
Churchmouse's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Churchmouse's arguments, looking across every debate.

My position is not hypocritical at all. I want abortion banned not legal. You on the other hand want it legal...but then you don't.

Pain has nothing to do with whether or not a living human being should be slaughtered in the womb. You either respect life or you don't. YOU DON'T. So you try to come up with ways to make your position look humane. Gee if it can't feel...ok to kill. Absurd. Hitler also probably thought that gassing the Jews was also the humane way to do it.

Abortion is never a necessity unless the mother is dying in the hospital....this rarely but never happens. But to those with a "killing solves every problem" ( both personally and socially) abortion is the saving grace. Hitler had the same ideas.

I do not have to do research on do. Adoption has nothing to do with killing living children. It only does to people like you who thinks killing them is better than life in an adoptive family. You presume to know what their lives would be have NO RIGHT to do this.

I am close to this issue...very close. A soldier is close to the battlefield that he serves that a bad thing?

I happen to work in this field. I have for over 13 years....with pro-life groups...Silent No More, Right to Life in my state, Operation Rescue, and my local CPC. I have seen it all, heard it all. I travel around to conventions,universities, colleges...fairs, Womens Expos, churches, schools....etc. I march in peaceful demonstrations. I picket and hand out information at PP clinics. I am very involved in abortion.

No condolences to me....but to the child I killed...fine. You have no clue, no idea what the majority of women believe about abortion. Basically as I said it is taboo to talk about.

Ever hear someone say....."hey thousandin1...can't have lunch tomorrow gonna get an abortion." Or...."Hey, can't go tonight not feeling well, had an abortion." Or "Hey I know how you feel I had two abortions."

You go to any debate site where abortion is discussed and you not find many women who have had abortions talking about them. Women don't want to talk about it...especially with other people who might judge them. It is one thing you get that you just want to go away. It was not traumatic for me at the time but hit me some 20 years later and about destroyed my life. I had no clue really what I was killing. I wanted and tried to convince myself it was just a blob of tissue. That is not the case as I found out from a doctor in a hospital who was taking care of my niece who was born at 23 1/2 weeks.

It makes me sick to my stomach to hear you say that killing children because they MIGHT NOT FIND A better than giving them life. As I said...your worldview and Hitlers are very close.

I call it as I see it. You are pro-abortion and you do not value the life in the womb. You told me point blank I was to close to this issue to be if you can do shall I.

The fact are a man...and society says you don't matter in this. It is not your body, not your choice. The only reason your an issue is for monetary reasons. You should not even have a say or an opinion really...right?

If you want abortion legal for any reason....I question your morality..and your love of bet I do.

No I am not. We are here to do tell me? Is this a serious debate site or one for kids to just play around in?

I try to provide evidence for what I am stating. I certainly would not resort to swearing or making pot shots at people.

-1 points

Sentence enhancers? LMAO

The fact is you have a potty mouth which takes away from anything constructive you could ever say.

Is happiness childish? Depends on what the action is...that expresses it.

I believe at conception that the life is a person and so does society or we would not be debating that fact here... or have debated it in the past. Abortion still after being legal for over 40 yrs still a hot topic that still divides the nation and families. It is taboo today as most women will not admit to having one. Why? Have you ever had one to know? You never see television programs where the characters nonchalantly mention they have had or are getting an abortion do you? No. People don't discuss it...because it is about killing and that is personal when you are the one who has killed. Pro-aborts like to detach themselves from the personhood argument...why? Because then..if they convince themselves that which is being slaughtered isn't a person, abortion isn't so bad. No woman would need an abortionist if there wasn't killing involved. Someone has to kill to make the procedure successful. The abortionist kills the life. It is not the life of a rock, or a hamburger or a cow. It is the life of a living human...that if left alone would we are. You were a person after you were conceived did you know that? And your mother obviously allowed you to live...she recognized YOUR PERSONHOOD.

Louise Brown was the worlds first test tube baby. Was she conceived in her mothers womb? No. She was conceived in a test tube. She became all she would ever be in THAT TEST TUBE. She only grew and used her mothers womb to grow. She was a person.

Being human....?

Why don't you show me why the life does not deserve to be called part of the human race?

God was not drunk...but you might be.

We have free will...if you did it yourself. There is a difference between wrong and right. You do not have to choose to do bad....its the blame game for you humanists. Everyone is at fault but you guys.

He created that turtle that little guy for you to enjoy. And you said the turtle is loving its surroundings. But your turtle could die I hate to tell you. Because you can't control what he thinks or does. He might get a disease? In fact they can make you sick as they carry salmonella in their urine. And chances are if this little guy gets bigger he will outgrow his tank and need to get into a bigger tank or you will have to release him to a place where he has room.

0 points

Can't answer it can you? LMAO

I am not claiming to know and prove. You are.

What was that first cause...if God was not the intelligent designer?

