
Debate Info

Mothers Are Fathers Are OR Both
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:52
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 Mothers Are (12)
 Fathers Are OR Both (15)

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TheThinker(1688) pic

Are Mothers Better Parents Than Fathers

If you decide both, answer on the right section of this debate please.

Mothers Are

Side Score: 20

Fathers Are OR Both

Side Score: 19
3 points

Mothers are more important.Because I think that fathers are important but mothers are more important then them. Because mothers take care of us when we are small. So,in this way mothers are more important.

Side: Mothers Are
Gumi(14) Disputed
2 points

it is really the words of 3th old child.

when we are small fathers also take care about us...may be even more...or you think that untill we are small they run away and enjoy yourserf and come back when we grow up???did i understand you in correct way??

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
3 points

So this is what i think.

If a little girl grows up with her father only, she may question her feminity behavior when it is not in comparision with her father. My possible thought...

Vice versa for a male child who grows up with his mother only.

I personally love mothers better. My mother never treated me with anger or verbal abuse UNLESS i go out of line.

Feminity brings comfort and love. While masculinity brings strength and toughness.

Im not saying that mothers can't be masculine and fathers can't be feminine.

I guess children needs a little from both.

I could be wrong. Is there any psychologist on this site that can correct me? :)

I remember i got milk from the refrigerator. And i accidently dropped the milk cap on the floor. My father yelled at me to pick it up. There are lots of times when i hated my father for how he treated me. Although he supports me and food, i still wanna hate him. I guess i do because he has always hurt my feelings and not has gave me kindness as my mother. There were times he would go mad and yell from the top of his lungs.

I guess it depends on the parents and children. I don't know what is NORMALLY true but every situation know? If i want to find the normal better parent, i have to do some research on child psychology. :)

Now i am beginning to feel that this debate seem pointless. But does every debate does? Because every situation is dependable. Not every parents are good parents. Anyway, i think mothers are better IN MY SITUATION. :)

Side: Mothers Are
2 points

Mothers are helpful caring and protecting, if you forget something they are always prepared with the item, they always encourage you unlike some fathers that don't really care, mothers are generally like other female animals, they are really protective of their children. Mothers always put their child before themselves, like for alot of things. If you say a mothers not caring then thats totally of the line, they always care for you more than themselves. A mother holds a really tight responsibility and they take it. They never whine about how expensive the products they buy you, never annoyed when you leave your things lying around, they always do things for you without complains. In general mothers are really important but not as much as fathers.

Side: Mothers Are

Mothers have that close bond to the baby right away through breast feeding. Mothers listen to problems their children are facing better than the Father does.

Side: Mothers Are
1 point

mothers are better parents than father because they are more caring and nurturing for the child and they seem to have a much better emotional understanding of what the kid is going through as it makes the way through the process of growing up

Side: Mothers Are
1 point

mothers are better than fathers because if they get pregnant they would not think about aborting the child and the men would be telling the woman to go and abourt the child or they will say they are not the father of the child mean while they are but morthers love the children before the even give brith to the child

Side: Mothers Are
1 point

and mothers we are the one to go through all the pain of giving brith and go through all the breast fedding and stuff so that is more reasons why mothers are better

Side: Mothers Are
1 point

if a girl lives with her father her dad will not teach her any thing about puberty and the girl wont even tell the father and say I am going through mesturationand stuff

Side: Mothers Are
2 points

Hello, everybody. My name is Aidana Rysmendiyeva, I'm from Kazakhstan. I'd like to show my point of view about this theme. For me, both of parents play a big role in children's life because from the mother's side children get a lot of care, different advice, but father can also give useful advice, for example, for son. In my family, for example, there are three children: me, little brother (he is 10) and little sister ( she is 5). And both parents are very good parents, because our mother does her "mother's" obligations very well, such as she indulges us by many tasty food, she cleans our rooms, clean our clothes and even works at hospital. Father also does a lot for us - he works every day, he tries to learn us how to live in this modern world, he gives a lot lf useful advice and, of course, we get a lot of love and care from both of our parents. So, for me Both of parents are very good.

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
1 point

It is difficult to say who is better?! Personally for me, they are both)))They are the best for me and even they ban many things, i love them)) because they gave me a Life<3 In my foundation course i heard one quotation that on the one ship cannot be two captains. But i disagree with this, because it can be, like in my family. My father and mother are equal and make decisions together. As u know, Children reach out more to their mothers than to their fathers. It may be because the mother spends more time with the child. Of course, it is typical situation in each family. Mothers take care about their children and fathers earn money.

In my opinion, we cannot judge who is better mother or father. Both of them tries to give for their child all the best!!! We must appreciate everything, what our parents do for us<3

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
Gumi(14) Disputed
2 points

In my foundation course i heard one quotation that on the one ship cannot be two captains. But i disagree with this, because it can be, like in my family.


