
Shrekthemlg's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shrekthemlg's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Btw thought I'd let you all know this was an experiment to see how people reacted to slight homophobia and frankly I was surprised that the it's ok votes outnumbered the die in a fire ones. I was expecting the opposite based on what the news is telling us, thanks for unknowingly participating, have a nice day :D

1 point

I love what I made the opposing choice be "die in a fire" XD classic

0 points

What I mean is that If a gay couple sat next to be on a bus or something I might be able to tolerate it for a half hour before I get anxious and uncomfortable

0 points

I felt the previous votes were a little unfair so I basically leveled the playing field

1 point

The human soul is real as proven by a scientific study, and the fact that you can hear your own voice inside your head, God is real, science can't explain the human soul yet or ever

1 point

Athiests believe that at first there was nothing and then nothing exploded into something, but religious people believe that God made the universe like a universe diorama

1 point

God is real, there is some things science can't explain without brushing it off as fantasy

1 point

Just gotta prove once agian that society is intolerant of people who they THINK are intolerant

1 point

Gotta admit tipping the votes in your favor is awesome, I just joined today and figured this out

1 point

I just realized something, haha May the odds be ever in my favor!!

1 point

It's a genetic disorder, something we can't control, just like being gay

0 points

I personally think it's fine because that's just the way I feel

1 point

I'm homophobic and I don't hate gays I just simply feel a bit uncomfortable around them and literally nothing can change that. Society just hates homophobes because they think it's a form of bullying but it's just a way we feel

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