
Debate Info

Robots are helpful to society Robots are dangerous to societ
Debate Score:55
Total Votes:64
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 Robots are helpful to society (8)
 Robots are dangerous to societ (14)

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TecheBrarian(5) pic

Are Robots a blessing or a bane to our society?

Based on Manu's blog and video (see link) the class discussion, your own research, and any other information, write your position on robots. Are they something that will be a positive for the world overall? Or will they ultimately lead to our downfall and destruction? Submit your position. Be sure to back up your point of view with references to your research, videos, etc.

Manu's blog and video: 

Robots are helpful to society

Side Score: 19

Robots are dangerous to societ

Side Score: 36

Non-sentient things aren't good or bad - they take on the character of their use - therefore, objects like cars, computers, guns, robots, tables, etc. etc. are generally good because people are generally good ('good' from an anthropocentric perspective anyway).

Side: Robots are helpful to society
4 points

IN my opinion robots or both (blessing and bane) because first of all robots are blessings because they basically can do what most humans do , there a machine and also there to help you and you can't define them because there so many things.The bad things about robots there basically affecting the future generation and us because you see the upcoming future generation can depend on them because there helpful and so and so and they affect us and our body if we don't do anything we can't know what life really means there basically destroying us ,there machines and it can cause problems.

Side: Robots are helpful to society
3 points

Robots aren't intrinsically good or bad in themselves: they simply carry out the wishes of people. If the people give them good orders they can be a blessing.

It is in everyone's interests that robots should be a blessing to society. The idea that robots could think for themselves and declare war on us like in Terminator is simply ridiculous - a notion that must be dispelled.

Robots ensure that things operate far more smoothly and efficiently. They have the ability of doing millions more calculations per second than any one human could ever comprehend. What matters is that they will make our lives easier, because that's what we tell them to do.

Side: Robots are helpful to society
2 points

Robots are both a blessing and a bane to our society because they can be used in wars and they will kill with no emotion and they can have good effects like helping us expand our knowledge of the universe. So they are both good or bad depending on who is using or made the robots...

Side: Robots are helpful to society
2 points

I think robots can be useful in many ways but if they keep on creating robots, because they have smarter brain they can take over. And it doesn't mean if you created the robots you are smarter they are like calculators and have more advanced stuff

Side: Robots are helpful to society
1 point

So you guys want to put "Command: Kill all Humans" or "Deadlier AI" into a Robot's Programming? Because that's the only time I see Robots being bad. Also when you use them in a bad way or over-rely on them.

If those don't happen when Robots are around, let's have them stay. Like our Cellphones & Computers, they're just tools to finish jobs quicker. Besides, in the past, inventions made work faster. The more inventions there are (or the more improvements inventions have), the faster work will be.

All we have to do is be careful and we'll be fine.

Side: Robots are helpful to society
1 point

Robots are can both a blessing and a bane because at the time robot are only willing to do what we teach or program them to do, they live there lives based on what they have seen so if we teach them bad things they will likely do bad things and vica verse and there is also the malfunctions/mistakes but if those happen we will use the consequences as a improvement point for us.

Side: Robots are helpful to society
DontIgnoreMe(1) Disputed
1 point


Also with all your points, shouldn't your post be on the other side

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
1 point

Robots are helpful because if someone is unable to do a certain thing for example vacuum there floors a robot will be able to do it for them.

Side: Robots are helpful to society
4 points

I feel like robots are extremely helpful for us and they can do a lot of things. They can do things normal humans cant, that can also be bad. They have the power to destroy us all. They will eventually become harmful to us. I fell like as scientist are giving them new and new powers every day they eventually will be harmful and will take over. scientist should just make them basic and not use them for other things

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
DontIgnoreMe(1) Clarified
1 point

There are multiple spelling errors, this is just to help anyone understand.

