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0 points

Xtianity its the most dumb ass brain dead religion ever imagined by man. Let's see (1) it glorifies human sacrifice. (2) it presumes that Man can kill god (3) It favors the ends justifies the means. Jesus - brutally beaten, the Court which tried the prisoner was corrupt and the judgment predetermined before hand. (4) A dude dies and rise from the dead/zombism. (5) That all men live in sin b/c Adam experienced exile from Eden. What about all other political exiles. Ooops Xtianity its just a dumb ass religion whose fool supporters suffer exile waiting for the 2nd coming of an imaginary man/myth.

1 point


In an earlier comparison you made between Judaism and Nazis - this opening placement of 2 totally different concepts totally pissed me off. This apology for calling you an idiot for placing one along side the other, I support you here.

Ashkenazi Jewry - Jewish exiles who lived in Germany and France - idiot Goyim ass ume that Jewish exiles lived only in Germany and France?! These dumb ass stupid morons have their head stuck up their butts and all they can see is shit.

0 points


Ridicule Xtians hmmmmmm the absurd new testament worships slander, oppression, perversion of justice and human sacrifice and declares that this imaginary mythical man rose from the dead and brought salvation to all humanity. LOL Ridicule Xtians? There's nothing that ridicules Xtianity better than the new testament.

1 point


The comparison of Judaism with Nazism I find totally repulsive. Do European sub human pigs merit contempt? Most definitely. Over 2000 years these vile barbarian peoples have behave as a disgrace to the human race. Thank God Europeans have a post WW2 negative birth rate. May they become extinct as peoples in our lifetimes.

1 point


Your color of skin has no connection what so ever with Jews absolute and total detestation of sub human European barbarian pig races.

1 point


You don't like the word "hate", then replace it with "trust". Jews as a people shall never "trust" Europeans. The EU can shove their "2 State Solution" up the butt together with their "Final Solution".

1 point


Bull shit. A small # of Goyim did not murder 75% of European Jewry in less than 4 years. Idiot.

1 point


Bunk. A mindset did not slaughter 75% of European Jewry in less than 4 years.

1 point

Bunk. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Over 2000 years sub human European barbarians have behaved as pigs.

1 point


I 2nd the motion. Over 2000 years of Xtian slander and criminal behavior produced the Shoah.

1 point

@Antrim, the apple never falls far from the tree. Over 2000 years of racist hatred spews out of the sub human European pigs.

1 point


There's also a "theory", let's just call a spade a spade, a "slander", that the Jus poisoned the wells during the black plague and that the Jus drink christian baby blood on Passover.

1 point

Ironwrench, you as a sub human inferior race need to go straight to Dresden and have fire bombs consume you your family your friends your neighbors and all sub human inferior races scum like yourself.

1 point

yo Zofia fuck you. YOU vile foreigner you opinion does not merit shit.

1 point

Bunk you can not even pronounce the letter P. So your a descendant of Arabs who lived under the British Palestine Mandate. And with a straight face you want to say that your grand parents referred to themselves as "Palestinians". Bull shit. No Arab at that time supported the Balfour Declaration. The League of Nations awarded the "Palestine Mandate" to the British based upon the terms of the Balfour Declaration. YOU lie scum bag.

1 point

The people didn't have a choice in the matter ... NOISE. UN 181 of 1947 the Arabs rejected.

1 point

What a wad of shit! A silly Goy thinks he can declare who is a Jew. Dumb ass.

1 point

What a totally brain dead argument. UN 181 Jews agreed to the partition and the Arabs opposed the Partition Plan. A plan proposed by the UN General Assembly!! Hello that body has no authority or power to impose its "suggestions".

Ben Gurion declares Jewish independence and that same day 5 Arab Arabs supported by the British invaded the newly declared Jewish State.

Who won the war? Hello wake up and smell the coffee. Faggot, you dumb ass declarations reminds me of the conversation held by sperm cells after to fags had sex. "How do we find that ovary in all this shit"?

1 point

1. AIPAC its a legal lobby. YOU don't like lobbies then change the law and outlaw them! But condemning Jewish citizens of the United States for pro active participation in American governance, lobbies being the 4th Branch of the US post Civil War government which crushed and up-rooted States Rights and replaced the Republic with this vile democracy [Democracy never once used: not in the Declaration of Independence, nor in the Articles of Confederation, nor in the current Constitution of the US].

2. Israeli policy its a concern for Israeli citizens, something that you as a despicable foreign alien does not concern in the least.

3. Israel is a Jewish State. Jews living in foreign countries have citizenship in those countries NOT Israel. Idiot.

1 point

1) The AIPAC lobby bad? Then all lobbies merit the same description.

2) Israel exists as a Independent nation who's national self interests and strategic policies of State operate completely or almost completely independent for the Great American Ally.

3) Anti Semitic applies to Jewish minorities living in none Jewish countries. Racists its most definitely not limited to Jews living in foreign countries.

Israel opposes the 2 State Solution. Israel condemns the 2 State Solution as an imperialist attempt made by Great Powers Russia, EU, the US before Trump, and the UN, to divide the tiny Jewish state into 2 hostile States.

Israel rejects this divide and conquer imperialism which the coward Chamberlain unilaterally imposed upon the Czech State in 1938 and which FDR and Stalin unilaterally imposed upon both Korea and Vietnam in 1945. Throughout the European War, the US denounced French imperialism. Yet Truman's government transported the French in American boats back to Vietnam to restore French colonial rule!

The French routinely condemns Israel for use of disproportionate force against stateless Arab terrorism. Yet so conveniently ignores Frances torture and murder of some 5 million Algerians and 1 million Vietnamese in the last century alone.

1 point

Yep. Martin Luther King said that those who hate Zionists hate Jews. Zionism being an expression of Jewish nationalism and patriotism.

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Zionism = Jewish nationalism. Arab nationalism since 1948 its clearly anti-semitic. Based upon the fact that anti-semitism a term coined in the late 19th century referred strictly and only to Jews in its original intent and usage.

1 point

Zionism as a Jewish national movement, its as evil as patriotism felt by all other peoples and nations on the planet earth. The question its both racist and utterly absurd.

1 point

Name the Capital of Palestine and its currency? Idiots. During the british imperialist mandate only Jews referred to themselves as "Palestinians". For an Arab, they considered themselves as part of Greater Syria and referred to themselves as Musulmen!

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