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True False
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:23
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 True (6)
 False (4)

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atypican(4873) pic

Atheists and Theists Agree.....

This is from another debate. I am posting it to check and see if anyone, Atheist or Theist, will disagree...


"Immature notions of god imbue individuals with a certainty where curiosity should remain. A mature notion encourages the opposite."


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 5
4 points

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

Albert Einstein

Side: True
3 points

If God was small enough for us to understand Him then He would not be God.

Side: True
nummi(1424) Disputed
1 point

If God was small enough for us to understand Him then He would not be God.

Sounds like you know what God is like even though you've never met the dude. Or is it chunkless?

We have an abstract mind, we can and do come up with, well, nonsense all the time. There're so many fantasy books out there... Could you clarify how exactly we could not understand it? As we do have the capacity, as our minds are not limited by the rules of this existence, as we can come up with notions that contradict our reality.

Side: False
1 point

So then, just so you know, according to that logic... if you claim an understanding of god, your understanding is of someone who truly is not god....

But I am actually wondering if you agree with the OP statement: "Immature notions of god imbue individuals with a certainty where curiosity should remain. A mature notion encourages the opposite."

Side: True
2 points

I think that's true for nearly any subject.

It also reminds me of the quote: "The more you know, the less you know."

Side: True
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