
Wigger_king's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Wigger_king's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

wow that was a mean thing to say


2 points

Why I got banned because there is no freedom of speech on this site its a joke and I dont know why you guys keep trying to tell me there is if I had a right to freedom of speech I could say what I want

1 point

No I can tell I make all of you mad so I will stay a bit ok mate

1 point

Why do you act like a five year old tell me that...

you are ignorant...

1 point

I cant tell you I don't believe in god or jesus could they be real yep but I will believe it when I see it

I fucked up on the first post typing to fast should have read it over again

1 point

I can't tell you what i will be I do not believe in god or jesus and could they be real yep but I will believe it when I see it.

1 point

As funny as he is you very much reminded of that ass hole and to you my good sir I take this site with zero fucks and well I always seem to get everyone to hate me lol but with my views on the world and the fact that I said I lived in japan that sounds a bit uncouth and I called myself wiggger_king but I will sound like a fuckboi if I don't insult you so you are a stupid head

1 point

you cant have that freedom of speech with a banned account but I learned that one the hard way with my other 4 banned accounts if you try to speak your mind on this site you will just get banned for it

1 point

I feel he is aiming for the more violent side of gaming as most try to blame that side of gaming for mass shooting and things like that which is just stupid gaming does not make anyone want to shoot up a school or anything else of the sort.

1 point

I really really really dislike you like you know how you just hate someone like you don't even know them but you just want to punch them in the face if you ever seen them like I can not emphasize enough how much I hate you like you are hitler and im a jew you know like you really piss me off.

0 points

You know who you remind me of Slapshot just jumping on random debates being a smartass to everyone go fuck yourself m8 and you don't know shit about me so don't tell me to get a job you fucking degenerate.

1 point

churchs chicken for me thats my jam but thats just me I feel that kfcs chicken is dry and sometimes soggy.

0 points

I agree you drink mtn dew too.................................................

0 points

In hell................................................

0 points

Your not in this man get out of here stop yelling dad I can here you

1 point

Just type ass you stupid coon...


2 points

I have got tone of girls you are just mad old man and it will blow up I got really good sniping clips its insane im going to be in FAZE and ill be on top and you will not get any of my youtube money

3 points

Look dad first of all im going to get out of the basement when my cod youtube channel blows up thats my job and I need mtn dew to stay up all night to work on vids im trying but with all this puss I have been getting lately its been hard to make a vid.

2 points

First dad call of duty is dank as fuck plus battlefield 1 looks like ass call of duty infinit warfare is going to be so much better and im not a fag I get tones of puss you dont even give me money you fat fuck you never loved me.

2 points

Dad get out of my debates you are a fag why dont you buy me some mtn dew you fucking ass I hate you And I have friends on call of duty thats all I need

1 point

I luv dat shit my nigga I get to see dem tits and it turns me on so then I start to rub my nipples dont judge me

0 points

Everyone on this side is my niggas the other side I still like you but I know you dont fuck wit a nigga

0 points

I am kool you niggas mad dat my swag is to good fow yaw Wigger_king out...

1 point

I have had 4 different accounts free speech is a joke on this website so i'm just joining the bandwagon plus free speech does not include public racism and he is joking around but do you really think it's ok to tell someone that gassing Jews is good and we should enslave niggers once again and that the Jewish race is a greedy no good dirty abomination that should be killed by the millions im probably going to get banned for typing that im just waiting for Nathan to get here I know he will ban someone he always does.

1 point

I have made my point above but he should not have a account any more he is a racist and a Hitler loving jew hater so lets get him out of this site.

-1 points

yo im da cool guy around here boi wat up niggas...


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