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Hellno(17724) pic

Can Animals be Jerks?


Side Score: 6


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1 point

I'm pretty sure my cat is just a jerk! He meows over and over to go outside and then turns around 5 minutes later and wants back in... nothing ever seems to make the asshole happy!!

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1 point

They have basic human emotions but I suppose you don't need to be an evolutionary masterpiece to spite somebody, in which case it really is taunting you!

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1 point

Hahahhahaha, of course animals can be jerks but i don't think that they can be born a jerk. It's their first 6 months of life that will define the way they act for the rest of their live. Thats my personal opinion.

Camasino team

Side: Yes
1 point

at times they can be. I mostly treat them with respect. if you bother animals then they will bother you too.

Side: Yes

They can be sometimes but if you have one you got to deal with it.

Side: Yes

An animal can be a show-off but animals love us and we should understand.

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