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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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Are humans the real aliens?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 5
2 points

Neither yes or no... Aliens means pretty much to be the foreigner, immigrants have been referred to as aliens. If we are on another planet inhabited by civilized extraterrestrials, we are the aliens.

Side: Yes
1 point

We are, in a sense. We aren't alien to ourselves, at least not full-heartedly. But to a different species, we could be alien to them, as they are alien to us. Primarily because we fear the unknown.

This is why I don't like the word alien because it can just be used to describe something that isn't normal to you

Side: Yes

Neither yes or no... Aliens means pretty much to be the foreigner, immigrants have been referred to as aliens. If another civilized extraterrestrial comes to our planet they are the alien.

Side: No

Aliens to what? With no other living being known to us we are not aliens we are nothing.

In fact being natural residents of Earth, at least born here, we can't be aliens, anything non natural to Earth would be.

Side: No
1 point

humans are experiments created by another exterrestrial species.why do you think there are alien abductions.

OLD DEBATES RULE ...most of the time

Side: No
1 point

An alien is a creature from outer space. Humans are not from outer space. Humans are not aliens.

If you are meaning the definition foreigner, that is absurd. Proposing humans are not from earth is something you would have to demonstrate as all evidence supports we evolved here.

Side: No