
Debate Info

Yes. You can totally tell. No. It doesn't matter.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Yes. You can totally tell. (5)
 No. It doesn't matter. (2)

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freeknotgeek(30) pic

Body language and wealth

some people feel that you can tell if someone is rich or not by their body language alone. how do you feel? hmm? hmm? hmm?!

Yes. You can totally tell.

Side Score: 7

No. It doesn't matter.

Side Score: 2

I should post some movies of me walking around or something and you guys can play the "Is joe rich or not" game. ;)

Side: Yes. You can totally tell.
1 point

I can already tell by your opinions :P

Side: Yes. You can totally tell.

OK, I'll give you a clue, I walk like an Egyptian but it comes out looking like Steve Martin when he does his "Wild and Crazy Guys" skit. ;)

Side: Yes. You can totally tell.
1 point

Why didn't you post the article? I'm assuming you've seen it, as it was super-recent.

Oh. It won't let you post it in the link field, will it?

Side: Yes. You can totally tell.

I think the wealthy like to utilize their body language to show off their wealth.

Side: Yes. You can totally tell.
1 point

it dosent matter

Side: No. It doesn't matter.
1 point

I read the study. But there's hordes of factors that contribute to a persons non-verbal cues, anything from blood sugar level, to shyness, to abuse, to guilt, to how long it's been since they got laid, etc etc etc.

You would need a huge huge control sample to determine if there's an actual correlation.

At most you could say it's a possible sign of someone's socio-economic status.

If you really want to know if someone has money, just ask a stripper.

That's the only 100% accurate method known to man.

Side: No. It doesn't matter.