
Tmackenzie44's Waterfall RSS

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I didn't get anything about rape from what you said, which is exactly my point. Too bad you don't have enough of a brain to figure that part out. Also it is quite obvious that you have never been raped before or have known someone who has been raped. So until that happens, your points are invalid.

2 points

I'm sorry did you just completely forget about this thing called rape? That is unprotected and forced sex. Funny how you just happened to "forget" about that scenario, or is it, in your opinion, the woman's fault?

I'm very curious to know who you are backing in this year's election. If it's Trump, then I think that just about explains everything.

Or the people over there will either kill them or send them back to us, because they can't stand the shit that comes out of WBC's mouth.

You know what? Gays and homosexuals are possessed by demons....of AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!

And you are being a smarta. You know what I mean and you are playing stupid. It is a general fact. You may be interested in this word: statistics. It's sad that a 16 year old has to set you straight. Try using your brain, you might like the way it feels.

I know I would definitely feel safer. We only have a security staff of about 4-6 people and one police officer at our school. There was an incident just last year in my school where we were on lockdown for an hour because a kid fired a gun in the school. I feel that the more people there are in the school, the less likely for bad things to happen and/or get out of hand.

If ISIS keeps it up we just might be starting up World War III.

Ice cream cake is AMAZING!!!!! I can't remember the brand I bought a few years in a row for my birthday, but it looked like a giant swiss cake roll, but really it was a chocolate cake roll with vanilla ice cream. IT WAS GREAT!!!!!

Ice cream cake is AMAZING!!!!! I can't remember the brand I bought a few years in a row for my birthday, but it looked like a giant swiss cake roll, but really it was a chocolate cake roll with vanilla ice cream. IT WAS GREAT!!!!!

Yeah, the divorce rates may be lower and it may be good for the children in the situation, but first off MOST arranged marriages involve prior rape, many of them involve child brides, most of the couples are not in love or they are unhappily married, and MOST of them involve severe domestic abuse/violence. That is the real world pal.

Technically satanism counts as a religious practice and since we have religious freedom in this country they should be allowed to worship whatever they want, but if what they do begins to impact other people or if they decide to try and shove their beliefs down the throats of people they are crossing a line. That doesn't just count for them that counts for everyone. As long as you keep to yourself and keep your religious beliefs to yourself then I have no problem with what religion you choose to practice.

Then they are a sexually frustrated couple who are on a last resort to save a relationship most likely. If they have to resort to that then they are truly desperate and it's obvious the relationship wasn't going to work out in long run.

It doesn't matter if what they do is done legally or not, the question was should they be labeled as a hate group.

Listen to what you just wrote, Are they spreading hate? Yes. In case you didn't realize that the word hate is in hate group. If they spread hate maybe they should be considered a hate group.

Good idea. I mean they definitely need an ass whooping. Gay people would be the best for it, let alone gay military people. I agree with you!!!

This is quite a stupid statement to begin with. You're obviously not a professional therapist and for your information it is illegal to impersonate a therapist as much as it is illegal to impersonate many other careers. Also religion should have nothing to do with counseling, a person with a problem is a person with a problem PERIOD! You would probably know that if you were a real therapist.

Porn has nothing to do with love, porn is an outlet for sexually frustrated people.

Blacks are not animals, if you're talking about them as mammals then yes they are, but that wouldn't just be black people that would be all people and I really hope you are talking about them as mammals because if not you are an extremely racist piece of shit who I suggest should look into joining Westboro Baptist and/or the KKK.

Well your attempts at being funny are ridiculous, nobody thinks you're funny and if you're trying to impress people consider it a failed mission.

I would move out of the country if he became president, but I would like to say that Obama is a great president so I don't understand the people who say he is worse than Obama because Obama isn't a bad president to begin with. Fred would be a terrible president, he would be worse than Donald Trump and I am still hoping that Trump doesn't win this election because I will seriously move to Mars then.

Of course they should be labeled a hate group, in fact I was under the impression that they already were. Other hate groups have come forward making a point to deny any association with WBC. That is really saying something when the KKK wants nothing to do with you. They are racist, they picket the funerals of basically everybody, and they are a public disturbance if you ask me. They are a hate group when you get right down to it.

Of course modern day slavery is a problem, as long as there are still sick people out in the world the demand will always be there which will prompt the supply. Law enforcement should find more things to do to help put an end to it, but we have to remember there are many more terrible things going on at the same time as trafficking (human slavery). It is definitely an important issue, though.

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