
Debate Info

Kill Babies Take Away Women's Rights
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:45
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 Kill Babies (13)
 Take Away Women's Rights (12)

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ThePyg(6706) pic

Are You For Killing Babies or Against a Woman's Right to Choose?

I actually want all babies to die, but apparently I can't be because I am against a woman having the right to choose.

But this is what it's come down to.  So if I like it if babies die and hate it when women get a right to choose, I am in the middle of some kind of Double Think.

But what about you folks?  Are you an evil baby killer or are you a sexist pig?

Kill Babies

Side Score: 21

Take Away Women's Rights

Side Score: 18

I don't consider killing an embryo or 8 week old fetus to be killing "babies". I'm not for abortion rights because I think a women has some inalienable right over whats growing inside her. I support them because I don't believe that whats growing inside her is sentient.

Side: Kill Babies

Neither do I and I agree 100% with you hamandheese. I'm no baby killer and I do support the woman's right to choose what is best for her in most situations other than very late term abortions.

Side: Abortion
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
0 points

What's the difference between an 8 week old fetus and one that's about to come out?

The right to live?

Sounds like a sick joke to me.

You know I don't consider killing a 3 year old "MAN" slaughter. So it should be ok?

So a growing fetus doesn't have a shot at the actual inalienable rights?

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
xaeon(1095) Disputed
2 points

"What's the difference between an 8 week old fetus and one that's about to come out?"

Most organs, bones, skin, a developed brain, sexual orientation (still niether male nor female at his stage), elbows, toes, ears, eyes, no tail (yep, we still grow tails in the early part of pregnancy. Isn't evolution fascinating?), finger nails, fat deposits, any ability to feel pain, any ability to see, any ability to hear, any ability to feel anything, any ability to sense yourself (proprioception), any ability to form a memory. That's just some of the differences.

I can accept that you believe that it's alive at this point. Why can't you accept that lots of people don't and they're no more right or wrong than you about it? Personally, I'd rather see a featus with absolutely no idea what is currently happening to it die then have to go through a life of being born to parents who either can't properly look after it, or simply don't want it and it ending up being passed around from foster home to foster home. To me, until it can start feeling any kind of pain or forming any kind of thought, no matter how soporific that thought is, it is not life. Why force a child into this world to live a (statistically likely) poor quality life at the hands of uncaring and unready parents?

Side: Kill Babies
2 points

I think generally women who are faced with the choice are the best people to make the decision about whether or not they're ready/capable of caring for the child.

As for adoption, there are enough unwanted children as it is, sadly. That and human population is getting out of control.

Side: Kill Babies
2 points

Your way of saying pro-life or pro-choice is closes to my own. But I view them as pro-fetus or pro-woman. I'm not very pro-life (figuratively and literally), anyway. Well, that's because there is too much human life anyway. And until woman are not encouraged (forced?) to have babies, because that's the way they're made, I will continue to be

Btw, to be accurate, a fetus isn't a baby until it comes out. Actually baby killers should be condemned.

My pro-choice views are very limited, to health problems or rape, maybe financial problems.

Side: Kill Babies

Oh, please. I am so not for killing babies. Nor am I against a woman's right to choose. I'm against the government forcing women to have children that they don't want, and thus placing more children in the care of the state or negligent parents.

Side: Kill Babies
1 point


Side: Kill Babies
3 points

Your are the women stupid enough to get pregnant then you should take care of the baby an another thing it should be a law if you abort it you should go to prison for murder simple as that.

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
ledhead818(638) Disputed
1 point

If killing a ball of a few dozen cells is murder, then wouldn't killing a fly be murder?

Side: Kill Babies
republican(71) Disputed
1 point

It may just be a ball of cells, but it's a ball of HUMAN cells, and should be treated as such.

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
nagtroll(275) Disputed
0 points

In your case, perhaps.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
1 point

Rape, incest, failed birth control, health of the mother. All situations that do not involve the woman being stupid. Second of all, until at least 20 weeks, if not full term, it's not a baby, it's a fetus. Third of all, why does anyone get to make this kind of decision for others? My body, my choice. Your body, your choice.

Also, it's "You're", not "Your".

Side: Kill Babies
2 points

If they don't want to be mothers then they should not get pregnant.

Not saying abstinent necessarily, just saying they should make the choice to be a mother or to not be a mother without killing a growing fetus, it's possible.

If they are dumb enough to have an un-wanted pregnancy then they should not have the right to take away an innocent life, or life potential.

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
3 points

So you want the people that are too dumb to figure out how to use a condom to have kids?

This would just be encouraging more dumb people, which would probably lead to more unwanted pregnancies.

I understand that we should try and reduce the number of abortions, but certainly not through the limitation of woman's rights.

Instead we should have improved sexual health education in schools, and improve the foster care system so that people will feel more comfortable giving children up for adoption if they can't take care of them.

Side: Kill Babies
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

"So you want the people that are too dumb to figure out how to use a condom to have kids?"

No not really. I think adoption is the answer and I agree that the foster care system should be improved. But stupid people will always be raising kids no matter what we do. Thats one of the reasons why we have parenting classes counselling, etc.

So, you want a fetus to die just because the person having it doesn't want it?

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
2 points

I love the way the options were put. :D That's pretty great. I've already said where I stand on this and why, soo....there ya go. I'm a sexist pig, I guess. A misogynistic woman. :D I'll go back to the kitchen now? :P

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
2 points

It is hard to choose either side. Personally, I believe that if the reason behind pregnancy is not of her own fault (rape), mother's life is in danger or an incest (worst of all), then I support abortion. However, if the abortion is used to get away from responsibility because of not protecting yourself through condom use or birth control pills, then I am definitely against abortion. In conclusion, be responsible for your actions.

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
1 point

Wow. I love how the way you word it makes them both sound like atrocities if there is no context! ;)

But even if we simply had the choice between "let's go kill babies" and "let's take away women's rights" I think this side would win because murder trumps oppression, in my book. Especially murder of an innocent baby...

Side: Take Away Women's Rights
0 points

I'm all for abortion when having the child is dangerous to the woman's health or if the child will die shortly after. But to say that it is okay for a mother to kill her child simply because she does not want it is wrong.

One of my main gripes that has not been brought up is how hypocritical the laws regarding unborn children are. In some states if a pregnant woman is murdered then it is considered double homicide but if the mother chooses to kill it then it is an abortion. It can't be both ways, the thing is either living or not living.

As for making abortion illegal, I agree with the idea in principle but think it should not happen. However, the Feminazi movement has rationalized and brainwashed themselves into thinking that they are the victims to this "patriarchy" society no matter how morally wrong they are in the process. That being said, they would simply consider the law to be "oppression" and not abide by it. This would cause there to be a huge increase in illegal abortions in back alleyways and that would cause the death of both the woman the child.

Side: Take Away Women's Rights