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 Age in relationships (7)

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Age in relationships

Is age an important factor in relationships? When should someone start 'dating'? Should age difference between partners matter?

What are some of your thoughts on age in relationships?

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2 points

Something non arbitrary, like, the younger couple's age shouldn't be less than 3/4 that of the older.

1 point

I'd be more in favor of a 7/8 ratio now that I think about it.

1 point

In my opinion, I don't think young children should be getting into relationships. Children around the age of 12 really shouldn't be dating as they are simply too young to comprehend what 'true love' actually is. I believe a more suitable starting age for relationships would be 16 years old. This is the same age required to give sexual consent here in the UK.

For me, I think this is the age where people start to mature and therefore be responsible enough to handle a relationship. It is also an age where most people start developing crushes and romantic feelings for other people.

With regards to age difference in relationships, I don't have any problem with a few years difference. But anything, say, over 3-4 years is a bit uncomfortable for me.

Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

The problem with setting a definitive age for starting relationships is that research shows rather soundly that we do not develop at the same rate. This is especially true between the sexes, and even true within them.

Regarding age difference, as long as the parties involved are consenting I see no reason to object or be "uncomfortable" about it.

iMisterH(160) Disputed
1 point

Your point about the age difference, would you object to someone over the legal age of consent dating a minor i.e. someone below the legal age of consent? It's not every day that you see 12-year-olds dating people who are 16+

Is age an important factor in relationships?

Not if all parties are at the same relative maturity level. There many factors that should be given more emphasis than physical age.

When should someone start 'dating'?

When they are ready. This will be different ages for different people.

Should age difference between partners matter?

Not as much as their relative emotional maturity.

What are some of your thoughts on age in relationships?

They pretty much start and end with what I've said here. I could go into more detail, but the central arguments remain.

1 point

For this whole thing I would say there shouldn't be an age limit for a couple. When you look at what age they should start dating i would have to say some where around seven and up. I say this for a reason and its because kids who are younger don't really have that certain feeling for another like older kids and so on. Some kids are different though so there will be those who do. when people date they shouldn't have a certain age limit they have to be in. If some one truly loves another then that is that.