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 Article of clothing (12)

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jessdebate(34) pic

Article of clothing

As long as i have been around i have notice people making fun of what others wear. Like everything it's because we see something different we jump to conclusions and start looking at the negative effect it has on us. Clothing expresses ones interests and artistic point of view. So what is that makes the color or design of a person clothing so frightening to us?:

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2 points

I frighten people all the time. I'm a nudist.

(I hate the minimum length for an argument. Hate it hate it hate it. I LIKE dumb jokes!).

Side: I'm a nudist

Is that even in style anymore? I thought that was so Adam and Eve. It's been done before. Nothing new. I've seen it already ;)

Side: I'm a nudist

Artistic point of view??? I just take anything comfortable out of my closet and wear that for the week!

Side: I'm a nudist
2 points

That way, everyone can smell you coming.

It's a good defensive measure -- like snunks do. :)

Kidding of course.

Side: Just joking
jessdebate(34) Disputed
1 point

Well artistic view is showing who you are and comfort is one of your factors so that is also artistic view even if it's very little.

Side: Just joking
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I was joking about wearing one article of clothing for a week. Probably closer to 3-5 days at a time.

Side: Just joking
1 point

Actually it's the other way around. These days everyone tries to dress all colorful and eccentric. And they make fun of people who ware more plain conservative clothes.

What. Can't normal plain clothes be my style. Just because I have a style doesn't mean it has to be the same crap everyone els is waring.

The people with crazy hair and crazy clothes and tattoos are NOT the one's who are being unique.

Side: Just joking
1 point

yes cjv kcvvbvb fgdfgdfgdf fdg fddgdfg jksdf sdfjsd fjsdfsd fjsdkfsd fsdjfsd fsdfksd fsdfsd fsdjfsdkl f

Side: Just joking
hmicciche(660) Disputed
2 points


1. That is the smartest thing I've heard you say all week.

2. Do you talk to your mother like that?

3. That is easy for you to say.

4. I'm sorry, I don't speak stupid.

Side: Pick-a-reply
1 point

My opinion is what you chose to wear express yourself. I wear plain band t-shirts, the only really colorful article of clothing i have is a black t-shirt with a purple print of slipknot and purple skinnies to go with it. I express myself because i like music, music is my life. But i have never got made fun of even though my t-shirts are mostly black with different shades of gray. When someone sees something different they reject it and don't except the difference without a chance to see the reasoning behind the difference.

Side: Pick-a-reply

I just take something out of the closet and wear it for a week. So what if nobody else likes it?

Side: Pick-a-reply
1 point

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Side: Pick-a-reply