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Yes, because.... No, because....
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, because.... (1)

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pirateelfdog(2655) pic

Are rules in general created around boundaries that people are inclined to follow?

Are rules in general created around boundaries that people are inclined to follow?

If you think the answer could be on both sides, pick the side you agree with the most, and then explain all your reasoning. Or, don't. Up to you. 

Yes, because....

Side Score: 3

No, because....

Side Score: 0
3 points

Yes, I suppose they are. There are always exceptions, of course. But in general, laws seem to support basic social etiquette and behaviours which are inherently conducive to social harmony. Don't kill and don't steal, etc. Sometimes we have to develop laws which might seem to go outside of this (e.g. laws against file sharing); but this really boils down to definitions, if file sharing theft? Yes. While you haven't removed the physical item and the lawful owner still has it and might not even know its been copied, you're using their item/file without paying them; therefore theft.

Side: Yes, because....
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