trying to say after they tried to express their weak mind forcefully by using profane speech.

You're weak.

You're so weak morally that you can't even explain what sin is. Do you count not having the willingness to explain it as a sin? What the essence of morality is depends on the morality that is within the mind of the one that believes in morality.


Pretending to not know what sin is, is sin. You can name other sins you enjoy when you are doing them.

Why the fuck would I know what sin means? You can't even be bothered to clarify. Are all things that we enjoy somehow sinful? Does that mean that once you become a Christian that you cannot enjoy being a Christian without sinning?

I see what people mean now when they say that even if you become a Christian it doesn't stop you from sinning.

Are you going to clarify?

:3 .

Hello, anyway.

Call on God in the name of His Son to be saved from Hell. If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart you believe unto righteousness, and with the mouth you confess unto salvation. If you come into agreement with God, He will give you a new heart, a new Spirt, Jesus Christ Himself will indwell you making you a new person, a new creation, born again as a child of God, adopted into His family to be a joint heir with Jesus Christ to inherit eternal life and all the blessings of God in Heaven.

What is sin?

Hola and thank you for the people who actively read my statements ...I am a tinkerer in science and math i'm not very good at either so please bare with me as I struggle ....first I would like to state that physics is a passion of mine and again i'm just a simple man so i'm sorry if I butcher what I hope is eloquent and on point ....if we start with a few major theories one being vibrational pitch theory this pretty much tells you that all matter is held together and pulled apart with vibration or frequency of an energy wave and that different matters resonate at different frequencies and changes to this frequency can seriously alter the state of a given matter.......kind of like GOD speaking things into we have super string theory ....this is were we learn that particles inside gluttons and quarks have a glowing ribbon inside them that have a sort of binary code that gives these particles the boarders of what they are what they can and cant do....this ties to superposition this is amazing this is neutrinos are nothing until viewed then they at a 50/50 ratio become either black or white hard or soft...and can change at will when not being viewed ....they cant be pink or square so something wrote the binary code in these particles ....just like the blue prints of genes were not eventually formed from nothing.... this map or code or blue print was written by a master engineer ....then lets look at the LHC now they will tell you this is a machine to replicate the big bang....LOL...actually the top secret project alice is a dimensional portal project to move matter in an energy field thru dimensions ....because when they first started this goofy big bang cover story ...they said the lack of speed was they reason for failure....then they reached the desired speed ...nothing far as a big bang anyway ....then they changed to they needed smaller particles (boson hicks) particles.....but let not so common sense enter in here ....if I put a mouse in my pocket and you drop a atom bomb on me did you not bomb the mouse as those of you who struggle as I do ..this means an atom collided is a gluon collided on and so on...but this is just a cover story.....because they know as well as any low level Satanist knows we did not come about by a big bang ....this is brain food for surfs ....but any way let us take GOD at his word then he is a circle he has no beginning and no this we also must look at our child like thoughts on time GOD says one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day....this because time is a 2nd dimensional concept...meaning you cant touch it you cant save it you cant see it you cant react with it our third dimension see matter reacts as though there is time because a code in the replication process tells each cell this far and no farther....and destructive cells begin to build this gives the illusion of time ....what is funny is when people think they can evaluate time carbon....a forest fire would throw off any such if matter was created by a bang then what created the concept of time...and the cellular interaction with this we have alternate dimensions...mostly just one more worth mentioning....dimension that is we also have the it is in the vacuum of space ....we are told space debris moves at around 7 to 10 km per sec......yet the big bang was totally unnatural boson hicks particles colliding at 299000 and serious change km per sec....why such diverse speeds on these particles and not space debris...asteroids and other mythical space stuff ....then lets take the 2 dimensional space time fabric concept ...and the spandex illustration given at universities....this is so laughable ...if the earth is in the third dimension.....suffice to say this reality we live in is mostly a david copperfield esc illusion ......perhaps one day we get into gravity....another fun myth.....all these topics are designed to detract people from is the truth...very powerful people think the morning star is the enlightener of man he set us free and GOD set us up in the garden....notice the piece of shit didn't have eve eat the tree of life just the tree of knowledge to cause separation from GOD these evil simpletons know that aliens are the fallen archon moving thru dimensions using energy fields they created the crafts to suck the US into reverse engineering them so they could spoon feed theses people to were we are today....aliens are demons....and once the cern people open the pit dimension apollyon will be released and the earth will be in serious jeopardy and this is coming soon genetic hybrids as in archon and man mix animal and man is already happening but the final straw will be the mix of archon and man to whom ever puts out this propaganda of science and big bang I want you to know I don't fear this I don't fear them and I know the truth

Where we are today exists and the factors that separate the future from the past exists.

