
Hleunissen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hleunissen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What is "Original Music"? If you are talking about the phony, dumb, monotonous, electronically created, never ending, annoying, drum-like sound, (bang, bang, bang.....) upon which American "music" is constructed, I think to keep promoting it just doesn't serve us well. Check out the Hungarian Rhapsodies, Liszt's "La Campanella", see a blind Nobuyuki Tsuyii play the piano, etc., etc., etc., THAT is the kind of music that should be promoted. Too bad George Gershwin died too young.

1 point

So in other words if you do not turn out like a regular Joe Blow, you are a weirdo?

1 point

I totally agree with FromWithin; please read my comment about this subject.

3 points

The correct answer is: it all depends. Some of the most brilliant minds were home schooled, but if the parents are drug pushers you probably create more misfits. In other words, the question is not one that can be answered with either "yes" OR "no". I would favor home schooling over government indoctrination any time. Parents who home school their kids certainly have more love for them than some union-protected government employee.

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