
Debate Info

Cheese Pizza Pepperoni Pizza
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:20
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 Cheese Pizza (2)
 Pepperoni Pizza (7)

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ZaneMinecraf(15) pic

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Cheese Pizza vs Pepperoni Pizza

Cheese Pizza

Side Score: 2

Pepperoni Pizza

Side Score: 15
Winning Side!
0 points

I love cheese pizza better. I will eat peperoni if I have to, but I prefer cheese.

Side: Cheese Pizza
0 points

Cheese pizza because its a lot better then pepperoni and its not that good pepperoni

Side: Cheese Pizza
4 points

I like the pep because its so beater because it is sort of peppery and gives the cheese a boost of flavor

Side: Pepperoni Pizza
3 points

I like all kinds of pizza but I do like pepperoni better because it has more flavor than just cheese. I'm not saying that I don't like cheese pizza I just lik pepperoni better.

Side: Pepperoni Pizza
2 points

Pepperoni is way better it adds more flavor to regular cheese, and don't get the ring idea I still like cheese but it doesn't come near the awesome taste of peperoni

Side: Pepperoni Pizza
2 points

Pepperoni taste way better than Cheese because it taste amazing and it already has cheese on it

Side: Pepperoni Pizza

I prefer sausage over pepperoni, but I prefer pepperoni over cheese. And since you can just take the pepperoni off, it's fine for sharing with vegetarians too.

Side: Pepperoni Pizza

I hate cheese because its sort of blan to me and if you want to add points to this

Side: Pepperoni Pizza
1 point

When I was younger I loved the hell out of some cheese pizza, but as I got older the main staple is pepperoni.

Side: Pepperoni Pizza