So in effect, time exists as a bunch of factors within the present that separate consequences, so in effect time does exist.

Just the events that occurred in the past but ceased and the future which has yet to exist do not.

First of all, I think you have a reasonable foundation and a decent grasp of things, as this definitely does etch the surface at least and I believe that you have actually given this some good thought, unlike a lot of people on this site.

When you say time does not exist, I think you may have a point as long as you believe everything occurs in the present.

We have a finite mind, we can only know that 1 = 1 or that the square root of 4 is 2 and the like (I have devised a formula that can solve any square root, but it is only out of my finite mind).

What I am trying to say is, the only things we know what quantities are, we don't know what makes numbers exist. What are numbers? Why do they exist? Why does 1 + 2 = 3, how can we prove it other than that in sequence 3 comes after 2 in sequence by 1? What does it mean when something exists? What is existence?

When most "Christians" say that we have finite means, they use it because they try to come up with an excuse that god is far more complex and that we can't understand him.

While it is true that we cannot possibly understand the one who created this universe (whoever this entity is), "Christians" who use the "finite mind" excuse tend not to know what "finite" means. It means we cannot grasp infinity, what makes a number a number and if our minds our "finite" it also means we can't understand the completely infinite realm that makes 1 the number 1, because behind our world is infinite in nature, what are quarks made of, what causes motion, really? What causes atoms to repel and pull, etc? We can't answer these questions in such simple ways because mankind in general has been trained to think in finite ways. It is only via thinking outside the box and this means by thinking outside of the finite and instead trying to think along the infinite that we can only even begin to guess how our universe works or the creator who made the universe and all the dimensions.

I'm an agnostic personally, but this is if there is a creator.

For a minute there.................... I thought you were admitting you were stupid. I got so excited.

Go wipe your backside. Trying to get people to admit that they are stupid is the only thing people like you actually try to do on this site.

I'm guessing it's something you do as a means to bolster yourself by imagining that other people are stupid.

that is not at all how speed is calculated ...and mass is not a factor of speed the calculation for speed is distance over time the mass speed thing you are trying to summon is velocity times mass is = to energy on contact ....the energy in all these goofy equations is gama ....not trying to be mean but have you even googled half the theories your trying to talk on.....e=mc2 is a mass equvilency theory it has to do with center mass shift of photons moving thru a mass as photons have no mass this is how they are relative to the speed of light ..... it is not a time oriented theory it was part ...only part of nuclear fission and fusion principal....and speed is a factor of only two things time and distance ...and in order for time to be a factor the 2 things mentioned half to have a start and an end because if you don't know the beginning or the end you can not calculate either the time or the distance and you cant calculate speed ...take for instance radar this works by calculating the speed of the energy wave the distance is calculated by how long wave takes to come back so in effect it throws a ball and waits to catch the same ball then calculates the time of this process...eliminate any one of the factors in the cycle and effectually you have no radar.....what is phi and pi ....these are ways to calculate shapes in second dimension...and very important math factors in there is your circular answer your not close to time are the reality and time is a measure in reality ..what part of this are you not getting don't have any understanding on these matters and are just trying to sound and feel smart e=mc2 then google quantum mechanical theory then rethink retool your argument your not even close to on target ....I have participated in many cutting edge MIT british imperial collage and Stanford physics classes and have many conversations about thing like cern ..before they fired up to full speed im on record as telling them the big bang would not replicate but a dimensional portal would open I was refered to the security clearance of project alice and told to keep quiet as well as I have been a well recorded voice in the fight against real stem cell research and was in and now out of a project world from MIT I know a regular mind trying to sound out of ordinary offense but you are silly

You're just writing an entire paragraph that is basically just a load of repeats. I highly doubt you have contributed to anything. Take the radar for example, as you have mentioned. Speed is merely the factors that causes an object to move it's mass at a certain distance according to the numerical values that exist within space. The more energy that is exerted compared to the object, the faster it will go. Haven't you ever heard of Issac Newton and his idea of the laws of nature?

