
Debate Info

sanity and humanity patriotism that we may schism
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 sanity and humanity (2)
 patriotism that we may schism (1)

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DeathWolf666(372) pic

America first or humanity first?

sanity and humanity

Side Score: 4

patriotism that we may schism

Side Score: 2

Morning mate.

"America first" is a slogan constructed from pure concentrated idiocy. It represents a total failure to progress from the thousands of years our species has already wasted on imperialism and/or colonialism. It is an attempt to remain in the past, where hostility to others based on the sole factor that you were born in different places was/is somehow considered rational. If America is first then everywhere else is second, and obviously everywhere else does not concur that should be the case.

Side: sanity and humanity
2 points

America first or humanity first?

Hello F:

That Trump CHOSE American First as his slogan was no mistake. The first American First Committee, described below, was virulent pro Nazi and, not surprisingly, ANTI Jewish..

The America First Committee was the foremost United States non-interventionist pressure group against the American entry into World War II. Started on September 4, 1940, it experienced mixed messaging with antisemitic and pro-fascist rhetoric from leading members, and it was dissolved on December 10, 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor


Side: patriotism that we may schism
1 point

That Trump CHOSE American First as his slogan was no mistake. The first American First Committee, described below, was virulent pro Nazi and, not surprisingly, ANTI Jewish.

Please spare us your unhinged conspiracy theories, Excon. Trump has his head so far up Netanyahu's sphincter he doesn't know up from down. He's anti-Jewish in the same way that Dick Cheney is anti-war. He loves Jews. Muslims and blacks: meh, not so much.

That isn't to say Trump can't be considered a Nazi. Essentially he ticks most of the other boxes.

Side: sanity and humanity