I also heard this quotation and 100% agree with it, i also can proove according example! you (child) want go to cinema with your boyfriend, but you are too young to go without permission, and mom allows you to go, but dod doesn't...

So...two captains decided in different way...and what will YOU do?? I think it is obviously..., you will stay at home!

Side: Mothers Are
1 point

Yeah, mothers don't punish you when you do something wrong, but is it right when parents dont punish children? I think if parents don't punish their child in future he will smoke and drink do bad things and other.

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
1 point

Simply by the title of their role (mother/father) does not make one better than the other.

Side: Both or Depends
1 point

Moms are more responsible and take more care about children.

They have better developed parental instinct. For example my mom always worry about what I ate today, what I put on myself, how I get to home and how I passed my exams ans so on. I know one good expression: Only moms carry us 9 months in the abdomen, 3 years on her hands and the whole life in her heart

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
1 point

There are fantastic mothers and there are fantastic fathers. There are also terrible mothers and terrible fathers. Neither is absolutely "better" than the other.

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
1 point

IMO fathers are better. Infact statistically we KNOW they are better. Research after research shows that that fathers commit less child abuse and that mothers are more likely to enact sexist attitudes to their children. One of the common proponents that mothers are better is the so called 'mother-child bond'. What exactly does this mean? Its true that the early years of interaction are important but it is only significant from the POV of that mothers hog their child. If you remove mothers from the equation fathers would fill this role and do all the eye contact and holding from an early age. The problem is that society tells men they HAVE to work so they have never had this opportunity.

Furthermore, look at what mothers have done in the past 30-40 years. They would rather outsource taking care of their children to some concentration camp, better known as a nursery, so that they can do their unnecessary job. What was the point of 2nd wave feminism? Giving up staying at home with your children to go work as a receptionist. Yeah real fulfilling. 65% of public sector jobs are women and yet how many of these jobs are actually necessary?

Then there is divorce. 3/4 are initiated by the woman and the most common reason is 'dissatisfied'. Too bad! You made a commitment. Marriage isn't for the couple its for the children and their development. You can't just leave because you are bored. Then of course there is the army of single parent mothers. The majority are now by choice despite the statistics showing how detrimental it is to the child.

In a recent study if has been found that lesbian couples do WORSE than single mothers. What does this tell you? It tells you that women do not deserve their praise for child rearing. It is a myth that they are better parents. They only see a child as a puppy and when it is no longer Christmas they get bored and abusive.

Side: Fathers Are OR Both

I'm going to go with both being important- or at least, somebody taking on the roles of 'father' and 'mother' in a non-traditional family.

Mothers raise children, and fathers raise adults. Both pieces are important. Again, I'm talking about the role, not necessarily the sex of the parents. Both affection and authority are necessary in my opinion.

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
1 point

mother and father both are equal values because they are lots of sacrifices for our children they both are pay better education good behavior etc

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
0 points

It is difficult to say who is better, I lost my father at the age of six. I don't know what is fathers careful child, but i think Father is important people in children life as mother. Mothers usually are to weak and give to their children all that they want, however fathers are more powerful and they love their children, but don't give so much freedom like mothers. That’s why I think both are good parents

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
Gumi(14) Disputed
2 points

i disagree with the sentence that " Fathers don't give so much freedom like mothers." Believe me, in most cases fathers much more softer!!!

Side: Mothers Are
habibahsan06(1) Disputed
1 point

mothers are more softer and loving than fathers . I think mothers are to be cared like they cared of us and kept us in thier womb for 9 months . mothers rock

Side: Mothers Are

It is difficult to say who is better, I lost my father at the age of six.

Well, we can find him together.

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
Gumi(14) Disputed
1 point

i'm sorry for your dad;(

also i agree with the 1st part of your sentence, that "Mothers usually are to weak and give to their children all that they want, however fathers are more powerful and they love their children"))

Side: Mothers Are
mariaete(4) Disputed
1 point

however mothers are biogically more invested intheir off springthan men simply because mothersare the ones to carry feed and give brith to the child ,they give more attention to their children and give good advice to the children

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
0 points

in my opinion, fathers are better parents.

first of all, in difficult cases, they never lose their minds and decide problems briefly, but mothers begin panic, cry, shout!

for example, daughter wants go to night club and asks a permission, what dad will say!:"NO"!!! thats all!!! briefly and understandable!!!but mom will say that may be it was a bad idea, may be it was better to stay at home...eventually daughter just will go to this night club throuhg the window!

Side: Fathers Are OR Both
mariaete(4) Disputed
1 point

mothers do that because they are more consired about their children and they want the best for them so the will try and explain to the child about what is wrong and right

Side: Mothers Are