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Debate Score:5
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victor01(146) pic

Are Grades Important and or Necessary?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2

Report card grades are necessary to show how much effort a child puts into his Studies.

Side: Yes

If you are an idiot, then they are not important. Otherwise, they are very important. ;)

Side: yes

A pass/fail system without grades is better way. It closes the gap between classes and makes all that pass on the same playing field. It does the same to those that fail. Thus creating only two division between students, rather than several. The A group, B group, C group etc, scores don't reflect knowledge only interest.

Side: No
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

When you go to college (according to your system), there would be a lot more competition and it would be harder to prove yourself because there are no grades. Although grades don't necessarily show knowledge, it will show how interested someone is to learning. If do A work, then I want my A.

Side: yes

When it comes to high school, there is minimal importance, but in college, it all depends on your ACT OR SAT test scores. These are what get you into the best schools.

Side: No