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Debate Score:19
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 Crips and Bloods (17)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Crips and Bloods

Will any type of gun control affect the actions of these gangs ? 
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2 points

Yes the type is called actual.

Actual gun control has worked in many countries successfully for decades. :)

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Do tell how gun control will affect gangs and gang violence committed by guns.

1 point

Because gun control means their guns will be under control as well.

But I think you're referring to gun control laws, but not simply gun control, which in that case, gangs' guns will be unaffected, y'know, unless Obama initiates his helicopters with giant magnets idea.

1 point

that is some bs gangs will get guns even if they are illegal

1 point

Boobs, definitely boobs. Wait....what are the options again?

They can still get the guns illegally, they break rules for a reason

1 point

Yes, these gangs will have their weapons no matter what and they will be more aggressive if they know that everyone else around them isn't armed.