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xMathFanx(1722) pic

Are Universities Over-Catering to Highly Disruptive Student Protests?

Are Universities Over-Catering to Highly Disruptive Student Protests?

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1 point

Of course not, sometimes you gotta let the kids think people give a shit about their fag revolutions. It's part of the learning experience or something, right?

Red Guard looking business a lot of times, eh?

Side: No
1 point

Hello x,

Nahhh. As long as the Constitution overly caters to disruptive protest, and it does because it’s an absolute right, I’ll choose the Constitution over university bureaucracy.


PS> Did I answer the right question, or did I misunderstand you once again??

Side: No
xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Nahhh. As long as the Constitution overly caters to disruptive protest, and it does because it’s an absolute right, I’ll choose the Constitution over university bureaucracy.

The Constitution doesn't cater to many of the activities going on (in the sense that you are claiming it does). That is, if you go to an Author Event assembled in an auditorium, you have the Constitutional Right to yell out (essentially) whatever you want without being arrested/ect. however that doesn't mean that you would not be open to dismissal from the venue.

Also, if you work at a store (say Pizza Hut), and you want to protest/strike against unfair labor standards (e.g. pay, ect. ect.) then you have the Constitutional Right to do so. However, that does not mean you have the right to overtake the store, shut it down, and stay there for days on end without permission from the store owner. Ect. ect.

Side: Yes