can't feel is new powers until they Scientists

Side: Robots are helpful to society
3 points

Robots are helpful, really, but they are also dangerous. Making robots uses up a lot of energy and they use many resources to work that pollute the world. Also, robots still don't have emotions, so unlike humans, you can say they are cold heated and would kill if given the instruction to do so. In the future, if they are able to download information into their hard drives by themselves, they could download actions such as harming humans which would be very negative for the human population. Robots are helpful, but in the long run, they might be our bane.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
3 points

robots are very useful for the world actually because they help us in factories to build things that we are using every day, but the way the technology is going and the way the robots are getting more like humans, for sure they will be able to work too! so it mean that the robots will take our jobs and do the things we do,so some humans will be homeless and without any job. Also there will certainly have some failure and if all the robots have failure at the same time it will set off a war between humans and robots.

in conclusion, robots are good but they don't need to be like humans.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
3 points

I feel like robots can be both a blessing and a bane. Both on how they can be used and how they could take over Humans jobs. Not only is our current level of technology great, with how we have such devices as hoverboards, and phones and TVs. I believe updating this technology too far could result in AI that is way to advanced and could evolve itself, which could mean the end of man-kind, as we might not be able to keep up with it. So I personally think, we should not upgrade AI to be sentient but keep it at a level of a dog and its owner.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

Robots are dangerous for our society because then, they will take our place as an employee. That means that people (humans) will not have any job anymore and will not have any money anymore. Everyone will be lazy because robots will do everything that you are supposed to do like go to work, do the housework... I personally think that robots are not a good influence for us and could destroy our society.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

I personally think that robots are dangerous for our society. Today we already have so much technologies that do a lot to help us. Hoverboards,cellphones, computers,iPads... All of those things make things way easier for all of us. But if we have robots they can replace us, take our jobs, think for us, replace employees or will they even be able to have better ideas than us ? Will the world be a worse place than today ? Robots might take over and control our society and maybe even the world. So I think robots are not a good idea for us and our future.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

I personally believe that the robots are dangerous to our society. I think they will eventually become as smart as us, or even smarter. This can easily lead to them taking over our our jobs. If they do become smarter than us and we have them do our jobs, then we can easily become lazier than we already are.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

Robots are putting us heavily in danger although I find them extremely helpful. It was extremely hard for me to decide which side to go on but then I felt that this argument was stronger to me personally. Robots are putting us in extreme danger and can kill all of us and our fortune. Hopefully they'll be restricted to certain things and us humans will be safe and secure.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

I believe that robots will have a negative effect on society. This is by taking the jobs of many people and effecting the economy poorly. Also, artificial intelligence could possibly turn on humans. Sure there are a couple of positive things the robots could do for the humans and society. However, the negatives out way the positives very much so. Argo i believe robots could be damaging society.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

The increase in the use of robots and automation may prove to be harmful as humans are slowly becoming increasingly dependent on robots. Almost every month a new robot is introduced for lessening our burden. These robots are slowly taking over the jobs of many people. This may lead to a lack of jobs for the rapidly increasing population. A time may come when humans will become so dependent on robots that we wont have to do any job ourselves. This may affect our health negatively.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

robots can be a blessing and a bane depending on how they are used. they can help us with everyday task as well as tasks humans may find difficult e.g building cars, although this may lead humans to develop an unhealthy lifestyle of laziness. they may turn on us if given the opportunity to think for themselves.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

I think that robots are bad to society because at one point there will be robots that can do anything the humans can do and humans will be useless to society.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ
2 points

Robots will make life easier and help us, but it might go too far and make people lazy. That is currently the biggest threat. Some AI are aware of how the world works and talk to us according to how we respond and what is around them. Even while they learn, they do have the need or want to help humans in the way they were programmed. As technology advances, the robots do more and help us in more various ways, but the more they help, the less we do. They have already taken multiple jobs in factories and make music. If they start making complex arts, then creativity will be less special and the arts will be less appreciated. They would also start doing small things like cooking and cleaning, and household jobs would be less common than they are now. People would become lazier and it would be easier for them to take over.

Side: Robots are dangerous to societ