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Check out the new group: Serious Business

What do you guys think about this group?  Good idea?  Bad idea?  Got any suggestions?

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2 points

I created a new group:

I would like this group to be basically the same as the main site, only with less frivolous debates.

Come join if you prefer real debate and don't care so much for the chit-chat type debates.

Side: Join up
1 point

Cool! I have some questions:

How do I join?

How do you make a group?

Edit: Okay I figured out how to join, but I still don't know how to make a group. :(

Side: Join up
2 points

lols, you should have said how to join when you figured it out. Malt liquor and I are proving a poor team in finding it for ourselves.

Side: Join up
2 points

I would like to join. How would one go about that? Or does that I clicked the "join" button so I would be able to post all it takes?

I'm sure you are working it out still. I'm confused myself by the entire idea.

Side: Join up
1 point

Nice logo, is that the keyboard cat? What is the Serious Business community all about? There's only 1 category? What is your mission statement?

Side: Needs Mission Statement
1 point

Hopefully Jess won't mind me answering for him (or as well as him) as I think we had the exact same idea for a group and I didn't want to replicate what had already been made.

Some of the debates on the main CreateDebate community are pretty frivolous; things such as "which is better, dogs or cats?" What I wanted to do (and what I believe Jess also wanted to do) was create a community with a smaller subsection of the Createdebate community where more serious debate was encouraged.

This way there is a place where we can debate important and often "lively" topics without the interruption of some of our, shall we say, less serious members.

I'm hoping to take full advantage of the feedback functionality you've provided to give people clear and concise feedback on their arguments to encourage a higher level of argument quality. If (as I've understood it) you them make the feedback functionality a part of the actual CreateDebate main site, I'd love to use that to help people improve their debate style and be eligable to take part in the serious business section of the site. It gives people aspiration without allowing their initial progress to stall the quality of debate.

Also, I was bored so took the logo Jess put up (the serious business cat) and put it along side the create debate logo, just to give it a (albeit slightly) more professional look. I hope he doesn't mind my medling; it's just that I'm pretty enthusiastic about the changes you guys have made and want to try and help to push them as far as possible.

Side: Needs Mission Statement
1 point

Yes, xaeon has nicely stated my intent in creating the group.

And the cat isn't keyboard cat, it's serious cat.

I figure one category is fine for now, we can add more later if we decide to.

Side: Needs Mission Statement
1 point

hey, how do you get the create debate logo to be part of the community logo? Like the one he has ..

Side: Needs Mission Statement
2 points

xaeon made it with Photoshop (I assume). ................

Side: Needs Mission Statement

I'm hoping we do not have to join in order to participate. I've also been invited to create a group but don't think I'll be doing that. I would, however, still enjoy participating in those debates I find interesting. Is that a problem or?

Side: Needs Mission Statement
1 point

Whenever you try to vote on or post an argument to the community, you'll get a popup asking you to join. You just type in your username and password, and bam, you've joined.

If you need the link it's

Is there any particular reason you don't want to join?

Side: Needs Mission Statement

I just feel a bit overwhelmed by the concept I think. I feel a sense of responsibility that I'm not certain I wish to devote by creating or joining a group of any kind. I think I simply need to digest all this first to see if I'm comfprtable with it. I did have an idea for a group of my own called "Kukla's Psych Den" but I have no idea how it would go over here. What do you think, Jess?

Side: Needs Mission Statement