
Debate Info

Yes, burn 'em! No, more science!
Debate Score:145
Total Votes:208
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 Yes, burn 'em! (32)
 No, more science! (49)

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Cerin(206) pic

Are Atheists To Blame For All of America's Problems?

Glenn Beck believes that atheists are to blame for all of the U.S.'s woes. Afterall, the fastest growing group in all 50 states are the non-religious, and yet for the *first* time in the history of the country, we've had economic and social turmoil. Coincidence?


Yes, burn 'em!

Side Score: 47

No, more science!

Side Score: 98
2 points

I won't say only atheists are to blame for all of our problems, but I think we do have some problems in society that stem from the atheist/theist debates. I think we are way too busy fighting each other that we don't notice the possible fall of society. We used to be at the top of the scale for education. Then we got into silly arguments over whether or not God should be allowed in the Pledge and some patriotic songs. Now, we are at the bottom of the scale! Only 26% of high school graduates go on to college and out of all of the students who actually graduate (this negates all drop-outs, which is roughly 1 drop-out every 20-30 seconds) only one-third are even ready for a four year college. We debate too much over frivolous things and this takes away from attention that should be given to our children and our schools.

There are, obviously, other things that we take away from, but just showing this data explains that we don't pay attention to our education. And why? Because atheists and theists, for some reason, can't seem to agree on anything. Because blacks and whites differ on their views. Because democrats and republicans fight over everything. Yes, atheists can be blamed for deteriorating our society, but if atheists are blamed, shouldn't we all be blamed. Remember, it takes two to tango.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
Cerin(206) Disputed
6 points

Are you serious? Our math and science test scores are dropping, and the Christian's response is to teach theology in science class, and you blame atheists?

I'm not sure what solution you're advocating. Are you claiming atheists should just shutup and let Christian extremists stamp God on everything, and that that would somehow improve education?

Side: No, more science!
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

I'm saying we should all shut up and put our differences aside to look toward the future. I don't care what you do to be an atheist and I'm sure you don't care what i do to be a theist. I am proposing that we take our differences and "leave them at the door".

"and you blame atheists?"

If you even read what I wrote, you would understand that I CLEARLY blamed everyone. I blamed people with my beliefs and people with your beliefs.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
KathrynG(1) Disputed
1 point

If you would like to put atheists in the equation as to why society has the problems it does right now, then that would be fine; but to assign total blame on them is just plain ludicrous. We as a society, as a whole, have morphed into extremists from every angle and nobody wants to lose or bend even slightly.

Society has changed so drastically not only because people just don’t seem to care as much anymore but because we aren’t nurturing our children, who our future, the same way we used to. Monetary gain has become the picture of ideal so much so that we are paying to much attention to our job positioning and not enough to our children.

People are allowing other people to basically raise their children because their position is that much more important as it is what pays for their upbringing. But ask yourselves this, who exactly is raising your kids when you aren’t?

Parenting is a diminishing skill as it is all too easy to allow other people to do your job. Kids and adults alike are given ample electronic devises to keep them busy and too preoccupied to even interact appropriately with each other leaving media with total power to obstruct our next generation’s moral values. Did you know that on a daily basis, on average, it is said that only 9 of the 1440 minutes a day are spent in actual parent/child conversation?This is just sad. We are all to blame for letting our ethics, morals, and values crumble with out so much as even a fight. Atheists are not the only one with that problem.

Side: No, more science!
0 points

Well, the tags are stupid. I'm a Christian and I happen to like science. Anyways, ...

I don't think that atheists alone are to blame for these problems and that's not what he said. It's not just the people that call themselves atheists. But the people who call themselves Christian that still fill the void with "things, power, career, money, celebrities, politics, government". What percentage of people do that!!!????

Atheist or not, the people doing that are the problem.

Anyone who spends most of their time on that stuff mine as well be an atheist. Because they are helping them grow.

Side: void fillers
Cerin(206) Disputed
1 point

"Anyone who spends most of their time on that stuff mine as well be an atheist. Because they are helping them grow."

Atheism is not the belief that we should accumulate as much crap as possible. It's the lack of belief in the supernatural.

Saying atheism is the source of materialism is like saying Christianity is the source of war. Atheists and christians have on occassion been materialists, just as atheists and christians have started wars.

Side: No, more science!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

wow, learn to read his argument.

He was saying that if someone is going to worry more about materialism and themselves, they aren't true Christians and might as well be Atheists (for Atheism doesn't have a specific belief on how you should live your life, while Christianity does).

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

"Atheism is not the belief that we should accumulate as much crap as possible."

