
Debate Info

Yes, i think it's fair No, i don't think it's fair
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes, i think it's fair (2)
 No, i don't think it's fair (3)

Debate Creator

Ulbrichsen(5) pic


Do you think it's fair that prisoners in Danmark gets free dentist?

Yes, i think it's fair

Side Score: 2

No, i don't think it's fair

Side Score: 4
1 point

How should they pay for it otherwise? Why not remove healthcare entirely?

Just because they are in prison, it doesn't mean they should have to surrender all of their civil rights and be treated inhumanely. Prison should have focus on rehabilitation and helping them become better people and function members of society, removing their access to healthcare isn't going to help them achieve this.

Side: Yes, i think it's fair
1 point

No, because it should not be like a nice hotel.

there should be strengt rules and no dentist.

it should be like going to jail in Russia where there are no mercy.

Side: No, i don't think it's fair
1 point

If you think jail is a nice hotel, you are obviously stupid.

It is in the danish constitution that everybody has the right to medical care.

Side: Yes, i think it's fair

I really don't see how dental care is some sort of luxury criminals should be denied.

Unlike many other places in the world, Denmark realized that criminals usually have a reason why they do what they do. Abusive homes, rape and many other things like this will higher your risk of becoming a criminal.

Instead of stepping on the one's who are already down, we decided to help the criminals to get a better life when they are done serving their time. They get an education while in there, therapy and medical as well as dental care. Because why will rotten teeth teach you a lesson?

Of the criminals in the US that have gotten a prison sentence, 52% of them get a second one. In Denmark the number is between 27-28%.

Side: No, i don't think it's fair
2 points

Its commendable that your country realizes and accepts that theres a reason behind criminal actions.

It should be obvious, but its something that continuously gets ignored in a lot of other countries, the US included to a large degree.

Reduction of crime starts with prevention; understanding what causes certain behaviors and actually addressing those issues in the community. It ends with rehabilitation; for instances where prevention didn't work effectively enough, the person ought to be afforded a chance to redeem theirself instead of being the target of vengeance and example setting.

Side: No, i don't think it's fair
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I agree but I think you posted on the wrong side.

Side: Yes, i think it's fair
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I always do this !

Side: Yes, i think it's fair