
Debate Info

Count Me In! I’m a Son of Abraham
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Count Me In! (1)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Brothers from Mother

I’m starting an anti-Abrahamic League that supports ANY spirituality that is down with preserving Mother Earth for the future of our blessed and responsible children.  Since the Semites have NO PLANS other than creating more and more and desecration of earth - then the Semitic Faiths are enemy’s of Mother and we are well focused on who is friend and foe.

Count Me In!

Side Score: 1

I’m a Son of Abraham

Side Score: 0

It's the old monotheistic notion that the earth and all it's creatures where merely created to benefit man that allowed for the profit driven, use up resources recklessly and shit on the earth until there's nothing left mentality of western society. I have been an atheist for a long time but I always fundamentally disliked the abrahamic religions and sympathized more with paganism.

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