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Debate Score:37
Total Votes:37
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 Agree (16)
 Disagree (13)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

All private property truly belongs to the government.

If the government can take away private property do we truly own anything?


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 16

I am not to sure on this but I would guess that if they can take away property then we may not really own anything.

Side: Agree

True, there is no end to the true expropriation of private property by the government in all regards including income, for eminent domain is power to take private property for public use by the state without before the payment of just compensation to the owner of the property.

Side: Agree

This is why we need our guns. ;)

The last thing we need is gun control.

Side: Agree
AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
1 point

Waging war against the state is useless and futile. We cannot defeat our own military.

Side: Agree

For the most part I agree. The state will indeed take custody of your property if payment is not forth coming.

Side: Agree
1 point

I agree, in reality everything belongs to the goverment in some form of way or another. That car you have? It's the banks. But, who wons the banks? The men in office laughing as we all starve.

Side: Agree

It seems that way. Someone can the mortgage on his home but still has to pay taxes on that property.

Side: Agree
2 points

If I bought something with my money and its in my name how dose that belong to anyone but me? This is exactly the kind of thinking that led to the Soviet Union and that ended in a popularly supported military so what dose that tell you about livening under that kind of government?

Side: Disagree

Its just robbery but the word robbery is replaced with "taxation". You truly do not own it.

Side: Agree
AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
1 point

The state will indeed take hold of your property if you do not pay the money you require.

Side: Agree
2 points




Side: Disagree
AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
1 point

The government is allowed to do so. They have the right if the money they require is not payed.

Side: Agree
1 point

Not if you hide it well :)

Side: Disagree
1 point

I believe they are talking about cars or houses. Things you may have paid off in full can still be takem by the state.

Side: Agree
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

You can still hide them.

Side: Agree
1 point

Actually, it belongs to the bankers. In the monetary system we have American and Canadian even the government isn't exempt from being owned by the banks. Every dollar is that is created through loans is made with interest attached. Since the first dollar made in this system the banks were well on their way to owning everything.

Side: Disagree
1 point

They can take it away, but they do so illegally. Private property is owned by the specific person. When the government takes away private property, they convince the people that they can do it, and do it legally. This is wrong. They do not have the right to do so. The problem is that the people believe they can, therefore permitting the government to take private property.

Side: Disagree

What is the "ownership" in first place ?

Side: Disagree

no the property is defiently the person in whose name it is in the government just wants you to pay taxes on it so they can spend the money on some more uslesss crap

Side: Disagree
1 point

George Orwell, yet again, would be sad. I disagree to your question " Do we truly own anything". Well, not disagree, just wish to answer. No, we don't. You can give an item a label say it's yours, but someone can always take ti away from you. Even during a divorce trial, the judge has the right to take the child out of a mothers/fathers arms. Morally, we do own things yes. But in today's world, you cannot own anything without someone trying to find a way to make a law case out of it to prove that somehow, it is not yours, and is in fact, everyone's. Which is why, more and more, I am hating the modern world!

Side: Disagree
1 point

The government can have my property from my cold dead hands! 1rst, 2nd, 4rth, and 14nth Amendments, baby!

Side: Disagree