Moving happens in the present, movement is simply when numbers that make up our physical dimensions simultanously collide, the greater the numbers, the faster the object.

Why do you feel the need to belittle me? Nothing wrong with you stating your dubious creditionals, but I wonder why you feel the urge to accuse me of just putting on some silly show.

If you think I sound smart, then that's silly, because I'm talking about basic stuff here.

Im sorry I almost missed you solipsism comment no this is not true research th 100 monkey reconfirm we have multiple units of time singular off network time line ...common collective time network this is all shared event or documented common time experience there is a vast conscience network well mapped and documented you just aren't aware of its reality but perhaps you have heard statements like the collective conscience or critical mass ....these in movies are never in right context so please do some research this will help you understand the insignificance of is a unit of measure nothing more ...ask anyone who has done time in solitary confinement ...time and Trac of it is lost almost completely in a few hrs off the collective conscience network. ...your not following your math and your theories to the natural common end you know how economies crash ....the numeric value system of measure is no longer in keeping with reality .....once this becomes public knowledge it's over then if numericmeasure was always reality how is this so take time zones wehave way more time zones than the "speed" of the earth alleged rotation ...a HUGE HUGE WHOLE in time distance memeasurement yet your reality of ignorance continues. ....this is until you finally realize numbers are just symbols like letters to mark a value it is a way to transfer thought and the value of thoughts ....not the reality of this thought .....hence put time in your pocket and walk it to the dank to deposit and save cannot but you can clock time count time or measure solar events as time but if your in a dark room with a hot chic TIME DOESNT lose all sense of it ...because all we do as monkeys is crunch time for the trade measures of life for measures of money ....this only happens here ...what a foolish life you all live .....

We cannot disprove of prove solipsism at this moment. I am sceptical against it just as much as I am in favour of it.

I am not in favour of solipsism at all.

The thing is, just because something happens that you didn't expect, doesn't mean that you aren't conscious of it. Something could be determined deep within the parameters of ones mind without them being aware of it. So the 100 monkey experiment might not necessarily disprove solipsism after all.

The thing is, how do you thing motor skills work? We are making so many calculations within our brains for hand eye coordination, yet we do not even know of the mathematics that our mind uses to calculate hand eye coordination. The human mind is a mathematician that doesn't even realise that it is using math, nor is it able to explain it or apply to theoretically, only practically.

Energy in relation to mass a proof of time ...silly that is a constant variable in ezxcelleration ....and time is a unit of measure .....not ....the bases of theory to say if you get closer and closer to zero mass you have better and better acceleration also is a concept of the energy stored in mass this has to do with fusion enery when colliding atoms ..i.e. two things cannot contain the same space ....then there is fission were you split atoms all this is is the acceleration of energy in relation to mass ....silly.....time is a unit of measure in realation to calculating distance over time ....again a unit of measure....not bases of reality .....

The thing is, speed is calculated by time over mass and such, but that isn't the only thing that determines speed.

The mass of the energy and forces pushing the object, as well as the mass of the object itself is what gives an object it's speed, regardless of whether or not we include time.

So speed does not have to be calculated by time. How can time and speed by circular? If the events didn't exist, if speed and time did both not exist in the past, then the future would not end up occurring and no movement would occur.

But this is false.

Speed if something valid, that can be proven scientifically and mathematically, so therefore time can also be deduced to be valid as well.

You might as well begin to explain that quantum theory doesn't exist too, which is silly. (don't call me silly, it's silly in itself for you to call me silly, I'm not silly).

I was being sarcastic. Should have known better .

It's ok, don't worry about it.

It's a shame that you never thought about it. No, it isn't deep, it's obvious.

ok put time in your pocket and give it to a is a joke ...but illustrates your refusal to realize the emperor isn't wearing pants...

