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Slavedevice(1393) pic

What do you think about Original Music Promotion?

Where is the best place to put music newly written on the web so the most people can hear it?  I have one album at  It’s under “Faint Reality”.  I got some downloads but it fizzled out
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1 point

Illuminati is stopping the truth.
2 points

Nice flow. I don't usually like B.o.b but that one was on point.

1 point

What is "Original Music"? If you are talking about the phony, dumb, monotonous, electronically created, never ending, annoying, drum-like sound, (bang, bang, bang.....) upon which American "music" is constructed, I think to keep promoting it just doesn't serve us well. Check out the Hungarian Rhapsodies, Liszt's "La Campanella", see a blind Nobuyuki Tsuyii play the piano, etc., etc., etc., THAT is the kind of music that should be promoted. Too bad George Gershwin died too young.