I wasn't trying to say that. I'm just saying that the people that do are either atheist or don't really care much for religion, even if they say they do.

Side: void fillers
0 points

The fact is, aithiesm is total crap. Science proves intelligent design. Try to prove me wrong. Where did it all start? The big bang? Before that? And that? And before that? No athiest knows what caused existence, but I do.

I'll tell you the answer; God created it all.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
KGeno(6) Disputed
2 points

Oh, that was easy, right? But wait! Who created God? Another God? And another?

Science does not have all the answers but what it does have is a methodology: falsifiable, testable, repeatable research.

You say God created everything. I say Flying Spaghetti Monster created everything. I can SCREAM and swear louder than you so I win. Right? FSM is the cause of the everything. Prove me wrong.

Using your own argument I just proved you're in an intellectual dead end.

Side: No, more science!
E223(193) Disputed
1 point

The big bang wasn't the creation of matter, it was the expansion of matter. Matter can't be created or destroyed, and for that reason, it needs no beginning because it has no end.

Also, your argument has nothing to do with atheists being to blame for america's problems

That aside, you're probably a troll, but I've had enough people tell me what you're saying for me to consider the possibility that you're not.

Side: No, more science!
-3 points
Cerin(206) Disputed
2 points

"Worship the government, not God..."

You make it sounds like government worship is some sort of recent secular conspiracy.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all."

All public schools recite this every morning of every school day. Kids aren't require to say it, but they're effectively required to hear it.

And I actually find it a bit creepy.

But this nothing new, as the pledge (minus "under God") has been around for over a hundred years. The logic (not mine) goes; not everyone in the country has the same religion, but they belong to the same nation.

Christians are always up in arms when schools prevent them from singing Christian-theme songs. I actually don't have an issue with a balanced display of religion, but I wonder how many Christians would welcome Hindu, Muslim, or Jewish themed songs?

Would they welcome a song that promoted Muslim warriors spreading the love of Allah through conquest? Of course not. But somehow "Battle Hymn" is perfectly fine.

Side: No, more science!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

1. It is what it is.

2. As you said, no one is required to say the Pledge. It is merely Patriotic and the God part shows how we differentiate Government from what we find most important (God is a metaphor, not specific). It is one Nation, under God (which can be defined in any way) instead of One Nation under government.

3. They do. Jewish songs are pretty popular during the Holiday Season as well. Not as popular, of course, mainly because there aren't as many songs that people like, but they do have a few. Don't know any Muslim religions during Christmas season, though. Either way, Christians don't BAN other religious songs from schools. That's the main difference.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
2 points

@Cerin: I'm with you on this one. All of these are good points. I might add that Christians do discriminate against other religions by insisting on displaying the 10 Commandments in public and government places, saying that cross is not a Christian sign (recent Scalia's invention and rant).

Maybe Christians don't ban songs (I am just not aware of song bans) but they sure ban and burn books that they deem inappropriate.

By the way I would agree on displaying the 10 Commandments in public if they also include punishment that bible requires for their violation: death for each and single one. People should know how bloody and brutal Christianity actually is.

Side: No, more science!
1 point

More pointless down voting.

Looks like a whiny little faggot has a personal vendetta with me since he/she can't seem to give a proper rebuttal.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
1 point

They probably just read that one line up there that said that you liked what he had to say. How lame.

Side: void fillers

Just take a down vote for what it is, down voting just shows you that the truth hurts. Some people can't handle the truth when it is about them. I strive to get down votes. I know that if I'm down voted then I must have struck a nerve. If what I said wasn't true then it would bother them.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
Banshee(288) Disputed
1 point

What a weird reading of MK's above post. It seemed to me that he was blaming polarized divisiveness -- not atheists or liberals or secularists. Note that the post referenced atheists and theists, black and white, democrat and republican, etc.

Nobody worships the government. Political speech is not religion. You are simply occluding the issue.

D'you think you could avoid gay-bashing things you dislike? It does nothing to bolster your argument and is frankly just discriminatory and rude.

Side: No, more science!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
0 points

I wasn't gay bashing... why, just cause I use the word fag?

and if i were to call someone a bitch, that would be sexist? Or bastard, since that's a term usually to describe a dude. That should be a discriminatory term as well.

A secularfag or Christfag is someone who's WAAAAY into something and brings it up at inappropriate times (internet).

Side: Yes, burn 'em!
4 points

CD isn't showing the embedded video in the description, so I'm reposting it here.

