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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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Challenge Debate: Christianity: Does Now A Saint truly understand What it means to be a Chirstan?



Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
2 points

First off i agree with that have said i am all for politically incorrect people and i am all for removing sin from ones life and not compromising with what you believe in. I am not trying to elevate my self above you by saying i am a good Christian, because thats a tad bit prideful. However, i do not like how when you "preach to the people on this website that you do it out of arrogance and elevate yourself above everything and claim to not be affected by world things. you are a sinner just as all of man kind ever since Adam and eve you are no different than me or anyone else on this website, so instead of being hypocritical why dont you take a dose of this thing called humbleness. I debating this website i realize not everyone is christian and that i probably cannot change there arguments because they are as stubborn as an ox. Therefore, i keep my Christian values in mind when forming arguments and stay true to my beliefs when debating, but i dont force others against there will to do so also. Christians must be within the community, but with God. Lastly answering your question. yes i can say with 100% certainty i am sinner redeemed by christ and i am going the heaven and the new earth when i die. Ps. not trying to attack you because you are a Christian i think that we should try to be more humble and correct each other and i put you down as an enemy because you bully people in debates snd im not a fan of that

Side: No
1 point

One statement is all you get here. You think you are the best kind of Christian, and everybody who agrees with you on style and methods is a good Christian. As far as I know, you are not born of the Spirit of God as all I see from you is politics and dislike of my politically incorrect style of witnessing, preaching, rebuking sin, presenting the gospel and speaking the truth. Your criticisms are common, I've heard them a thousand times from people like you who probably tolerate all kinds of sin in your own life and the lives of people around you......a worldly Christian who works harder at getting along in the world and avoiding persecution which is promised to all who live godly in Christ. You are on the side of the persecutors. You make yourself my enemy because friendship with the world is enmity with God. You're on the wrong side regarding me and I can't help but doubt that you are even saved.

Let me ask you this, I will read your reply but I will not reply or comment here again. If your time in this world is finalized and done today, are you 100 percent sure your sins are forgiven and you will be with Jesus in Heaven the moment you leave this world? If yes, how do you know and when did you first come to know, and if no, then you need to find out.

Side: Yes