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 Democrats Stage Sit -In On Gun Control (3)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Democrats Stage Sit -In On Gun Control

WASHINGTON — Dozens of House Democrats on Wednesday staged a sit-in on the floor of the House chamber to demand that the Republican majority hold a vote on a gun-control measure before a week long recess for Independence Day. “We stand for those who do not see this day, whose days were taken from them in an instant, by weapons of violence,” Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat, said in his speech, his colleagues gathered around him.One of those sought to restrict gun sales to people on the government’s terrorism watch list, while the second would expand and toughen background checks for gun buyers.
What expansion of background checks do the Progressives need ? Have the Progressives explained what this expansion of background checks is ? Why is it Americans should have to deal with ignorant gun control proposed by Progressives because an "Islamic Terrorist" shot up a Gay Bar ? 
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I'm sure it does explain if you actually read the fucking bill and not just news headlines ABOUT the bill. But since you're incapable of doing so I'll sumarize. One bill seeks to institute No Fly No Buy. It seeks to prevent sales of guns to people being investigated for terrorism or who are on no fly or terrorist watch lists. That's it. Simple.

The other expands background checks to online and private gun sales trying to get rid of the thousands of gun sales anually that don't have background checks at all. Its trying to collect what's known as the Gun show Loophole. That's it. Just expanding background checks to all gun purchases instead of just some, and making sure that people investigated for terrorism cant buy guns. That's it. No gun bans. No repeal of the 2nd amendment. No gun confiscation.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Where is the expansion of background checks being explained by Progressives ? Can you explain it ?

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Right now there are guns being sold without any background checks. Certain online sales, gunshow sales, and private sales between individuals have no background checks at all. The new bills would do away with the loopholes that allow those things to happen. They would mandate that any sale of a gun in any situation requires a background check of the buyer. very simple