Glenn Beck blames godlessness for America's problems
Side: No, more science!
2 points


well, I got about 2 minutes into the Beck's rant. I love how the second clip of kids singing, all they say is "Can we make America Better? Yes we can." And still that nut job is crying about it.

Sure Beck, all of our problems are because god is mad at us...

Side: No, more science!
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

"Yes we can" is kind of an Obama thing, in case you didn't know.

Side: void fillers
0 points

Heh, good point. Those damn evil atheists are trying to make America great! We must stop them!

Side: No, more science!
3 points

As Beck so eloquently pointed out,

only 15% of the US population is atheist. probably less since I don't think Beck has ever given an accurate stat, but we'll say 15%.

So it would make sense that about 15% of our Representatives were atheist, right?

Wrong, 0% of atheists are leading this country link

Now how exactly are atheists, even if they wanted to, supposed to bring down the most powerful nation in the world,

if they have 0 power in government?

Typical protestant witch hunt. Keep speaking Glenn Beck, you're bound convert more people to our side. Maybe we'll even get one in Congress.

Side: No, more science!
3 points

Well, obviously David, God hates America and has cursed it because there are a bunch of atheists here. ;P

Side: No, more science!
3 points

Is Glenn Beck wearing his magic underwear in that clip? Can we trust people who do weird shit like that?

Side: No, more science!

Atheists are not to blame for all of America's problems..., just most of them ;)

Side: No, more science!
KGeno(6) Disputed
1 point

Joe, your one-liner does not help here. It's just childish to make these kind of statements.

Have you taken the flu vaccine recently? Have you gone to a doctor and get some prescription medicine to fix your ailment? Have you used your cell phone lately? Watched cable TV?

All of this was created by scientists who are overwhelmingly atheists (medicine and biology - evolution, theory of relativity - no need for a god to explain cosmos)

One might argue that TV and cell phones are the root of all our problems and there is a lot to say to support it. That I would agree wholeheartedly.

Side: Yes, burn 'em!

Well..., I'm sure atheists didn't invent all those gadgets but, getting back to the subject at hand, we have to blame somebody for America's problem.... don't we? I mean, it's not our fault ;)

Side: No, more science!
2 points

That's just dumb. Did Glenn Beck give any actual evidence for this? America has had ups and downs...this isn't the worst time we've ever been through. America went through both world wars and the great depression years before atheism was popular in America.

Side: No, more science!
2 points

Glen Beck is crazy, honestly he's been getting worse over the years. This was him on a good day too which is sadder than puppies being crushed by a bag of dead puppies.

Atheism has nothing to do with America being in trouble. It was bound to happen it was no one person's fault it was a chain of things sprouted from humanity's inherent flaws such as ego. I managed to watch his entire crazy speech and when he mentioned that other countries were basically godless, I laughed. The most dangerous countries have been driven by their God! Most wars are started over religion!

Honestly why does the man think atheists have a void? Honestly I know many who are quite content with their lives and many Christians who are not. I have no true religion personally, but I have tinkered with many. I never felt a void that religion could fill, and many I know have tried to fill the void with God and it did more harm than good. If you need god to fill a hole in your heart then you need to find out why that hole is there. And as for Glen Beck he needs to figure out why someone hasn't filled that hole in him...the one where his brain should be.

Side: No, more science!
2 points

Saying Atheist are to blame for all of are problems is one of the most naive things to say on-line (maybe in your church but not on-line) That is the same as saying that Christians are to blame for Americas problems

Side: No, more science!
2 points

It's easy to blame outside sources for our problems. Sometimes a little insearch is needed.

Side: No, more science!
1 point

This is somewhat silly, but I'll say that no, they are not. There are much more other things you can put false blame on, but please: leave the atheists alone (I am not an atheist, I know a few though)

Side: No, more science!
1 point

And who does all these awful things? dogs, chickens, trees ? Nope, darn that means it's us, humans and it means there is something amiss with our nature since we love to do it. And whether we cloak it in theism or atheism makes no difference. The underlying problem is the same, we love to do what we know is wrong. Don't believe me? just look at an addict. His problem is only more obvious than the rest of ours, mine included. We hide ours and he doesn't. So the way this works it's way out in culture is when we make laws to exonerate ourselves. When we call evil, good. When we wash the outside of the cup and not the inside. The problems come when we ignore our problem; when we point to all the evil in the world around us while ignoring the evil in our own hearts.

Side: Human nature
1 point

I would like to continue putting all of the blame on whitey, but in all actuality it's all Glen Beck's fault! Dang! Is that man serious! Can I sing a song for you, Mr. Beck? Would that make you feel better?

Side: No, more science!