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 Abortion and Rape (13)

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fledgling(45) pic

Abortion and Rape

Say a girl is raped, and she becomes pregnant. Should the church allow her to recieve an abortion? If yes, why? If no, why not?

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3 points

The abortion should be totally fine as long as the abortion takes place before the fetus exhibits brain waves. Then it's not murder. Duh.

2 points

Ethically they should, but if their stance is that every life is precious and abortion is murder then they'd be hypocrites to grant it under any circumstances.

I do however find it paradoxical that they believe that God is omniscient and doesn't plan abortions. I've posted a debate about this which was quite heated. Christians_should_stop_campaigning_against_abortion

I'm not trying to promote my own shit here as I've gone through the paces already, just thought you'd like to see how that turned out.

2 points

The church shouldn't be in a position to allow much of anything other than admission onto their private property and ways it can be used.

The church isn't a governing body, and when it is serious violations of various rights often take place.

People's self-determination in matters of religion, politics, actions, etc have historically been violated under such systems and it lacks the ability to empirically consider potential laws so it would be very rare for any future system to deviate from its ancestor's behavior.

ThePyg(6738) Disputed
1 point

The church isn't a governing body, and when it is serious violations of various rights often take place.

Half-true. When any type of authority has too much power, serious violations of various rights often take place. The church isn't the only entity that likes to take away rights (FCC, Homeland Security, DEA, etc).

Well the fact that some entities can be coercive and violate fundamental rights is obviously true, it doesn't mean a statement about how a particular sub-group of those entities can do the same is "half true".

A generalization of a statement isn't very good for disputing it.

This is how sick the Christian church is: if an 11 year old girl is raped and becomes pregnant, by the bible, they must preserve human life and force her to have the child. -_-

Troy8(2433) Disputed
1 point

if an 11 year old girl is raped and becomes pregnant, by the bible, they must preserve human life and force her to have the child

This is a bit humorous to me, as only 1% of all abortions happen because of rape or incest. And, no where in the Bible does it state whether a girl must be forced to have the child when raped

1 point

Of course, only 1% of abortions are because of rape or incest, but when it does happen, and the 11 year old pregnant girl in your church asks her father for an abortion, he'll pull out his bible and say "Now now, the bible says that life begins at conception! Are you a murderer?"

zombee(1026) Disputed
1 point

This is a bit humorous to me, as only 1% of all abortions happen because of rape or incest.

It doesn't matter only a small percentage of aborted pregnancies result from rape. That is not what this discussion is about.

And, no where in the Bible does it state whether a girl must be forced to have the child when raped

There are numerous verses in the Bible that refer to all human life as sacred, and to the plan God has for every human even before their conception. If abortion is wrong because a fetus is an innocent life and a gift from God, the circumstances of conception wouldn't change that. It would be wrong for the same reasons as abortions of "convenience," even if the mother is a victim of rape and/or incest.

1 point

The church can have its part only if someone walks to it. I don't see people doing that...most often... And they must not too!

Anyway, personally.. I don't think any one has absolutely any right to do that. To ruin one's life.. Even the Church! If they request life so much they can utilise the technology and have it test tubed!

I don't think any Church will O.K. the abortion, so, it is a secular decision.