
Debate Info

Yes, I think so No, it's slower than ever!
Debate Score:48
Total Votes:52
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 Yes, I think so (19)
 No, it's slower than ever! (3)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Are things starting to pick up a bit on here?

Yes, I think so

Side Score: 38

No, it's slower than ever!

Side Score: 10
3 points

It's my favorite site I have found since my abrupt exit from SodaDump... Traffic is light but picking up... spread the word... I check in at least once a day.

EDIT: This was supposed to be a reply to the person above

Side: Yes, I think so
3 points

Soda Dump , maybe it should be called Soda Hump , since all that is there is Queer Liberals with retarded brain cells ?

Side: Yes, I think so
1 point

Maybe it should be called AsstroHead since that little asswipe is obviously giving head to someone on the staff of pole smokers!

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

I haven't been spending much time on SH. Not the same with most of my best friends gone.

Side: Yes, I think so
3 points

Why yes , since I am back from a long vacation , I am sure the place will be just as busy as a two Peckered Billy Goat !

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

LOL! Did you see I used Charlie ?

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

Yes , Charlie gonna make a come back soon , Charlie misses you LOL

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

Yes I think it is. You are just not going to give up on this are you? lol

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

No, I'm trying to stick it out... there are some real nuts on here but some cool people too.

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

Lol, yes. Because I joined. XD

Just kidding, but I am new and am enjoying it so far. It has it's slow days.

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

I haven't been here much longer than you, but it seems like it's getting a little better.... It's definitely not a high traffic site, that's for sure.

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

Thanks for sticking it out! We aew experiencing rather steady growth, and yes there are certain slow days. I have been working on ways to get the word out. I appreciate your help in driving others to the site.

Thank you!

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

Someone on here mentioned Twitter the other day... Does CD have a Twitter account? Maybe we could help get the word out that way?

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

Now that I see a few old friends here it's an added incentive to stick it out and spend some time here.

Side: Yes, I think so
2 points

It's my favorite site I have found since my abrupt exit from SodaDump... Traffic is light but picking up... spread the word... I check in at least once a day.

Side: Yes, I think so

Never fear, joe cavalry is here ; )

Side: Yes, I think so

My main gripe is that I properly insult some leftist goober gobbler and it takes 2 or 3 days for the pansy assed shit biter to respond LOL

Side: No, it's slower than ever!
2 points

Maybe they just shit their pants and don't want to respond? LOL

Side: No, it's slower than ever!

You could be on to something there, Hellno.

It may simply be that they FEAR the AWESOME OPPOSSUM LOL

Side: No, it's slower than ever!