
Debate Info

SCOTUS The Damn Democrats
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 The Damn Democrats (3)

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excon(18262) pic

Did Democrats FORCE the states to accept gay marriage, or was it the Supreme Court?


Side Score: 2

The Damn Democrats

Side Score: 4
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2 points

The supreme court will vote on daddies marrying their daughters next. The progressives will say "shhhh...just let it happen."

Side: The Damn Democrats

Yes, the Democrat Party has helped pushed through many law suits to push their LGBTQRSUVWXYZ agendas.

The Supreme court only decides issues that are brought before them!

You can not be that ignorant, can you?

Side: The Damn Democrats
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Yes, the Democrat Party has helped pushed through many law suits to push their LGBTQRSUVWXYZ agendas.

The Supreme court only decides issues that are brought before them!

You can not be that ignorant, can you?

Hello again, From:

You appear to be saying that because the Democrats brought suit, the Supreme Court was FORCED to agree with them.

You can't be that ignorant, can you??


FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

If the Democrat Party did not create lawsuits, there would have been no forcing every State to change their marriage laws!

It's that simple. The court has activist Justices thanks to the Democrat Party, otherwise State right's would have easily passed.

Side: The Damn Democrats