Time is actually scientific and mathematical.

Ever heard of time of distance equals speed? That's math and it's proven. Scientifically speaking E=mc2, so yeah, time is real. Just because something is real doesn't mean that you can put it into your pocket or even hold it.

Your theory is only correct if solipsism is right.

You're the fraudster with the fake million to offer.

Then why didn't you accuse me of such?

See other post to you:

I have no desire to have a discussion with someone who blames their ignorance on others.

No, it isn't true that you don't desire to have discussions with people who deflect their ignorance on others.

I don't believe you are telling the truth at all. We both know this, so just get to the point and post some figures regarding the wall or whatever evidence.

hello and thank you for the people who actively read my statements ...I am a tinkerer in science and math im not very good at either so please bare with me as I struggle ....first I would like to state that physics is a passion of mine and again im just a simple man so im sorry if I butcher what I hope is eloquent and on point ....if we start with a few major theories one being vibrational pitch theory this pretty much tells you that all matter is held together and pulled apart with vibration or frequency of an energy wave and that different matters resonate at different frequencies and changes to this frequency can seriously alter the state of a given matter.......kind of like GOD speaking things into we have super string theory ....this is were we learn that particles inside gluons and quarks have a glowing ribbon inside them that have a sort of binary code that gives these particles the boarders of what they are what they can and cant do....this ties to superposition this is amazing this is neutrinos are nothing until viewed then they at a 50/50 ratio become either black or white hard or soft...and can change at will when not being viewed ....they cant be pink or square so something wrote the binary code in these particles ....just like the blue prints of genes were not eventually formed from nothing.... this map or code or blue print was written by a master engineer ....then lets look at the LHC now they will tell you this is a machine to replicate the big bang....LOL...actually the top secret project alice is a dimensional portal project to move matter in an energy field thru dimensions ....because when they first started this goofy big bang cover story ...they said the lack of speed was they reason for failure....then they reached the desired speed ...nothing far as a big bang anyway ....then they changed to they needed smaller particles (boson hicks) particles.....but let not so common sense enter in here ....if I put a mouse in my pocket and you drop a atom bomb on me did you not bomb the mouse as those of you who struggle as I do ..this means an atom collided is a gluon collided on and so on...but this is just a cover story.....because they know as well as any low level Satanist knows we did not come about by a big bang ....this is brain food for surfs ....but any way let us take GOD at his word then he is a circle he has no beginning and no this we also must look at our child like thoughts on time GOD says one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day....this because time is a 2nd dimensional concept...meaning you cant touch it you cant save it you cant see it you cant react with it our third dimension see matter reacts as though there is time because a code in the replication process tells each cell this far and no farther....and destructive cells begin to build this gives the illusion of time ....what is funny is when people think they can evaluate time carbon....a forest fire would throw off any such if matter was created by a bang then what created the concept of time...and the cellular interaction with this we have alternate dimensions...mostly just one more worth mentioning....dimension that is we also have the it is in the vacuum of space ....we are told space debris moves at around 7 to 10 km per sec......yet the big bang was totally unnatural boson hicks particles colliding at 299000 and serious change km per sec....why such diverse speeds on these particles and not space debris...asteroids and other mythical space stuff ....then lets take the 2 dimensional space time fabric concept ...and the spandex illustration given at universities....this is so laughable ...if the earth is in the third dimension.....suffice to say this reality we live in is mostly a david copperfield esc illusion ......perhaps one day we get into gravity....another fun myth.....all these topics are designed to detract people from is the truth...very powerful people think the morning star is the enlightener of man he set us free and GOD set us up in the garden....notice the piece of shit didn't have eve eat the tree of life just the tree of knowledge to cause separation from GOD these evil simpletons know that aliens are the fallen archon moving thru dimensions using energy fields they created the crafts to suck the US into reverse engineering them so they could spoon feed theses people to were we are today....aliens are demons....and once the cern people open the pit dimension apollyon will be released and the earth will be in serious jeopardy and this is coming soon genetic hybrids as in archon and man mix animal and man is already happening but the final straw will be the mix of archon and man to whom ever puts out this propaganda of science and big bang I want you to know I don't fear this I don't fear them and I know the truth

Where we are today exists and the factors that separate the future from the past exists.

