
Debate Info

Yes - the masses No - select few
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yes - the masses (3)
 No - select few (1)

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colinong(130) pic

Can CD provide the true pulse of the masses or just a select few?

I notice only a small percentage of CD members provide well-thought and structured answers.

Yes - the masses

Side Score: 6

No - select few

Side Score: 1
2 points

CD CAN provide the TRUE pulse of the masses, but, a select few are here to offer the "alternate pulse" to a "select few" who will only believe what they want to hear. For instance, the true pulse says there was an honest and TRUE election. The "select few" refuse to believe it, it's not what they WANT to hear so they miss the TRUE PULSE. ;-)

Side: Yes - the masses

For instance, the true pulse says there was an honest and TRUE election. The "select few" refuse to believe it, it's not what they WANT to hear so they miss the TRUE PULSE.

Come on Alofri. You can't fool us. We all know it was a globalist coup sanctioned by the highest levels of the deep state and with the blessing of the fake news media, executed with perfect precision by invisible necromancers who raised an army of the dead and bewitched it into mailing in millions of fraudulent votes.

Do you think we are stupid or something?


Side: Yes - the masses
JeanPalMarat(33) Disputed
1 point

Come on Alofri. You can't fool us. We all know it was a globalist coup sanctioned by the highest levels of the deep state and with the blessing of the fake news media, executed with perfect precision

Then how did they get caught

Side: No - select few
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

One would have to be. ;-)

Side: Yes - the masses
2 points

Can CD provide the true pulse of the masses or just a select few?

Hello c:

Sure.. Lot's can be extrapolated from this site. Lemme see. We got 3 or 4 inarticulate right wing Trump cultists, and we got 4 or 5 sane people.. That's about 60/40, ain't it?

Oh, yeah.. We got 1 Communist too..


Side: Yes - the masses
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