0 points

I do have a position and it is not hypocritical like yours.

Pain is the only issue for you. If something can feel pain then ya can't kill it. If it doesn't ya can. How absurd that reasoning is.

My niece was born at 23 1/2 weeks...she felt pain. She had multiple surgeries as she was in the hospital for over 5 months. You would have said she couldn't feel pain that aborting her would be ok.

Killing a living human being is wrong whether they can feel it or not. And there are methods to use to make sure the unborn can't feel pain.

Abortion is brutal. Have you ever seen one? What is your connection to this issue?

Is there something wrong with abortion? yes or no

Ya can't sit the fence on this one. You either are pro-life or you are not. Your position is immoral on every level.

You are pro-abortion in every sense of the word. You don't care if the unborn are killed. You are trying to talk yourself into making your position moral...and it's not.

I do NOT HAVE TO RESEARCH THIS...I KNOW FIRST HAND ABOUT ABORTION. What really ticks me off are people who pretend to know and don't. Ever had one?

Ever felt a child move inside your body? Ever see your child's ultrasound? Ever hear the machine that tears the living child apart?

You know nothing apart from what you read.

I have had an abortion and I know...all about it. I has affected my life since getting one in 1978.

Adoption has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS issue.

You hate children.

This is the thing......and the question for you people who reject God to answer.

If God did not create the universe who did? What is the first cause? How did everything come to be.

Try with every fiber in your beings to answer this without acting like children. Because if you can't that means you can't address the issue.

Could you please answer a few questions for me.

You obviously are a pagan and denounce God. With that said....could you address the first cause. What was that first cause that set everything in motion. And then tell me how much faith it takes to believe what you believe.


You want me to mention God so you then can discredit that argument?

I am a Christian and I believe we were....before we were even in the womb. But one need not be a person of faith to acknowledge what science says..that a new human beings life starts at conception.

DEfend the position that from conception it isn't what science says it is.

What is the blob you are talking about?

From the second the egg and sperm unite and fertilization takes is a human being. It has everything it needs to become a living functioning member of society. It is not a part of its mother other than using her body as a safe place to grow.

A blob? Nothing could be further than the truth.

It is a developing organism from the start....not a blob.

"The development of a human being begins with fertilization, a process by which two highly specialized cells, the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female, unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."

[Langman, Jan. Medical Embryology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1975, p. 3]

Highly specialized cells.....does not sound like a blob to me.

"The zygote contains DNA from the mother and the father, combined to form the full set of genetic material that will control the cellular production of the new baby. In some cases, two eggs are released in the same menstrual cycle, and they are both fertilized, forming two zygotes. If both zygotes develop, they become fraternal twins. The process of producing identical twins involves only a single zygote, which forms into an embryo before dividing into two separate bodies. As the zygote travels down the fallopian tube and into the uterus, it divides and replicates itself. Once it has formed a ball of cells, it is referred to as a blastocyst."

The blastocyst implants itself in the wall of the mother's uterus within a few days of fertilization. There, it continues to grow rapidly, into a ball of several hundred cells. Most of the ball is only one layer of cells thick. This part of the ball becomes the placenta, an organ that serves as a connector to the bloodstream of the mother and helps to mediate development. One region of the blastocyst is three to four cells thick. This region eventually becomes the embryo itself."

"The embryo floats in a thin, fluid-filled membrane called the amniotic sac. It is connected to the placenta via the umbilical cord. During this stage of baby development in the womb, the human shape becomes recognizable. The spinal cord and brain are clearly differentiated from the rest of the body. The heart forms and begins to beat. The arms and legs sprout at the beginning of this stage; by the end, fingers and toes form. As the brain develops, it starts to produce electrical activity doctors can record. The nerve impulses produced by the brain begin to cause the muscles to contract and move.

Teratogens are agents that can cause birth defects by disrupting normal development in the womb. Drugs, alcohol, infection and radiation are the most common teratogens. According to the National Institutes of Health, the embryo is especially sensitive to teratogens because of the great amount of developmental change that occurs during this stage. For this reason, expectant mothers are strongly encouraged to avoid exposure to teratogens during this stage of development."

Blob is not the right term to use...human being is. But if blob makes you feel better about the issue of abortion and what your actually killing then by all means use it.

Some peoples hearts are just hardened. If you can't see the humanity in all this then you never will. What is obvious is that you don't respect human life. Killing is your solution to all things...especially getting rid of a child. What gives you that right?

-1 points

Your entire position is hypocritical. You believe women should have have an opinion on when life should be saved and when killing it is ok....and then you say that late term abortion is wrong...just because an unborn can feel.

Do you know for a fact that someone who is so called brain dead can't feel.

You say consciousness doesn't matter that it does not take place in the womb...but later...(which is absurd) but that pain matters. LMAO

What if the abortionist makes sure pain isn't an issue...and then kills the unborn would that make you feel better?

Your position is all over the board on this.

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