
Debate Info

Yes, They make me crazy No, Keep em' Comin'
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:17
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 Yes, They make me crazy (5)
 No, Keep em' Comin' (4)

Debate Creator

connorowesme(305) pic

Are all of the internet Memes getting old

All of the guys in my class keeps saying "challenge accepted", "Ya don't say" "Y U no?"

Yes, They make me crazy

Side Score: 8

No, Keep em' Comin'

Side Score: 7
3 points

Memes have never had a places in real life. Overusing them online, or using them in real life, annoys me.

Side: Yes, They make me crazy

They are so freaking annoying jebus christ!

It needs to stop... Challenge accepted.

Side: Yes, They make me crazy
1 point

I love internet memes! Its hilarious! Everyday on memebase they come out with some.

Side: Yes, They make me crazy
1 point

Sure, some memes are hilarious when they first arise and add some quirky-yet-relateable twist on everyday life, but once you've heard the same expression time and time again, yet merely retooled instead of reinvented, it becomes as pale as water.

Side: Yes, They make me crazy
0 points

They are getting very annoying and repetitive. Because of this they aren't as funny anymore, people look at them because they think they are cool because other people find them funny. This is why they are actually annoying!

Side: Yes, They make me crazy
3 points

If you're tired of the old ones, look up new ones.

Or make some of your own.

Stop putting boundaries on memes. They don't have to be anything. sure, the newfags have gotten hold of 'em, but this hasn't eliminated their power, this just means you have to really know what you're doing.

There is no Cancer. just dipshits.

Side: No, Keep em' Comin'

I think they're adorable, why not, I ask you children...?

Side: No, Keep em' Comin'
1 point

Why u no like memes! XD lol :)..............................................

Side: No, Keep em' Comin'

oh come on, they funny as hell. Sushi Restaurant, "we now sell sushi" "you don't say!"

Side: No, Keep em' Comin'