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Debate Score:23
Total Votes:30
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Cell Phones: Good or Bad? Why?


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 9
3 points

THAY ARE SO KEWL I LOVE CELL PHONES,butt my step dad will not let me have a cell phone like I will kill him if he does not let me have 1 saying again 1 cell phone and i`m sereis if he does not let me have a cell I will kill him and sees whos talken and who is the boss and I love cells thay are like soo soo kool so see you on the bus tommow!!!!!!

Side: Good
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

This is the biggest incoherent blab I think I have ever had to read. I am stupider for having read till the end.

Side: Bad
GodIsNotDead(48) Disputed
0 points

Just because they did not spell right, does not prove that cell phones are not good.

Side: Good
2 points

When we are not in touch with friends and family, we can keep in contact with them by calling them.

Side: Good

Cell phones are good in that you can leave home with them and always have a phone with you in case of an emergency.

Side: Good
1 point

because of the mobile phones available in the generation we get more konowledge

Side: Good

Cell phones are used as a contact device. If you need a ride or get lost, you have your phone to contact somebody. If there is an emergency, you would have a phone to call 911 or someone you know.

Cell phones are also good entertainment. If you go to the dentist or have a doctor's appointment, you have to wait to see them. It is boring just sitting around in the waiting room all day. When you have a game on your phone, you won't be bored anymore.

Today, social media is growing faster than it has ever. More people are on their phones and barely ever actually communicate with each other. If you do not have a phone, there is no way you can talk to your friends outside of work or school.

Side: Good

The software is good but with the hardware, if without a phone cover, its very dangerous.

Side: Good
0 points

They connect people from all over the world. You can call someone from almost anywhere in the world and talk to them. It also serves as a great emergency device.

Side: Good
4 points

because of mobiles in today's generation many children... make bad use of the mobiles... they only concentrate on mobiles... earlier there were no mobiles given to the children.. so they made progress... but today's generation is making wrong use of it... and it is also wasting the time of the children to study....

And mobile is also harmful for health and it is proved....

Side: Bad
GodIsNotDead(48) Disputed
0 points

People have to contact other people. How do you think you contact the police? THEY DO IT BY CALLING 911!!!!!!!!!! Many kids get hurt because they do not get phones and do not have access to phones.

Side: Good
2 points

Thre is electromagnetic radiation emmitted by the handsets, which cause a variety of diseases, such as cancer.

Side: Bad
1 point

mobile phones are everything people think about take kids for example. they are addicted to cellphones like bees to a sunflower new games softwares and ratings of the phones. all of this is affecting the minds of the young which impacts the mind so much it does not let the child concentrate on important aspects of his/her life which is academics.

Side: Bad
GodIsNotDead(48) Disputed
0 points

Maybe the child does not care about academics and school. I, for one, think God is the aspect of my life. I am a kid and I have a phone. I am on it a lot but it does not decide what I want in life. Some people have phones just because they want to fit in.

Side: Good