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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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Chinaman(3570) pic

Democrats are all about the women

Only problem the Democrats have is they do not support Muslim women in Muslim countries.
Now can they explain their reasoning behind their hypocrisy. 
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2 points

Democrats have the small fish bowl effect when it comes to their hypocrisy on women.

JamesDD(11) Disputed
0 points

You've written thirteen comments in the last three hours without getting a reply from another living soul. You lonely, obsessive moron.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Democrats are in support of Muslim women in Muslim countries.

1 point

And the women realize now??? :-)

Live the democrats out of this, there's no wrong in what they chose to do, if it were, there would have been an amendment, to undo their so called "hypocrisy", so, you need only to make them aware, and not just complain about it, after all, I believe freedom is a choice, it is kept only by maintaining dignity, which sometime leads towards light of losing innocent lives, possible from people I call "Fools whose brain are connected to their stomachs.".

so do your research, state your argument or belief in harmonious means, if they choose to be stubborn, then live the country, it doesn't support your full potential. :-)