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Can science go too far?


Side Score: 3


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Thank you for posting this great topic:)

Yeap, take cloning for example. Joseph Robalt, nobel prize laurate and well known scientist said: "Cloning is against the basic principles of evolution and diversity. We became human beings because of the change. If we were all the same, we could not create anything new"

Personally i think that cloning and genetical enigineering is non ethical. If we allow people to choose among the fertilized cells they would always choose the healtiest one. Also i think that advancement of neuroscience could have negative imapct on society. If neurologist in future will be able to treat people with mental illneses it would create homogenic society. Imagine that we are all intelligent, unviolent and happy people. Scary as hell....

Science is just a method, it doesn't lead us to any truth, because there really is no truth. There are no facts only interpretations. Truth is moveable army of metaphores which have no correlation with reallity. Science does not explain things it only describes them. Take pencil for example: we created values by which we can say that it has certain weight, shape, colour..... but we do not know anything about the pencil itself. We would only know it if we were the pencil. So scientist is not really explorer, he is rather inventor of the world. Have you ever noticed how things in microuniverse such as atoms strangely corelate with our world their movement, negative and positive pole. It is just prof that we aded meaning to the world around us. world by itself has no meaning, no corelations, nor interference. There is no truth outside of our brain.

"Belief in reality is worst of all evils because it prolongs torment of man" FN

Side: Yes

Yes, remember the Little Albert Experiment?

The goal of science was to learn how to condition a person to be afraid of rats and recondition him again to fight that fear. But in this case, Little Albert has gone insane that he is already trembling in the sight of furry and white objects (e.g blankets and cloths)

And that was not the first and wont be the last

Side: Yes

I'm thinking of Dr. Frankenstein here bringing a dead person back to life.

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