So in effect, time exists as a bunch of factors within the present that separate consequences, so in effect time does exist.

Just the events that occurred in the past but ceased and the future which has yet to exist do not.

hello and thank you for the people who actively read my statements ...I am a tinkerer in science and math im not very good at either so please bare with me as I struggle ....first I would like to state that physics is a passion of mine and again im just a simple man so im sorry if I butcher what I hope is eloquent and on point ....if we start with a few major theories one being vibrational pitch theory this pretty much tells you that all matter is held together and pulled apart with vibration or frequency of an energy wave and that different matters resonate at different frequencies and changes to this frequency can seriously alter the state of a given matter.......kind of like GOD speaking things into we have super string theory ....this is were we learn that particles inside gluons and quarks have a glowing ribbon inside them that have a sort of binary code that gives these particles the boarders of what they are what they can and cant do....this ties to superposition this is amazing this is neutrinos are nothing until viewed then they at a 50/50 ratio become either black or white hard or soft...and can change at will when not being viewed ....they cant be pink or square so something wrote the binary code in these particles ....just like the blue prints of genes were not eventually formed from nothing.... this map or code or blue print was written by a master engineer ....then lets look at the LHC now they will tell you this is a machine to replicate the big bang....LOL...actually the top secret project alice is a dimensional portal project to move matter in an energy field thru dimensions ....because when they first started this goofy big bang cover story ...they said the lack of speed was they reason for failure....then they reached the desired speed ...nothing far as a big bang anyway ....then they changed to they needed smaller particles (boson hicks) particles.....but let not so common sense enter in here ....if I put a mouse in my pocket and you drop a atom bomb on me did you not bomb the mouse as those of you who struggle as I do ..this means an atom collided is a gluon collided on and so on...but this is just a cover story.....because they know as well as any low level Satanist knows we did not come about by a big bang ....this is brain food for surfs ....but any way let us take GOD at his word then he is a circle he has no beginning and no this we also must look at our child like thoughts on time GOD says one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day....this because time is a 2nd dimensional concept...meaning you cant touch it you cant save it you cant see it you cant react with it our third dimension see matter reacts as though there is time because a code in the replication process tells each cell this far and no farther....and destructive cells begin to build this gives the illusion of time ....what is funny is when people think they can evaluate time carbon....a forest fire would throw off any such if matter was created by a bang then what created the concept of time...and the cellular interaction with this we have alternate dimensions...mostly just one more worth mentioning....dimension that is we also have the it is in the vacuum of space ....we are told space debris moves at around 7 to 10 km per sec......yet the big bang was totally unnatural boson hicks particles colliding at 299000 and serious change km per sec....why such diverse speeds on these particles and not space debris...asteroids and other mythical space stuff ....then lets take the 2 dimensional space time fabric concept ...and the spandex illustration given at universities....this is so laughable ...if the earth is in the third dimension.....suffice to say this reality we live in is mostly a david copperfield esc illusion ......perhaps one day we get into gravity....another fun myth.....all these topics are designed to detract people from is the truth...very powerful people think the morning star is the enlightener of man he set us free and GOD set us up in the garden....notice the piece of shit didn't have eve eat the tree of life just the tree of knowledge to cause separation from GOD these evil simpletons know that aliens are the fallen archon moving thru dimensions using energy fields they created the crafts to suck the US into reverse engineering them so they could spoon feed theses people to were we are today....aliens are demons....and once the cern people open the pit dimension apollyon will be released and the earth will be in serious jeopardy and this is coming soon genetic hybrids as in archon and man mix animal and man is already happening but the final straw will be the mix of archon and man to whom ever puts out this propaganda of science and big bang I want you to know I don't fear this I don't fear them and I know the truth

Where we are today exists and the factors that separate the future from the past exists.

So in effect, time exists as a bunch of factors within the present that separate consequences, so in effect time does exist.

Just the events that occurred in the past but ceased and the future which has yet to exist do not.

I predicted the future. Where is my million?

It's virtual money, for intellectual peasants like you. Imaginary money for fraudsters like yourself.

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