
Debate Info

I like it. I don't like it.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 I like it. (4)
 I don't like it. (2)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

A fresh look at Luke 19:1-10.

Feel free to critice, if I want a hug, I'll go to church.

I like it.

Side Score: 8

I don't like it.

Side Score: 3
AngryGenX(463) Clarified
1 point

Your link isn't working... but whatever it is I DISAGREE!!!! (just kidding.... (no but really, whatever it is it can't be good(seriously)))

Side: I like it.
2 points

Ok Like it, bring on the haters.....................................................................................................................................

Side: I like it.

Thanks. I was thinking about Jesus and I thought Id write that.

Side: I like it.
1 point

If you have to put a spin on it, I suppose this one is as good as any. But really, the problem with the analogy is that the person in this example is an imaginary friend; in any other context everyone would call you delusional. Why not find real people in the real world who can support us, instead of displacing our needs onto our imaginations instead?

Side: I don't like it.
1 point

I did not downvote you. I upvoted you. Now that that is out if the way, I was looking for a way to explain the love of Jesus to losers like me.

Side: I like it.
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

I did not assume you had, but thank you for clarifying. While we are being clear about things, I do not think people are "losers" for believing in God or loving Jesus. I hold the above opinions without assigning any value judgement to them; they are just the probable realities, as I understand them.

Side: I like it.
-1 points

a closer look at Luke 19:1-10 .. .. 19:01 .. he entered Jericho and was passing through

19:02 .. and there was a man called by the name of Zaccheus .. he was a chief tax collector and he was rich

19:03 .. Zaccheus was trying to see who Jesus was .. and was unable because of the crowd .. for he was small in stature

19:04 .. so he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to see him .. for he was about to pass through that way

19:05 .. when Jesus came to the place .. he looked up and said to him . . . Zaccheus .. hurry and come down .. for today I must stay at your house

19:06 .. and he hurried and came down and received him gladly

19:07 .. when they saw it .. they all began to grumble .. saying . . . he has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner

19:08 .. Zaccheus stopped and said to the Lord . . . behold .. Lord .. half of my possessions I will give to the poor .. and if I have defrauded anyone of anything ..

......... I will give back four times as much

19:09 .. and Jesus said to him . . . today salvation has come to this house .. because he .. too .. is a son of Abraham

19:10 .. for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost .. .. Jesus: the seeking Savior

Side: I don't like it.
1 point

I have to downvote you for spam. My piece contains the text of Luke 19:1-10 in its entirity.

Side: I like it.